
The Ultimate Confession… I Cee…

6/21/12  4:50pm
The Ultimate Confession… I Cee other beings, literally the Energetic Beings of man’s highest potential sitting along side and within every man and woman. I see them and access them through frequency and alignment recognition codes. Some call them Gods, the Supreme Selves, the Super self… I simply call them the Family. For me, it is the family of Energy already in existence which resides in each human, waiting for its true name to be called.
I literally see energetic beings residing in their human hosts. I recognize them, remember them and they remember me. This family of Energy seated on the thrones of each soul is the highest potential which exists in all human beings. They are more real than anything in this reality consciousness, because they have always been here, waiting for human beings to access them, to prove them into existence. And why is it so important to prove them and bring them forth into existence? It is because they are the real you. The hosts prancing around the world in masks, asleep within a dream or a nightmare, is the illusion of you, a false you.
This is my greatest confession and open secret. Some who have met me already know; there is a family seated that I have fought for years…learning the codes and keys to get human beings to acknowledge, appreciate and merge with these, their same, higher selves.
This is not Hollywood, this is 4 real… I have always seen them.  Why do you think I would go so far, to bring alive the apex human being? You are each sitting in incubation as in a matrix, and I help bring awareness into your consciousness, linking and aligning both the illusion of you and the true, beautiful you.
Over a year ago, my research came to a beautiful conclusion. My subconscious self had dictated my contribution…my part of this evolving story: that human beings can literally draw forth matter and energy. I noticed how my own years of isolation were necessary for me to sustain and refine my own frequency. I encountered many great trials where I had to master my own desires and emotions. In these efforts, I could change whatever situation caused me discomfort, alchemically transform it by using my third eye and common sense to understand the true meaning of that “play.” As I traveled the world, working undercover in various fields, I saw more and more the links and the lessons of each connection I made. I could literally see the people I was connected to. Most times this happened without any force or control exerted by me.
The outcome was finding myself in Bruce Lee’s “Enter the Dragon” as well as a house of Tarot; each person was a reflection of my own personal story, and a part of the cleansing process I witnessed in each through connecting and conversing with these people. When they opened up their hearts or came out from undercover I noticed that I was drawn forth to the next “play.” Now the isolation and solitude, though not cumbersome, was becoming stifling. “I came here to boogie,” I would grumble,  “not to be in Universal Invisible school aligning all human stories and human interactions with my own life story…come to think of it, I realized my life story was not even my own. The whole thing was set up. I would meet people and call them the family, because I already new the basic outlines of their stories. I could even calculate the names of the people I would be meeting next, based on my linking the patterns the universe and my isolation allowed me to see and unravel.
All the people I was meeting had my story, had a link in a universal story and I saw how we were all set up, even before we were born, to take part in this great play…the great set up. Nothing was real, but ourselves; we were in a spaceship, a Hologram star trek. Here we experience various plays to universally correct and align ourselves and our realities before leaving it, the set up. Whether we like it or not, we were all brought here to help solve the riddles which entangle us all.
I was appalled, startled…and full of wonder. But my life was rolling by…my mother, my greatest ally…my sisters…my life…all were rolling by. This occurred while learning about this energy, and how each of us are connected and magnetically drawn to those helping us solve the riddles of our own past, to cleanse and purify our perspectives and thoughts about events in the past. Yet even after getting that Masters Degree, we are still magnetically drawn to also solve the equations of world’s problems. Not through a great platform of world affairs, but through nuclear reactions with each other. The great play of solving humanity’s riddles, bringing forth alignment was not as most people figured it would be, grandoise and televised…. It was contained and linked by people present in your lives. I noted each person represented a dimension of thought, a perception or a certain equation of how creation literally was formed. Some people represented granite, soil, rain, trees, drift wood, each person I saw was a representative of a consciousness of creation. And each was not limited by these roles; one could move freely up the evolutionary ladder to embody any consciousness, most times without being aware of it.
But I was aware, because of my life being a journey where I was forced to live in my mind, and not in the world, very aware that I was in some kind of invisible university doing a thesis…. studying, and as a human being, impatient with what all this studying would lead me to…what goal or point did it serve? This continued until one year ago, when I down loaded from my mind, heart and sol the summations of my thesis of Resonance, Reverberation, Echo, and others papers, five of them, and the seven and eighth becoming the The True Conversation Between Atom and Energy concerning how everything was brought into manifestation through a conversation on the correct frequency, vibration and channel… and how it fought the illusion of chaos.
Since 2011, I have witnessed this privately, with the universe providing certain people to serve as witnesses to the process, trustees of the silent university I had been enrolled in, unknowingly and without my permission. I noticed that these people, like hosts, were not even aware at times, until I pointed it out; then often as they saw the truth of it, would feel indignant about being used… “Tell me about it,” I would sigh…I have been aware of being trapped in school and a play since my journals were discovered in Paris and I re-read them and saw the truth. These people were like a board reviewing the evidence for which what my un conscious (obviously very conscious and aware, much more than myself until I began to catch on…) had made me find evidence and proof.
