
The Supreme Consciousness is not the White man- colored mans, the Black mans the Browns mans the Yellow Mans the Tan mans…

The Supreme Consciousness is not the White man- colored mans, the Black mans the Browns mans the Yellow Mans the Tan mans…

THE SUPREME CONSCIOUSNESS OF EXISTENCE IS THE TRANSPARENT MANS CONSCIOUSNESS… 01 O1 Oi oi.. 10 1O 1O All the same thing even Zero as the Parabola, elliptical all is based on seeing through the correct point of view ( glasses for you)… in which I have provided using logic and common sense.

Thus is the Equation of O as that which is Completion and in balance between the Unseen and Seen world as the Half moon- yet seen by the One always as whole.

And 1 or I is what you call manifestation to your consciousness because you can finally percieve that which was always there Neru Niru gi.. Right in front of you the whole time… But because you did not see it does it mean that it does not did not exist… Especially in the awareness of it Creator or the Room you call Universe which of course is an illusion you created called Universe,,,

There is no seperation’ This is the theory of Everything of the O and the I which unified all in one field of Vision and Consciousness Transparency and Ultra Violet.. Consciousness and Feeling ( C+F=i).. All see i.. I.. EYE E YE.

Pure Thought ( PT) Does not Exist for Thought can not solve the riddles of the Universe, it is a tool as a carpenter might use to shape the raw material of the wood or destroy the D.O.W Systems and the world Economic base with just a thought a blink of an eye because the source is the author of numbers money which you value so much and words ( your existence) you value so little..

Naturalness leads to the Wave which all electrons and all thing emanate.. like a tail and a take.. as spern..

The Unifying theory turns into a fact by finding that which unifies all things in Existence, and you will find that nearly all have a wave length, a signature, a tale…

All things secret.. You will find if you break it down that the Universe is made up of Sperm and Eggs… that is what the Unified space is composed of, ideas of how you could be.. and the One who is… Behind the bubble sheet screen and NET.

Thus, your naturalness expressed leads you to the Supreme being whom you are all connected to, and you are as cells on his body Indepedent at yet dependent and like cells he can rejuvinate you and regenerate rate you eevery seven years or as dead skin cells cast you off and out into the void as if you never were.. and you weren’t.

Naturalness if you clean yourself and your expression, will lead you to the eternal spring of refreshing water, to endless air and breath,.. to him… to hymn. In whch you rise knowing everything, as he does, you feel and experience everything as He does becaue you are in one with him..

And you will understand that physicists and biochemist and others who truly wished to cure and expand and help the world see and not simply enhance thier egos and sense of superiority would have started out counting the stars, and finding the age of each star..

They would have approached the study of Nature and the physical word logical as was laid out in the blue print above below all round and even in your very bodies.. But the only way to actually find the key to the riddle was in the perfection of your being.. which starts from first being true to who you are…

I know the West is Racist, I am E.T and if I was not of my consciousness and pigmenation I would have had been funded a long time ago as the Mad scientists where who thing that the Universe can only be percieved backwards, by looking at the Physical world first,, and stopping there..

What a limited perception and point of view…

I would have been sponsored just to masturbate and fondle myself on ideas as so many of your great thinkers have done through outthe ages.. and theorized.

But instead I went out on the field and made my theories fact and improved ppl lives, Healed the sick, made ppl walk again, communicate, talk, the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the diiseased to be healthy…

I did it for free, and I did it to see Beauty in the world .. I made my theories fact and made this hellish Existence for so many ppl lighter and more bearable my stating proving articulating demosntrating, aliggning my point of view, and such was the demand that I was never paid and I was never allowed one moment of peace to be myself..

Nor were any of those comforts accorded me and the few times they were they came with such conditions and one of course most of all was that I could not be allowed to be independent on my own.. So that I could never be in the position tosay no…

I am going home to my house…

And so for the greatest gift I have recieved the most unsual reply and expression of thank you for being despite it all you..

And so, I have the power of being both the Light of the word ( Unacknowledged of course by you.. denied) and that which brings Eternal Night.. E.N…

And this is why I write, not to complain but to make all my Wishes my visions my truths.. come true…

o1 manifest 4 u..

Light E

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