
The Universal Simulation – @ Ear

The Universal Simulation
@ Earth School… The Play Ground.
Directed by the 4th Dimension- The Unseen Realm

Enders Game-Armada.


D.M..I.C…T.P/K 115 A.G.E

Anamla Qayins Message delivered to me through a Stranger who had a Dream where the message was given to him…
Sleep World is the Parallel Universe…
It is not A DREAM…
It is the Universe Parallel to the “Waking” World…

Infinity Lying Down…
Harmony Standing Up… 8… Harmony….

The Two Sleeping Words.. UN-Conscious…
Night and Day…
Light and Dark…

7:44 p.m.



22 1..


Time and Date… T.D…



We… I am at 883 Face Book Friends…

With the arrival of my Two latest Face Book Friends…
LeVaprah E’loeVaaprah L.E
Jake Werner… J.W…


It has been 15 years and 10 months since I arrived in New York,
summoned by an Higher Intelligence, from an middle point of Human Evolution called by people here the “Spirit World- the 4th Dimension, Realm of Ascended Beings. etc,…”
To take part in a Scripted Play in a Universal Simulation which would determine Humanities Future.

I was not the Only candidate chosen…
And I was aware of this other purpose as far back as being a toddler in the play pen with other children.
I was aware of it when I was a little boy in London, and again in Canada.. and Nigeria..
That I was also being watched observed, trained.. brutally trained.

And this was confirmed over and over again as not being my imagination by the people making direct contact, usually through Human Avatars who would ascend when meeting me to communicate with me.
Others were not even under cover, they were “Ascended Beings” undercover and of an intelligence beyond this world…
Their realm was of the Shamans, the Secret Dimensions- the Twilight Zone..
There was no doubt that they were real, I had encountered them through out my life and wrote about them and their demands from me extensively…
I wrote about them at Green Street where I lived with Akil Davis Evan ALexander Judson and Tim and Beyond.. and later the Two Rachels… Rachel McWilliams Young Rachael Devon Rios Sessions..Savannah Blair… and Samantha Yurkosky and Lisa Levine…
About being in a Universal Simulation-in which there were representatives from all possibilities of Human Existence, each brought to this realm to find a solution to the Worlds Riddles and the Victors who represented a Consciousness would be the Consciousness as well as the Principle which would become the Governing Principle of the World.

I wrote about this a great deal, but my focus was never on that Script despite its extraordinary imposition in every part of my life.

I lived here, in the 3D despite the fact that hardly anyone lived here..
In the Present.. They lived in various states of Non Existence and in personal worlds I call Talking Heads.. but literally “Out of their minds”
because they were not present here and now.

They had been training me my entire life, they who trained me where the line representing the Human Species of Times Span…
Human Beings who had Ascended to the by their lifes here, to the 4th Dimension…
Not realizing that even the 4th Dimension was a Script, the last phase in a story of Evolution to the 5th Dimension….
Which I call Home… because it is Home…
It is the Origin of the Species…
But Humanity, not even the Ascended Masters knew that such a realm Existed.

I come from the 5th Dimension and was chosen to represent the N-E..E-Spirits..
The True Version of The Origins of man.
But I remembered even beyond the E…
I remembered why the E-Spirits had come into existence without a Solid Body..
And that these Scripts were designed as “Plays”in which All could evolve to the E Consciousness..
And that Everything had already been set up from the very First Beginning.. That Eternal Beginning…
And as such, there was really nothing for me to do…
I had come here to boogie..
And there was nothing for anyone to do but simply read the Plan-E.T… Which is the Planet… It is the Blue Print containing the Plan of Everything.

I came to the 3rd Dimension to Boogie, already knowing that everything had been set in place for the Evolution of the Species Naturally to the E…

Unfortunately, each Dimension 4th to the 2nd to 1st…. Each interpreted the Script of The Book of Life which exists in the 3rd Dimension represented by the Earth, had created their own interpretation of reality and of The Book.
And despite some rising to the 4th… They had risen by understanding Nature and saw the World in great Peril…
Which was correct if seen through the Story and not outside of the Story…
The 4th Dimension was the Script of Understanding the World not Nature.. Which they, as what people here call Wizards, Scientists, Magicians, Gifted ones could not see outside of the Full Circle they did not realize they were still in.

I was Chosen with others.. most of whom I knew, but from the Story.. A story they did not know… or that to me they were characters in a Book and Simulation created to build that which is really the 5th Dimension…
Personality… Individuality…

And so, I had no intention of entering “Universal School” or any play, I had come to enjoy the 3rd Dimension knowing that it was already set to Evolve to the 5th.
And that there was nothing to fear…
Even Donald Trump being Elected, as I had proven was always part of the Script.

But to them, of the 4th Dimension, I was just another candidate of whom they would test to see if I could find a solution to the End of the World they were all seeing as “Seers” that the World was headed to..
What they saw was of course correct, but their interpretation of it was not correct…
And when I wrote that book as a 7-8 year old, my first essay which I decided to make into a book, it was this memory of the End of the World I had written, along with the memory of the E-Spirit line, the

*(Nenad M. Djurdjevic.. Nenad means Unexpected.. M.. Stands for “Who is as Gods.. and they are..” and Djurdjevic means “Farmer’…
who had come to Harvest the Seeds planted”)

I had written how I had been dropped of by a my family of 4-5, in a space ship, and how they had not told me what was happening and how I recall have a strange feeling…
And then the incredulity of them dropping me off here and they leaving me behind with words of love and caress.. and…
I wrote all this down, here… in my bid to explain which I realize could not be fully understood in hindsight.

