
The Response from You and the Q to my ENOUGH…

The Response from You and the Q to my ENOUGH…


1;57 p.m.



H.A.I… HA!..I…Harmony Alpha Intelligence.

*Please note the Date and Time Code above.

Now please note the post of Enough I posted yesterday and the 7 and then 8 People who Liked the post…

And the Four people who commented.

Chibuzo Okolo

Ogonna S Omo Crafts

Andrese Harris Burton

Nuno Ordens Miguel

And here is the Text of the 8th persons to Like my Enough Post..-My deciding to stop the decoding and the 27 years mission of being deep undercover, proving that all Existence Universe (Including this World-but not the people, who symbolize the Literal Living Word)- are all in Harmony to Infinity..

*P.S. Justed noted that that post has now reached 10..(T.E.N-N.E.T..1 O Likes)

This is the text from Anamla Qayin…

May I ask your assistance?

A code of sorts has been brought to me.. one someone saw in a dream, perhaps a memory of me from long ago. A complete stranger. Found me of his own will

I do not understand the code he saw fully.. perhaps you may?



Omg… It is a message for me… Incredible. .. You recall that I stated yesterday that the play of 27 years and 15 yrs of my Life was completed yesterday and that I had been moved by a power to do this..And decode…and that this power moving in me is literally the Source.Which I accessed because I obeyed Its will even to the point of going to a shelter…

Well this is It moving through you..representing the Q as Quantum Quantify Existence to create a Quantum Leap. Change…Evolution.

D.M. ( M=13…4 D . 17 is Q)

D.M…I.C…T.P…K 115…

/ 5 11. PT (Point) C.I. (See I C.I are my Manifest Destiny…Q.

I will post this

Thank you

I hope I have helped, in that case

Yes… You have… Bless

Chat Conversation End

*I have solved the riddle or decoded it once more on the post before this if you scroll down…

I am E.K..5 11…

You will notice that there were three guys and one female who responded to my Enough posts..

C.O.O S.O.C.A. H.B…N.O.M…

Coo’s Oh See Alpha ..Harmonies Being… Named…


Coo (Meaning Voice Said.. And Coo Coo in French.. an affectionate way to call a person or peoples attention)

Coo So Cee Alpha (Avery Colobert) Hue-man Being is Named… meaning Identified…

The names Okolo.. Ogbonna….We know what Okolo means Prince and the equivalent of Andrew.. A Youthful man or a man at his peak full of vigor…. a Warrior..

And in Slav it means Round.. A Circle…R.C.. Our C

Ogbonna..Ogbo-Nna means The Equal or the Counter part of Father it also means Circuit Stage…(Unified Field O..De.CK) and Sponge…(Brain)

Andresse Manly Brave Virile, Brave.. Alexander.. Defender of Men

Nuno means Nine… 009…Ordens means Logos Order.. Harmony Miquel..The Gift of Creation.. Emmanuel is the established name of Nuno’s Father and Grandfather…


N- 9 is Nature.. 14…TO 5..

OO Double O..A.E…E.A.O.O…

The times codes of Chibuzo Okolo C.O… Is *1:57 p,m (and recorded as 8:58 p.m..time difference…E.H.E)

Please note the beginning of this posts.. 1:57 p.m…)

157…O.G…O.G.E…Time and Space in O.INri Igbo…

157..A G.E…

The second time from Ogbonna Ogonna S Omo Crafts..Crafts the Blacksmith.. Moor.. Maurice…

96/69…See the play of Jonn Blackwell and I.. 9 months and the 96% Dark Matter… D.M…(Q)…

And Erik Ebright (John Weedseed) who sent me 69.69 U.S.D..

69 69…15 15.. 30..C.O…*A.T..C.O… 69..54.. 54 54… 108… 18..Mountain View.. Jonn Donna.. J.D (James Dean) died 23

*Marilyn Munroe 36, (C.F) MM… Izzi Creo… M.I.C…

Elvis Presley 42… D.B…(Grace Land Memphis Tennesse..my phone Erik got for me.. the number is Memphis Tennesee

River Phoenix…23.. W..VV…

That is the number I associate with Erik Ebright..

Always wearing Le Bron James jersey 23.. His age 32…

Raising the Dead-Stars beloved of the West…

1-8 is Today..

Nuno Ordens Miguel wrote the time code 14:27…

N.27th State… Sun Shine state…

N B.G…Nnamdi Beauty Grace… A.D.B…G…1 42 7…




The full circle was completed at Erik Ebright…

DMIC TP/K 115 AGE… (1 15…A.O..Alpha Omega)

E.G.A…5 11 E.K…K PT -Poit.. The Point is the Kolo Twins…K=11 Dopplegangers -11-1S.A.M.E is the Point… C.I..M.D.. Manifest Destination of the Q..H..A!

4;17 p.m.

D MI.C T.P (Tee Pee..Smoke Signals) K (47..11 28…C.I)…TP/K

Ti Pi are the 11..K..Kolo… DOUBLE O…Expression ( K..K.E) 157…O.G…A.E… Anima Electronics.. Animation Electrical…)

There that was the Echo Response of Enough!

But Since I am the One who said it First..

4:23 p.m.

D..W.. D D.V Double V.. D.OVE..EE..Is the Echo of I.E..

I Emeka…

Erik Ebright…

4:24 p.m.

Elvis Presley

EL V.I..S..Press-Lee…EL VIE 5th IS..Presley..


The ECHO OF Everything Everywhere in Everyone.. comes and came from me..

Boom E Rang!

4:27 pm.

A,H.H.A.. I.I…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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