This related condition of my body is not natural, and of course I know the cure, I spent years figuring that one out. The cure… it may sound wow! but the cure is to finish the mission, finish my thesis and prove it into existence, and even into this lowest of consciousness by aligning it in every language and expression, every dimension and plane of existence until they are all aligned. This will form a straight line of vision, a beam of light which enables every single person to see and understand it, as well as link it and, most of all, find safety, so they will not go into fear or heart attacks… finally proving to humanity, the reps sent by the universe to check me, that we as a species are ready to evolve.
Yep dear folks, my secret is out. I really see Energy, (not dead people.) I can literally communicate with the highest frequency in people, draw it out in others and speak to them at this frequency. I have always seen the true Energy in people, but people did not realize that it was literal, that there is literally another person, themselves, but as their truest self, existing with the many, many other layers of self as well as the one ‘cast’ in the grand play that they present the world. For me, none of the fragmented people are real; there are only three aspects of the persons I recognize. First, the human anchor who exists in its natural state; second, the spirit messenger in people who relays messages to me (knowingly and often unknowingly) and, third, my true family member: the beautiful being sitting deep within the throne on the seat of the soul. I see them each clearly.  But it is a great battle to get the ego, diseased by fear, corruption etc… to release my E(nergy) family in the person so I could have a conversation with them, enabling me to understand what was expected of me next.
Anyway, ladies and gentleman this is what has been happening, since 2011, I have been proving to a panel of judges through eight moves, moving eight times into different people’s homes who offered me conditional berth…while I knew I was there because I had to pass through one of the higher family’s frequency and portal with my evidence. If my evidence satisfied the E family member residing in the host, and I proved a good guest and supplied information in this reality which helped the human host feel comfortable enough to allow me access to his or her higher self, then I could pass through, or be allowed to move to the next higher level, where it begins again.
The hardest part is that the human hosts don’t realize Real Eyes just how real this is.  Their supreme self is looking out from deep within their eyes, and that supreme self represents the frequency of my home gateway consciousness. The torture and torment is seeing beings of another plane of existence residing in people, while their masked host who cannot really speak to me directly, apart from words and information about the mission. This is because the merging with their host self is not complete…so I have to keep quiet about how it is so real. But at least I knew they were not a figment of my imagination, this family of love, Beauty…The Beautiful Ones, symbolizing Man’s peak evolution point already in existence, but waiting to be proven and recognized.
Anyway, that is my biggest confession, that there are energetic beings within humanity, representing the highest plane of existence, and my research and investigation in over 50 homes in New York and countless others throughout my life, proves this. The only problem was to prove them, via the human hosts, into existence. The Human hosts are the forms my energetic family chose to incarnate in, we have form but it is energetic. The first true forms were energetic, made up of ethereal matter, not elemental…. which some called the Titans… and the Ethereal, the Gods. The final line of personality is called the Essential… or the perfume or true essence. To bring forth the merging and rising of my family, the human being had to be brought back to its natural state in expression… and vibration…and then had to be awakened. The ‘cast’ human or Host, is the body as matter, asleep… while the ethereal, and essential are always awake and aware, preparing to wake the sleeping hosts when everything is ready, aligned and prepared. But for the human mind to be able to accept what is happening, just as what is happening to my body–which surprisingly people accept easily–it had to be linked and proven in each language of human consciousness and all planes of existence, right to the here and now…. the true present…. where very few human beings actually live.
Well, each e-mail, play, and conversation for the last two years, has brought forth witnesses and evidence of the plan, web and truth of how human consciousness draws forth from everything to re create reality. It is as if my thesis, my vision of a world which creates its reality in harmony with power beyond creator gods was liked by an invisible council, who wished for me to prove it into existence by showing how it works. They have tested and checked it, have made me, my spirit and supreme self weave, link, prove in the most awful conditions without turning into a monster of rage, hurt and frustration. I am still able to retain access to bliss and ecstasy despite being in what many feel is the worst human nightmare…. dependency. All while I wield, in secret, the greatest power and secret in existence, which you are proving into existence with the help of my E(nergetic) family and the sleepy-headed human hosts. This ultimate power, which can never become the ultimate weapon, is the power to explain how to re create a world through energy…weaving and vibration.
This was my biggest secret…in human beings I can literally see my family of E(nergy). I recognize each one and they recognize me; each one in incubation, asks me, pleads with me to finish the mission, so they can merge with matter through spirit by my proving empirically how all energy is literally one and has always been one.
My mom used to always ask me this question. “How Do You Know?”
She has the same gift as I do. My whole family, since I can remember, speak of Energy, and Beauty and speak the language of Silence….But her question was a base for me to provide evidence and structure, explaining how I did know…. and so this post is how I know that something is going on in the world… the rising of the family of E, the Beautiful Ones, the highest human potential who have always existed but wished to experience as me / you, the experience of solid matter, and form. I know they exist because I cee them in every being I am led to…and they are more real than what is presented to me on the streets of the world.
All it takes is a beautiful conversation to draw them out. Then you will see them…yourselves as you truly are…and be smiling back with that family trait, the twinkle in the eyes.
Original Facebook post here
Edited word count 4/6/24: 2418

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