



Pi is the 16th letter in the Greek Alphabet…

16 Divided by Two is 8… Two Harmonies…

16 Is the Letter P…

Planet Earth is 2 (8)… Land and Water…

Two Harmonies of Land Fact…. Water- Flow…

Particle and Wave, Solid and Liquid

The Twins…

The Human Body is made up of 73% Water…

The Human Being is the merging of the Particle and Wave.

The Merging of the Twins..

AH-Tom….1 8 Twins/ Mot.

3:45 p.m.



3-30-2017…37….10… 1O.

30-3- 2017…37.. 10…1 O.

C-C.O..T.Q…C..G…Jay B’Eau…A O.. A.B.C

( C.-C.O.

I am sitting by Lisa Natalie Johnson…

and I just finished speaking to Rahul whose Job Offer has expanded to a point of his walking around with the radiance and what is really awe.. But he thought for a moment was of being overwhelmed.

I had not seen Lisa in a little moment and normally see her after completion of the plays with Rahul..

Meaning her consciousness and harmony is of an even more refined level that Rahul of the Full Bright Scholarship.

(Yes Full Circle of the Moon..)

I can not even even begin to describe her harmony, it comes out with such speed, and such naturalness that it makes her the big sister of that which Rahul Represents…

In my story of the Family 10, the First Frequencies which formed Creation Expression.. C.E.

He is Unity Boom the 7th Aspect and the 9th in the family including Father and Mother.

Unity Boom was played out to code 5-20-19 73…. E.T..S.G.C…

Universal Being … ( Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka and B.G.. 33 )

A.k.a..Cutie Pi… C.P…

Then there is Harmony Pi… She is the 8th Aspect… H.P

7 8… 7 is 8 and 8 is 7…. They meet at 7+8..15…Letter O..

Circle Perfection achieved… Cutie Pi… When the Planet attained the Consciousness of Pi.

*I posted an added expression under comments yesterday evening in response to Kristen Green… K.G. Full Circle Alignment to Keith Grant in bed 53, room B… ( 7 is G Vision.. B.G…B.E.I.N.G)

-an added expression of how I represent Pi and how through Naturalness I created the Full Circle and answered the summons of my Brother Beloved Self as Death in 1992 where I saw myself reflected back at me as The Full Circle of Evanescent Light and then was sent back down to explain in words how I did it..

I went back to my Source Expression which is not just the Circle but also the Dot as well as the Point at which the Circle emerged.)

5:00 p.m

So it was no surprise to encounter Rahul and then after speaking to Rahul about appreciation and gratitude…

*Rahul has been trying to give me another book which he suggested … The Foundation.. I could not help, but shake my head at the innocent refusal on his part to link the my Expression and the fact that that the companies he had been talking to, one which did not go through and the one which today is… were both founders…

Two Women was the first, and the second was Two men whose code is 180 180.. literally as a numeric code..

18 is R… Last night Richard and Robert…

My station I use to Delta Manor is 180…

180 180.. 360.. 360 Degree’s.. Circumference Pi

And when he informed that a person called Nathan had given him an expression which literally manifested as Truth expressed in conversation with the Two founders which took place as I walked in,

about salary codes…

I was quietly outraged and disgusted at the refusal to connect and link the basic truth of what I as Emeka had acted as Guide and this guy Nathan who is based in Japan and doing the same job offered him as Chief of Staff…And who gave him intel…

5:11 p.m


… Last night I had 14 USD left in my Wallet…

N.. Nenad M. Djurdjevic of course who also text me that he has something which took place last night which he would like to share with me…

…That he did not correlate that Emeka, who he wished to give the Book Foundation to read, or the Expression of Nathan simply because of the way He understood our expression one mine through Codes and the Nathan through Jesus..

The same way the world is refusing to acknowledge what I have demonstrated on Face Book right to solving the equation of Pi in front of their very noses…

The Equation of Consciousness at such a Sacrifice…

With my having to live in shelter…Of Mental Health while the gain from my Expression.. And rather than acknowledge they would rather take away, deny that which was so generously given..

