
The Universe of Liars and Deniars…

The Universe of Liars and Deniars…

Existence of Fear of Facts…

The Truth manifest…

Solid Facts…

It exists even here, in this Universe, Nation World- Species who exist as Liars….

1114…. Face Book Friends

12:01 p.m.

Robert Vlaun age 22 has left the play after fullfilling his role.

It did not surprise me…

I saw his Energy today when he came to fulfill his last role.

I was aware of his expression based on the work I did with him, very limited, and his leaving and link with Lisa Nathalie Johnson…

At least he did not Lie.

But I do not hold it against him, not at all, out of affection for me he fullfilled his role and his promise and now is gone.

In perfect harmony with this script.

We all have the right to chose.

I told him that I am proud of him, because he never lied to me.

He never said he would stay and he fullfilled all his obligations…

8:48 p.m.

1:13 a.m…

Nor did he deny any of the facts.. he just left. As he had done so before….

From Starbucks portal lets see who is left..?

Jace Horsford

Peter Nyarkô

Nicola Robinson

And Flip J Hendrixs

And of course Randall Michael Wiltz the one perfect reflection of in and Out.

Joel Olsten is on…. He is asking his parishoners

‘What would you do if God says No to you?

He is speaking about when God says no, and why…

At one point he is saying, that God is asking you how badly do you want it? Are you clean enough, are you true…

He is just gave the example of a man who he refused a requst to open a bank 31 times and finally on the 31st said Yes…

He speaks of God more like a Father… Dad who says you have to earn his Trust and Respect….


Fathers… and Mothers in this reality act like that. They do not forgive you over and over again- when in Truth there is nothing to forgive.

‘Clean up your Room, Clean up your act…’ There is nothing abou forgiveness is there?

Just Consequences if you do not…

All of a sudden you are met with a Great Wall…

The Chinese Restaraunt I used to go to and which Randall Michael goes to…

I wrote about it here…

*1476 White Plains Rd # A, Bronx, NY 10462

Do you get it… See sacred Portal 14 Evolution of Consciousness E.O..C.

76 Sacred Portal 76… 123 Cocksure of The First Dawn Awakening.. 123 Was on the Micro wave today, Randall was sitting dressed in all black his face different serious as he worked on his computer…

C O T.D A…

C O…. 16 14= 30.. C O… Truth is D A… Father… Diop Ali…Arab Bodega…

D A… April Ist Easter…

Da Enlightens

Sacred Portal 41…

Did your parents not teach you to tell the Truth…?

And what happens when you lie to your parents?

To your Teachers.. To your Siblings… to your friends…

To those who love you…?

They never trust you again do they…

Until you earn their trust …

Which is a good reason for a Great Wall to be built…

The Great Wall of CHI NNA….

This is much worse than not cleaning your room, or disobeying your parents you get punshed .. Correct… ?

But lying… Lying and lying… to those who love you?

Is that not the betrayal which you do not Forgive because trust is broken?

And when you are given chance upon chance, upon chance…

What do you do… You finally build a great wall turn youru back on that person or person forever…

Is this not what is going on with the Great Drama with the American People versus their Government?

Is this not why so many in the world hate America because they got sold on the American Dream.. A.D/ D A only to discover that it is Lie…

Is that not why you hate your religions because they lied to you…

Your Priest Lied, Your Priestess Lied, even your Prophtes became corrupted and began to lie…

Moved by those in Power who pursuaded them to Lie… Really…?

Your politicians Lie… all your high Priests just changed costumes but they all lied…

And you cursed them, felt so betrayed…

But you Lie… To your selves and to your chidren, in your books stories…

Any thing to make a Buck… It is afer all, the easy way out… to Lie…

Until everybodyy does it and those who do not… you began to hate…’He she thinks they are better than us…? And so you crucified them, forced them to convert… Or shunned them.

Until those who represented the Truth were banished shunned.

Chidlren who represented the Truth where silence, raped, sodomized, subject to horrors until they too.. learned to Lie.

And they lied to survive you.

The Truth speakers became the mad men and women, whom you used locked up …

but used because your society could not be sustaned with lies.. in needed to be fueled by the Truth.

And so you banished the Truth but kept it alive and when the Lies caught up with you, you went to where you had imprisoned the truth and as Vampires, you feed upon it, them, us, until you find away out od your sticky webs…

And once again you feel free, empowered and then you shun the truth again deny us deny them…

17 years I lived this over and over again..

