
The MET Needs to Connect Art to Life

The MET Needs to Connect Art to Life

Its Director is leaving..

Now is the time to revive the place.

Holland Cotter.. H.C… 83 (83 69)


New York Times


Thou Art… A.R.T.

Trayson…Which means Three.. Three Sons… And a Girl…

Alexander Narcissus/Neptune, Eri-David…

Nnonyelum Ifunanya… N.I… E.N.I…


I.N. E…D.N.A.


An English surname for someone from the various places in England named Holland (Old English meaning ridgeland.) Or a surname for someone form the Netherlands, in which case the meaning is Old Dutch holt lant (wood land.)

Carter is of Irish, Scottish and English origin and is an occupational name given to one who transports goods by cart or wagon originally believed to be of Gaelic and Celtic origins and a possible form of the names McCarthy, McArthur, McCartney or McCarter. Mc generally means son of.

H.C… is the Code Erik Ebright created on my computer before I left..


7:28 p.m.

This is the time which I received a text from Vivian Lavey stating that the money code had been sent

It came by way of Shqiponja Mesarea 26… S.M.. Z

and her brother Adrian Mes-Area who is in the States.

She lives in Tirana Albania code age 54…

E.D…See sacred Portal 54.

See age of my Aunt… 54…..

Azuka Shqiponja… A.S…

Shqiponja means Eagle Feminine Form’

Mesarea- Middle Ages, when what we call Arcadia was known as Mesarea)

It means Midlands…

It is also a Bantu Word… African.

Albania is in Macedonia where Alexander The Great was From…

Alexande The Great…. A.T.E

( Hephaestus, Bogodas-The Persian Boy Roxanne)

Akil Davis Timothy Evan ALexander Judson.. Green Street 2012..


Tarina Albania… T.A…E.T.A…/ A.T..E..

E.T In Room A….

*Alexander the Great


Born: July 356 BC, Macedonia

Died: June 323 BC, Babylon, Iraq

Parents: Philip II of Macedon, Olympias

Spouse: Roxana (m. 328 BC–324 BC), Stateira II (m. 325 BC–324 BC), Parysatis II (m. 325 BC–324 BC)

Children: Alexander IV of Macedon, Heracles of Macedon


I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.

There is nothing impossible to him who will try.

I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well

Teacher is the Guide Father.

He dies at age 32….

Today is 3-2-2017…37..10…1..

And 3-20 is when I arrived in New York 16 years ago..

3-20- 2017 is my next doctors appointment but Doctor Gauge Justice… Ab Justice will no longer be there, her role is complete.

3-20… I told the Truth…

His Father was Phillip…

His Teacher was Aristotle…

P.A… Praise and Appreciation…

E.P.A…. Not A.P.E…

86 Street with Patrick Okolo M.D.

The Eagle of the Midlands… The Center…

and her Brother the Adrian means Water..

Sister and Brother…

She gets the money code from him, and he sends it to her from the states to T.A.. and it was because she heard about me from Flor Elena Medina Vivian Lavey, Hary S… who are like a family….

See sacred portals 88 where the Sister Designates the Brother..

See it again in the play of sacred portal 92…


M.E..S.. P..AR…..E.A…

Mes My in plural… Par By: E.A…

927 Face Book friend

G.L… 7 12

9 2…7 at L.. Complete…

8:49 p.m.


Here is the code…. She sent me Leke’s… Albanian money which had to be converted….

She did not send 50 usd, but was apologetic and send she would send it later…

But I when Alanis EL Blanka also apologized, I told her that all was in Harmony…

Because this is a Riddle…



(Thunderbolt Ross U.E…O.E… T.R.U.E…O.E)

I wrote in capital letters, because I have said it so often in the last 50-58 months that I feel as though it has become a form of mental torture imposed the way people have acted as though they had not heard what I said…

Or that they were just so stupid that there was no use to explain any longer… or a delay tactic imposed upon them..

L.E.K.E…/ E.K.E..L… Complete…

8:55 p.m

Harmony at last at 8 55 Sacred Portal..

But that is the problem when you manipulate the Truth…

See sacred Portal 13…Stop yourself from going to Far

See the woman born in 1964 yesterday and her 13 year old son…

To get me to rescue your twin who went to far….

J..N… J.O.N…

When it is most important your word no longer has any Value, and the damage that causes is the most irrevocable…

And this is what has happened here…

When you manipulate something as sacred as True Love.

Truth Law…

It destroys the very fabric of all Existence..

I will never trust.. no matter the noblest intentions…

I will never trust after what has been allowed to be done to me, to my existence my truth despite rising fighting from the day I was born…

All that is of the Truth of Existence was betrayed… over and over again…

And only horror can come from such an action…

And in this case because I DID TELL THE TRUTH…

And was treated like the lowliest slave where even Death was denied me, where Truth Manifest was denied me…

Existential Death is the only possible outcome..

Which is what the Sacred Portals I have posted represent and have aligned to..

I said that it went too far…

And then 268 East 4th Street..

Then the 11 years and the torture and the worst of all knowing I was correct again and again it being side tracked to make a being suffer a fate which no one around him even believed was true…

And then to a Shelter… the Supreme Being..

A Human Being you possessed…

Made it appear that way…?

There is nothing I acknowledge that can exist who is capable of such cruelty….that hard to put a being through such a thing..

No… Then to Miami.. Green Point and Delta Manor over 5 months…


Alone.. making him appear like a beggar, closing doors and portals meant to open… even now my mind can not even take it in…

For this has been my greatest suffering for the last 13 years…

How is this possible…

And it means that which I know as Existence is not true…

How who can do this…?

But now I know…

Here is the M.T.C.N…Code…

O12 159…8677…

O.L… O.I…..H.F…G G…

O.A.B…A..59 (E.I) H.F…GG…

See sacred portal 86…and 77.. 14..5…

86 Is Hindsight Fore Sight…

86 Is Victor… The 1 Victor over the Three…

The Amount sent was 28 USD 35 cents..

See sacred Portal 28…B.H.. Being Hermes.. H.E.R..M.E.S…A.R.E.A…


See sacred portal 35.. C.E…The Point

9:13 p.m.

Gonzalez Leigh…

Gonzalez is a patronymic family name (a family name derived from a father/ancestor) meaning son of Gonzalo. Gonzalo on the other is derived from a Germanic name of either Gundzhard or Gundisalvus. Gund is for war. Hard is exactly what it means. On the other hand Salvus is supposed to be unknown, though in Latin it means safe. Does this mean Son of war strong/hard? Likewise, does it mean Son of war safe?

And who made such a hard war?

It means also Battle Elf Line of No longer True Nature…

Leigh… Lee…

It means

The name Leigh is a baby boy name. The name Leigh comes from the Celtic origin. In Celtic The meaning of the name Leigh is: Healer.

The girl’s name Leigh le(i)-gh, can also used as boy’s name Leigh, is a variant of Leah (Hebrew) and Lee (Old English), and the meaning of Leigh is delicate; weary; meadow or pasture.

After the Hard hard War, the Son of war. hard war is Safe…

but only after defeating the Battle Elves ( Dark Elves) and laying them out to Pasture… And only now can the Weary Healer and son of War find peace and go Home…

9:23 p.m.


But how can you trust a liar who has gone so far to betray the Truth of Source Itself..

For a despicable idea of the Poor…

Save the poor people when Nature is Wealth…

Inside and Out…

My Contempt has no limit…


9:24 p.m

I.X… Not you.

9:25 p,m



You Z.. Zombies

9:31 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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