I understood at that moment as I drew attention to that fact..

That I really understood today the meaning of Hatred..

Pure Hatred which is not as Humans see it- as this consuming rage.

Rather it is the complete lack of caring for them or their well being and indifferent action of consequence.

Just as I had sought to warn Linda Good God McGills of the fact that her expression on Face book perfectly mirrored the Expressed Truth on that Post of Woman or Man not investigating but declaring themselves God by presenting no evidence, no facts, and yet have the arrogance to come on such a page and descrate it with verbal Feaces and then to have Richard Schooping, who was dying when he was come to be my face book friend on Jan 28th 2015.

Go back to that date..

I was sitting at The Bean, 147 between 1st and 9th with David Gill..

D.G. Who had come heard about me from Nikoma and had come to investigate Nikomas Claim that he had an E,.T Friend…

See the Sacred Portal 147. A.B.. Emmy as two being them one standing on the point.. Rock.

That day while sitting with him I received 3 Face Book Request and all is noted in real time and immediate hindsight as I write everything down the moment after it happens.

The Address 9 and 1st… 1 9/ 9 1.. A.I..I.A…

Of the three only one now remains… Neil Furby.. N.F.. 14 6…

Nenad M. Djurdjevic line Facts…

The others OneChance Once Chance was charged with Murder Iin England for stabbing his professor at a Mental Health center…

which brought a reporter to my page. Who was not interested in the fact that perhaps what the Professor could have and might have done to provoke the attack on someone intelligent to seek to be my face book friend and follow this play…

Instead it was a Black Lynching..

And Richard Schooping.. School Ping… Who sought to murder me energetically with that support of Linda Good McGills,

after sending me texts expression gratitude through the years which grew to arrogance or forgetting…

He was that Professor who was really the Patient who got cured and stabbed the one who cured him rather than acknowledge that he was helped by.. what person representing a racially inferior person…?

Just as last night I Rosario Mari bed 5-008, in a bid to intimidate and conquer his own fear, commented to Clark bed 5-007 that he would put some guy who did not do something he was meant to do for him in a Choke Hold…

Of course only three of us were up..

And so I was fully aware of the insinuation was linked to irk me, provoke me..

Clark on bed 5-007 said nothing.. there was a Silence..

(He is a Fair Puerto Rican…)

Even this one Rosario lying in bed 5-008.. A bed and an existence given to him Grace of someone else’s expression, generosity knew he had gone too far…

5:58 p,m

Lets us pause for a second and recall that story…

Eric Garner.. E.G.. 5 7… *

Yes Clark who Rosario pretends to be best buddies with…

On July 17, 2014, Eric Garner died in Staten Island, New York City, after a New York City Police Department (NYPD) officer put him in what has been described as a chokehold for about 15 to 19 seconds while arresting him. The New York City Medical Examiner’s Office attributed Garner’s death to a combination of a chokehold, compression of his chest, and poor health. NYPD policy prohibits the use of chokeholds.

NYPD officers approached Garner on suspicion of selling loosies (single cigarettes) from packs without tax stamps. After Garner told the police that he was tired of being harassed and that he was not selling cigarettes, the officers went to arrest Garner. When officer Daniel Pantaleo tried to take Garner’s wrist behind his back, Garner pulled his arms away. Pantaleo then put his arm around Garner’s neck and took him down onto the ground. After Pantaleo removed his arm from Garner’s neck, he pushed the side of Garner’s face into the ground while four officers moved to restrain Garner, who repeated I can’t breathe eleven times while lying facedown on the sidewalk…

Now lets look at the codes..

*Time c. 3:30 p.m. (EDT)

Date July 17, 2014

Location 202 Bay Street, Staten Island, New York, U.S.