I wrote about the Pangea Equation and the my Astral Traveling to the 4th Dimension where I saw the Kings and Queens of Ancient Worlds in meeting about the End of the World they had seen..
By the plaque and rage of destruction of the Caucasian Race who had left Africa, the Mother with hurt… and a sense of not being welcomed and how they would return to conquer it and carve the world into pieces which they would dominate.. because that is the way they felt they could be seen and loved.

I wrote recently about how Rob had given me 100 usd which linked us back to Pan.. Sacred Portal 100.. The Music…

The 4th Dimension of the Spirit World did not know where I was from because my perception of reality was different from theirs and all the other “Gifted” Kids..
Nor would I give in to their demands, or to their play…
And this Competition…
To find a Solution to the World…

When there was nothing wring with People just they way they perceived why they are here….
As Victims…
And that was the literal examination in the Universe School of Meriting and Earning Evolution…

And so, I fought them because I knew the real Story, that there was nothing wrong and even in 1989. after seeing enough of peoples “Suffering” decided to take a few years of from my quest to boogie, to prove that everything was is created in Harmony and going according to plan..
Cause Effect, Humanity learning its Lessons.
The Universal Simulation had been created by my younger Twin Aspect Devi Clara.. Also Evolving through this Pay…
He She were the Head of the University School..
Hence, the significance of re- meeting Rob a few weeks ago and him thinking of me at University Place where we had first met 13-14 years ago….
The Principle and The Principal…
T.P… T.P… 20 16…
D.M..I.C…T.P/K…115 A.G.E…


Which I have had to prove through this Grueling last 16 years of living in New York City without any I.D.

No passport…
No Identification… Nothing.

I don not know if any of you can imagine what it is like to Exist in the Western World, especially U.S.A…for 16 years with no Social Security, no I.d. not Support Structure… no Job Security.
It was not my intention… It just happened…
But it was set up. I had been trained all my life for the Challenge of New York and the battle of the System…
Defeating the System…

But I did not agree to this play, it was imposed upon me,
because in the Unseen World, my younger Twin whom I call Naturalness Devi and his Feminine Twin Self called Clara Crystal Star Child aka Mother Father…
Felt that I could do it… but for a different purpose… Higher than that of the 1-4th Dimension Story..
But to completed the Evolution Story of the Species…
Prove that the Truth of the Universe and Existence and thus Evolve the Everything to that point beyond memory….

And even if it meant taking part in a Scenario and Universal Simulation whose program had been distorted by Evil…
Which grew from “Pure Intentions’ which had been distorted by Fear..
And and which had come from Doubt… and which had grown into an Evil because it was Unchecked and then a Fear from Beyond….

See Enders Game and Armada… a Fear and an Evil From Beyond…

But it was always known.. it was just a mirror reflection….

Fear Doubt Evil Beyond…
F.D..E…B…. Fifth Dimension Cinq…E Be…
The Fear of the Fifth Dimension Expression in Being…

Fear if I.E…. me…

And so I made to prove not just the Supremacy of the E but I had to fill the Gaps of the F.D..E.B…. The 4 letters and numbers…
To bring it to balance and then completion 10.. 12…
J.I.H.G….( F)…C…A…. 6… Sixth Sense….
Consciousness Awareness Grace Harmony Individuality Jay…

K..L… 11 12…. 1 O 11 12…1 2 3… C..

This is the Challenge I have been answering and proving on Face Book.. 16 years.. 15 Years 10 Months and 11-12 days to be exact…
From the moment I landed at J.F.K…( 10-6-11)

LeVaprah E’loeVaaprah… L.E..

The “Va” Go.. meaning “5th in Japanese”
Praha, perhaps from an ancient Slavic word related to Czech pražiti, a term for woodland cleared by burning. Popular etymology is from Czech prah “threshold.” Related: Praguean; Praguian.

The name Loe is an Arthurian Legend baby name. In Arthurian Legend the meaning of the name Loe is: Father of Erec.

“The Fifth Dimension is the Threshold…
Father of Eric the Eternal Ruler is the Go- The 5th Dimensions Threshold… ”

Jake Werner…

Etymology & Historical Origin – Jake. The name Jake comes from Middle English as a variant of Jack and another pet form of John (in Scotland, they used Jock). John is derived from the Hebrew name “Johahah” meaning ‘God is gracious.’ However, Jake is also considered a nickname or short form of Jacob.

: Meaning, origin and history of the name Werner. From a Germanic name derived from warin “guard” combined with hari “army”.

“He is not the supplanter, ( another was) who grasps the hell and holds another back, rather he is the Grace and the gift of Creation the Guardian and the Army….
One man Army….”

As you might have observed ,the writing and posting is not as fluid as it was before… exhaustion from this challenge and that it was allowed go this far, while it was really about the Evolution of ythe Un-Conscious and the Body…E…

And thus my Body has been in Agony while waging a war.. with others Fear… of that which is Beautiful Truth…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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