
The story of the two brothers Poetry and Science…(aka Pi and Service)…

The story of the two brothers Poetry and Science…(aka Pi and Service) and their little sister, True Clarity (aka harmony), as the twins sought to define which consciousness came first. But Harmony, who quietly watched and judged from a far away land, thought, “if you ask me, they are both the same thing…” but she watched and listened to her brothers and did not say a thing…
P.S. Means Poetry came before Science, and science was created to decode and understand the universal language of the poetry of the universe, life and existence. So that mankind would no longer be afraid of the poetry of existence, which seemed so magical that they felt it could not be real…(“Are we dreaming? Such beauty, such poetry can’t be real!”)
Science fragments everything in order to explain, the magic so beautiful they thought it could not be contained… And it did break down and fragment the poetry of existence, so Man would no longer be afraid or unsure, and in that exercise did they find the cure, seeing in bits and pieces, the beauty contained within this universal poetry’s truth.
Beauty here, Harmony there, the even the scientist had to pause and stare, marveling at the beauty at the macro and at the micro, yet still they tried to break it down, smaller and smaller, until they could go no further, see no further, there was nothing that remained except the poetry of Beauty, the memory of all that Beauty until they were no longer scared…. “Ah!” they said “Oh!” they stared, Awe is the response to such beauty, and Awe replaced the feeling of being scared of Beauty beyond compare.
So the scientist transformed into poets, and began to sing, of the charms of this creative intelligence who thought of everything…”Let the Poets rise!” the scientist now sing, “their song so mysterious and beautiful that came from within, which was understood by studying that which is outside of us… that Beauty’s Intelligence was created without sin, Flawless, not lawless, was Beauty’s great plan, and it all came from within.”
Poetry and Science, one from inside us and the other from outside of us, but still the same same thing. One came out spontaneously and the other born from an idea of original sin, so we proceeded with caution only to find they are the same thing. And this is how fear did turn to awe as Scientists began to understand the poets’ stream of conscious at the Beauty of it all…
Out side is in side, you and me; the four corners of existence, N.E.W.S and the fifth dimension? That is a place of which now both poets and scientist sing, the praises of existence and the victorious battle to rid the world of the idea that humanity and existence was originated from sin.
Open the now the portals of the 6th Gate, of the Majestic Royal Reigns of the existence first plane, open the third I and see what I see, the dimension of where begins the birth of the magical, majestic, royal reign of existence’s true play…. See in true clarity, with your all-seeing I, I assure you, while I observe you, wipe a tear from your eye… as you sigh… and murmur, “Oh so beautiful,” until suddenly, quite unexpectedly, you realize that you are home at last, and that is when you cry…. the song, “At last, At last Atlas….”
Welcome to the Majestic Royal Reign of the magical land of the truly beautiful… which all comes from a point of view of seeing yourself and others created as the one source of true Beauty.
“Welcome home, at last! at last! at last…! See Beauty within you and me… now breathe! Wake up, rise and shine, finally the beautiful dreamers can open their eyes… you’re alive!”
And in the end of my little story, the little sister of Infinity, (aka P.S… Peace and Serenity), Harmony did finally begin to sing…and the world joined in the chorus. This is the story of how all creation began to sing, in one key and in one note, the universal song of being alive.
A vision I had at eight, and one I had this morning proving that such Poetry is real….
Original Facebook post here
Edited word count 1/16/24: 717

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