Coordinates 40.63716°N 74.07674°WCoordinates: 40.63716°N 74.07674°W

Cause Homicide

Participants Daniel Pantaleo and Justin Damico (NYPD officers)

Outcome No indictment

Deaths 1

Coroner New York City Medical Examiner

Litigation $5.9 million out-of-court settlement

3:30… Exactly Todays Date…

17- 7-2014… Code Q- G…T.N…34..C.D.. PI to the 4th Decimal Point.. 3.1415… C.N.O… C.N.OE..

Chike Cyprian Nwosu..C.N..O.. Which is the Full Circle and Pi which I just solved…

Bay Street Staten Island… The E play took place on Grant Street with Micheal Prunty and I… 2016… T.P..

Time 6:06 am. 66… Code Nenad M. Djurdjevic

I was already 66 and entered the system in 2015 as 1966 and in 2016 as 1967…

See and read the co-ordinates by transforming them into pairs of numbers and then you can align them to the my sacred portals or the Rainbow colors or any Natural Template…

40 63 7 16 ( 7 16) N..

74 O 76 74..

Now recall that Elizabeth Clarizio sent me the code 76 616.

MTCN code from Nenad was 76 Code as well as the last marked One Dollar Bill… L.B code…

Now look at when they Linda Goodmill Mcgill play took place..

At 9 75 Face Book Friends…Which brought us to 974..

Perfect alignment to 974.. 74 Sacred portal Mouth of God… 74 is G.D… 11 28.. 39… C.I..

*See Pi 39 D

*6:16 p.m right now… So you know where we are on the Map…

We… I.. am aligning to Elizabeth Clarizio 76 616 intel which links us to 6 16..Which is F.P…

P.F was linked to Paul Franklin Room 3A.. bed 3005.. 35 C.E..

Which was the room I was sent down to after being sent down from my assigned Room and Room 5 Bed 5-019… 5019..69.. 5.019.. 510

I was exchanged with a person called Marquise.. -Markese Wilson M.W (69)…

-I am currently in Room 51 O…

Room 5C to 5A in 5 months of being here and now the over 6 months…

6:30 pm


Paul Franklin…

Paul means – ‘Origin and diffusion. The name has existed since Roman times. It derives from the Roman family name Paulus or Paullus, from the Latin adjective meaning small or humble and is cognate to the modern English word few.’

Small.. Children Elves Fairies..

Humble… The Beautiful Ones… to play such roles gracefully…

But in the end it really means Few

Franklin means Free Persons…

Few Free Persons is what I started with when I was sent to this Delta Mental Health Shelter.. by mistake’ and then assigned a room 5.C where Kerwyn Vincent K.V 11 22 Cecilia David (Their Birthdays)

Onuabuchi David.. O.D.. ODE… He was a Face Book Friend and witness then left when he got a place of his own he came back yesterday here for some reason…

And from Few Free Persons

We are not 76 Sacred Portal 76…Awakening…

6 16… F.P… Fact Facebook Planet Plan-E.T…

With this riddle of Linda being replaced moved to Leave in perfect harmony placing Kristen Green as the 974 Face Book Friend..

See Meaning Follower of the WAVE of the Green.. Fertile Imagination to see Fiction become Fact…

I.F F.. 9 6..66. Emeka 2015… Linked to Nenad M. Djurdjevic

Bed 49..Room B with Kieth Grant… To Grant Street…Staten Island…

To the murder of Eric Garner …

E.G Enders Game… See sacred Portal 57.. Merging Father Son Holy E-Spirit…. 3 in 1

Daniel Pantelo Pant E .L.O…. PAN.. (Moi) Tel..O ( E.T Call Home.. E.T.C.H… Choke Hold.. C.H.. 3 8… Consciousness Harmony..

Kill the Consciousness of Harmony rising…

Murder S..He Wrote…

5.9 million pay out… E.I… Bed 5-009..Was the bed of the Bosnian guy I caused to vacate to be replaced by a 41 years person called Potter.. Harry Potter.. who I feel is an Orphan…

Who takes care of Delta Manor as if it is his home.