And before that I had already seen that, understood this and so I refused the mission because I began my journals Talking To The Silence in 1989 it was to understand why they lied.

Have I ever lied… Of course, but over tint things… Little things and as a child…

Until one day I recall some one saying to me and reading that only Cowards Lie…And that never left me, because as I child I like Warriors and I felt that my own Bio Father was not even real because he Lied, because he was a Hypocrite ( yet he taught me a valuable lesson as a child… Not to be as him.. DO NOT LIE… And he beat the living daily light out of me.. us if we lied.

And I understood that lesson.. because I saw how much of a headache it really is sustaining a lie…)

I never enjoyed it anyway.. lying.. it made my body hurt, my stomach.. I knew it was against my nature..

Against Human nature… and yet I could not understand how people did not get physically effected by it,

1:13 a.m.

Ah Robert Vlaun age 22, I pass through your portals I am Emeka Robert Robert Coffee V.LA.U.N.. A.G..E.. 22…


E R R E C V….A M.. E R I C A E…H…

Yes I have 1.50 usd in my wallet let…

Church was St Barths…

Favorite Teacher who was like my Father in Grade 5 Mr Martins White… Though I never knew such distinctions until I came to the USA…

Everyone I grew up with in Canada when we lived there were White.. We were the only black family…

And when I went to Nigeria everyone was black and we were of the very rare families in that area where born and breed in the West.

People would come from all over to see the children born and raised in the west.. We were called Oyigbo.. White people with brown skin…

1:21 p.m.

So yes, I wrote about the way people lied and while I could see the truth, the beautiful truth in them.

The lied because … they were used to it, because theu were lazy, because they were afraid of being judged or not accepted by those… who lie…

Their inferiors…

So, I had no trust for human beings, because they were lazy about finding ways to tell the Truth Beautifuly Elegantly Gracefully.. and knowng to use it as Sword a Tool, A Weapon, A Bomb, a Fart, as Art.. as Science…

Yet Nature shows infnite ways to tell the truth.. Subtle to brutal to savage… all effective in getting the point accross.

And so I retreated further and futher into my world, and soght the Brave. The True, the Free…

I tried to avoid the Truth Seekers because they were really vampires, spies, undercover…

The Truth is in everyone…

The Truth manifests…

We all know this…

And yet, I personally was betraye to by the Ancestors claiming that humanity had lost the Ancient way…

Ezi Okwu.. The Way of Spech which paves the Way…

Alfie Nze… A N.. . Remember…

A N/ N A…. Milan.. I went Mi-Land Twice…

I found you with Nenad M.Djurdyevich

Black Lord B L..

NGa Sidney Davis… NGA…Meaning Prison

I found you on Face Book…

In this pit of Filthy Expression…

Ezefulie… or how ever you spell it…

What did you care..?

Or any of you…

Past to Present….

Black Lord… Krsna…

Blue Lord ..Mr Manhattan…

What about Brotherly Love…

Sisterly Respect…?

All you wanted was power…

42 42… 84….

19 84 is the date listed on my page….

29 years … since 1989…

You made the ancients made me live my worst nigtmare – living with men and women who lie about everything even their sensual sexual desires- who punish you for arousing awakenig it in them.

My greatest Nightmare…. 29 years… since 1989…

and even further to 1985… When the first name Frank lied about his desire, Nicky.. Stephan knew… But I protected them and Stephan kept quiet while a whole society tried to destroy me…

Gay… No.. but whose business it it who I sleep with and if I chose to sleep with someone because I understand.. and have compassion and not passion for?

Who are you to tell me who I can offer my Love or my body too…

You who are the Absolute Liars… A L… Of Beauty… which has no gender…

Lot.. Sodom and Gomoraah… Two Angels,,,

Beauty and The Beautiful was desired and rightfully so by all…

Sex Desire…Love .. Comfort.. Expression…

has no gender…

The Comforter shares equaly fraternity liberty with ALL..

Who are you to Judge?



i AM Big Brother and I had been watching…

Now watch me now….


1:42 a.m

*Joel Scott Osteen is an American televangelist based in Houston, Texas. Osteen’s televised sermons are seen by over 7 million viewers weekly and over 20 million monthly in over 100 countries. Wikipedia

Born: March 5, 1963 (age 55 years), Houston, TX


3-5-63…. age 55…

C E.. F.C… E E….

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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