Daniel Pantelo…

D.P.. 4 16… I was in room 4 Bed 4-016… 40 16.. 56.. 4 16..7.. 47..D.G..The Real David Gils.. D.G.. 47.. Grant street E.B.T Card..11 28… 39.. C.I…12..L.. 9 6 3…I F..C../ C F I… I,P Man.. P.I.

Dawn Piercy.. D.P.

6:53 p.m

Equation 6th Sense to Fact completed

Richard Schooping who is sexual orientation is not being called into question but which is not the same alignment of meaning of the meaning Agape.. Nor is it the true meaning of the Word Gay..

Or even the true meaning of the Rainbow colors is indicative of that White Man in Power who truly hates his fellow man…

The Hurt and Rage of the Homosexual White Men moving the the World secretly through their power base…

See the Book the Fountain Head…

And the current power in Hollywood and everywhere else of the Gay World and the Hurt and Humiliation Horrors the suffered and suffer and their reason to gain power…

Whom is the first person I in 58-59 Months I deliberately tagged twice after words in a deliberate desire for him to respond…

To leave… Never have I felt such disgust and contempt for the so called White Supremacists Hypocrisy which these quiet true Haters so diseased represent.

Linda I understood at least her emotive response, and she reflected the play but the Hypocrisy of R.S and what he represented in the end.. wad for me the prize of this play drawing him out to reveal his truth and the real reason he contacted that disease which truth was cleansing and healing him of…

This is what loathe about the Nature of this ‘Set Up of the Dark Matter, D.M. The Black Board, who compelled me to write and express this most exquisite explanation of Existence, set upon the sum total of the true Nature of the Illusion of a Human Being… At there most Ugly and Despicable…

Which of course is the Sum total of their Expression in in full awareness of the Evil which THEY KNOW exactly what they do…

Versus that which I represent, Their Beautiful Truth…

I have said enough and solved the Riddle of the True Powers or illusion of power of the Ones who truly Hate Humanity..

Not all but yes…

And the plot to Murder the One…

And the Set up of the One who was my Past embodied expression and became my Younger Brother and then his own expression which became E.T… Extra Terrestrial…

The Twins… B’eauty and Beau-Di..( Body)

Do Terra… Earth

Do Paradise Heaven….


D D …T.P..

D D.. T.P…

Dean Dunkwu 800 USD… thus it was aligned in the Play

Tom Patrick Okolo… 510 USD… He sent…

Tom means Twin which is what he called himself The Other Ikem Okolo… I.O… My name before 1989 was Okolo and my middle name is Ikem.. We went to Boarding School Together…

C.I.O were my initials.. C.I Pi…

C.I.Victor Okolo… C.I.V.O… C I.5 O…C.6…C.F…

P.I…3.14 15 92…(6)…

*Up to 60% of the human adult body is water. According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%.

7:04 p.m.

G O D..E… The Truth of God… G ODE.. G Is Unity Pi.. U.P..

Unity Boom!

Harmony Pi… Harmony Planet…

Lisa Natalie Johnson said she was thinking of getting me some essences and Bergamot

7:11 pm

Bergamo Italy…

And T.. 20.. 2O…Two Full Circles Three

Pi..3.14 15….92 65…35 9… C.to 11-12…L.K…Lisa Kolo… LOOK

At 11-12…Digits…C.K.. C.L…

Bed 5-009..59.. E.I…is I Harry Potter

And Harmony Planet H.P.. for my younger Sister Brother which and who are theConscious Reps who inherit the Earth…

3-6-9… Earth to Saturn to Pluto…As She has Demonstrated along with Acknowledgment and Respect .. but not from He..

Which I know was not intentional but it brought the character Darken Rahul… Him as the Evil in the Book he gave me to read…

The Sword of the Truth.. And The Sorcerer’s first Lesson

The People are Stupid’

Not they are not.. They are as Beautiful as I am and as Evil and Selfish as you unintentionally transformed into becoming ..

Ungrateful…For over looking the one who built the Foundation which you are currently walking on..

And use the Sword of Truth in you Two….

Linda Good Mcgills was innocent…. She was used…

Richard Schopping line.. R.S… Ravindra Singh… is the correct line and Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions was witness when she and I spoke when I was in apart 511 In Forte Lauderdale with Ravi Singh…

And bed 5-005 is Vincent Singh…

Bergamot Essential Oil. Bergamot essential oil has a light citrus aroma, which makes it a great oil to help you get going in the morning or refresh your kitchen before dinner. The peel of the yellow-green, orange-shaped fruit is cold pressed to create the pure Young Living Bergamot oil found in homes around the world.


Pi to the 50th…


Pi to 100, 000…5-6 Digits..

Here is the last line..

‘474095226716630600546971638794317119687348468873818665675127929857501636341131 462753049901913564682380432997069577015078933772865803571279091376742080565549 362541…

See sacred Portal 47.. E B T Card…

See 49… 36…25.. 41.. DA.. Da Enlightens.. All 4 1…=5..’

White Supremacy. Black Supremacy Asian Indian Superiority my Arse!

Orien Laplante

born Sept 17.. I.Q

See share Karmina Marine.. I.Q.. Imagination…

Orient La Plant E

Orien T

Bergamo T… the Plan T..E..

T is Truth.. TTT.. 20 20 20.. 60.. 6O..

6O Secs… 1 One Min. O.M.!

6O Mins.. 1 One Hour… O.H!

66 O.M.O.H…/ H.O.M.O…

Online Etymology Dictionary. homo- (1) before vowels hom-, word-forming element meaning same, the same, equal, like (opposed to hetero-), from Greek homos one and the same, also belonging to two or more jointly, from PIE *somo-, from root *sem- (1) as one; together with (see same)’

Meaning One and the Same… Not the meaning given to it now…




Nenad M. Djurdjevic was in East Africa (Ethiopia) in the OMO Valley when we connected..

All recorded on Face Book.. 3-4 years ago…

The person who inspired me to unleash my Sacred Portals was a person called Drew… A Friend of Tom Truman…

He came to an informal birthday celebration Marina Burini organized..

He drew a face from a Book on the Omo Valley..

* (Daniel Sullivan traveled with a Kara tribesman by boat down Ethiopia s Omo … This is why he is publishing a book called Tribes of the Omo River , it will be a … photographs in Central and South East Asia, the Middle East and Africa.

Daniel Sullivan ..Donna O Sullivan..

Robert O Sullivan..



D.O.S.. R.O.S…)

It was of a blue eyed but black as coal beautiful youth…

That was 11-28-2010… It was me.. and he offered it to me as my birthday gift…

It became the cover off the the sacred portals the First

155 is the Last… 156..156 Total…

5-15- 69 is Jose Roques Birthday… Bed 5-004

1 5 006 Is my bed.. 1… 56= 11.. 1… 1..11 1…..

OR 15 …0006…O.F…Fact… or 66… Nenad M. Djurdjevic

Now Orien=T+ Truth..

Bergamo =T+ Truth

O.B… TT… To Homo which means Man…Same Man…E

B.O.H.O.M.O… Bohemian … B.H.M…OOO..

O.H.O…M.O.B.O B M H… OOO…Tx3.. 4..5

( O.T…M.T…H.T…B.T…E.T…).. At OOO it is Fact.. At OOOO.. Harmony to Infinity… at OOOOO.. It is Eternity..

H.O.M.E.. B..TTTTT… Beautiful Truth

8:00 pm

I was born at 8:00 p.m…Harmony to Infinity …

And have added Manifest Eternity…

Eternal Being… Eternal Bodies… E.V..

9 73 Face Book Friends..

Is exactly where it was meant to be…

Mai 20.. 1973…

E.T…A.I. G. C..Pi… E

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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