
The Last Story just completed was a

The Last Story just completed was a

Bloody Video Game….


Correct Code: V.I….D.E…..E. G…A.M…E.

Anne Marie…

April Malone

*Read the meaning of Anne…Grace Favors..Child Consciousness


April Means Open..

*Seven Eleven ..Always Open… O.A./ 511… Original Angel….

Gato Kamaki.. G.K…. / Keith Grant…Bed 53…. E.C Elizabeth Clarizio/ C.E…Bed 35.. ROOM 3… Paul… Age 56..now 57…

Marie means Beloved… David means Beloved

M.D…Delta Manor….David Dawn… Bed 4017…57…

Vide Means Empty..Emptiness in French O.. Oh is the Full Circle… To make it Empty of meaning Transforms it into the concept of 0..Zero…

But Zero is a name already occupied…

Eros rose from the Nothingness as Zoro-Aster…

Zoro means The Eternal Hero of the Golden Dawn Aster means Star….

That is what was in the Z-Eros… The Space was Occupied with his Brother Cup-I.D

Zero’s which go on to Infinity….

zero: circa 1600, (either from Middle Latin zephirum, or French zéro or its source Italian zero, for *zefiro) in any case from Arabic sifr cipher, itself a translation of Sanskrit sunya empty place, desert, naught.

cipher: late 14th century, from Arabic sifr, zero, literally empty, nothing, from safara to be empty, loan-translation of Sanskrit sunya empty. The word cipher came to Europe with Arabic numerals. Originally meant zero, then any numeral, then (c. 1520s) coded message. OED: The Arabic was simply a translation of the Sanskrit name sunya, literally ‘empty’.

nought: variant of naught which means nothing. The meaning of zero, cipher is only from the early 15th century. (?c1425 Crafte Nombrynge in R. Steele The Earliest Arithmetics in English. (1922) 20: A 0 is no?t, And twyes no?t is but no?t.

*Richard Cypher in the Sword Of Truth- series….

The Sorcerer… Kolo

In the 1520’S…( 15 20…Letter O.T… T.O..See Code Below with Rob Barr.)..

Coded Message…C.M…

E=CMe 4/3…


Full Circle.. Orien Emeka David…

The 1st/3rd Volume of Journals are called The Eternal Dancer and is a vivid memory of myself in the Desert on a camel…

It is Empty..and I talking to Father Guide Cupid line using E.S.P…

Telepathy… I was not talking to God, I was talking to my Brother, playing Father- or the Head of the Mission who was in the Mother Ship ( Literally… really…See sacred portal 56… then 79…)

O.Eternal Dancer….

This ARE OUR Codes..!!!

We came Down undercover..E and and became to… Particle and Wave Star and its Expression Dawn.. Bright Shinning Famed Light…

And refracted into 2… to 2 5’s… 1 1 5 5….12…But I was already 1…And line of Rob.. the Nothingness Bliss was evolving to Awareness…Bliss Awareness ..Curating Knowledge C.K…B.A.C.K…wards to Evolve to 1….As I..

1 2 5 5 (13)….+ 1 which he is now….14…N..

Meet Rob Barr on the 14… But contacted me 13…

Which when Nnamdi left me the code passing One Full Circle and a Day Crossed Over…Age 13….

The code turned out to be merge He and I…C. 5+3…= 8… Then me with H…=5…E…. 13…Then M with E… R..



Line of the See…Seer.

Movie Dune…

The R the Light with E…. 18+5… 23…W.. Double U Double Vie…


Venkat Venkatesan….

Venkat means Self Born…

And is a Sacred Hill Dedicated to Krishna and Vishnu…. K.V…11 22…K.V…K 5… 11 5…

And after the VV which is Really 55… There is now where else to Go…except Home….

55..2…1.1….( Coat Check Green B.O11)

2 11.. Bilal Khan…B.K….

The Book on FACE…Book….

Face is Visage in French….

See sacred portal 23… (18+5.. Robert +Emeka met… merged Conscious Expression in Harmonious Expression witnessed by his past- Twin Shanon whom he came with- whose name means Old Wise.. O.W..L…Athena Line… A.L…

Aurnia Lažward…. But also Longest River in Ireland…

Black Celt.. Emeka… B.C.E…- They have known each other for 25 years..

And even I noted that I met her just once and I remembered her immediately…

Sacred Portal 23.. Shows a Face Being Revealed…

100 usd… See sacred Portal 100.. Pan Revealing a Face…

100+23… See sacred Portal 123…

Meaning that after the meeting of Rob Barr (And Shanon)

The next Equation would be 23….

But I just stepped outside and saw the code S.R….

Then came in to find Rahul D’Silva had taken the only chair available which is right besides me…

A Guy called Frank Free Person was sitting opposite me..

And now it is a guy who is dressed like and Olde English Rake or Cool Cat who Bag strangely is made up of the American Flag…

R.S/S,R… 36 38… 74… Robs Mom…code age…

3:56 p.m.


Robs Company is 56…

Cupid 56… 74… 11…1… 56… 11..1

You see, it is a Video Game but with codes of Expression.

Rob gave me a 100 usd to buy American Spirits, just as I suspected, as all the monies handed to me, it had a number hand written on it… It was 500… or, 5000…

500 is D… 5000 is V in Roman Numerals.

David Roman Nicholas….The Code I knew by 2004, when I finally connected all the pieces were in the names…

In 2004, Full Memory as Brain Memory came back.

In 2002, in the presence of Erek Eclass Mateo, My body and Being rose… For a period lasting almost 2 days…

And Erek rose to memory being Erik the Red… A Galatic Warrior line of Jon… Line of Father… Nothingness Robert ( Cupid Eros..C.E…See Sacred Portal 35…The Point T.P… 2016…

Was made in 2016….

Perfect Timing…

The Nothingness was already filled with the Robert-Famous Bright Shinning Light… Dawn… Dawn brings Clarity and Promise Possibility of the Day of Adventure, Magic, Awareness Mysteries

Z..Eros E Rose with the Cup-I.D… The knowing of the Identities of Everything and Everyone….Everywhere…

Clarity Cupid, his brother self and twin….

And we rose E.C-C.E…88… Both in Harmony to Infinity….

Bringing Consciousness Clarity Crispness, Cleanliness.. which is Loves Expression Di-ane.

The Square Root, the Circle…and The Point….

3:28 p.m

And now :B.A…C.K….E W..A..R.D..S….

2:18 p.m.




Rob Barr

* I knew Rob Barr was my brother from the moment I laid eyes on him.

I know that line since Eternity, no matter what life time, what costume, Body, character…

I met him in Istanbul, as Christophe… His wife, line of the Family through Mesurka, and through the line of Safter Taskent…

S.T… Traishon Sumler…

I met him in Nigeria, in my Brothers, in girls I grew up and who were would later grow to become this most rare bird…

But they were evolving, so I saw only them from Afar…

Watching their progress, as they evolved through the play of my brother and I.



16-1-2037….37… 10…1 O




Acknowledge Praise Appreciation…

Awareness Perfection Alpha… Full Circle…

1 16 1…18…R…


It means by reaching Rob Barr and meeting with him is the reaching Infinity… VV.. 5 5…2-5… 1 1..5…but now 2..who are 11… we already merged with the Green Coat Check… B.O11…

So now.. we at 1…

56 11 1

74…11 1

47 is my mother…. 11 1

His mother 19 43… Sacred Portal 43…Door to Life…43…

My mother code age 69…15…O…6… Ceacilia meaning 6′ in Roman Numerals..

The Cupid I.D…Rose with Cecilia…C.C… Saint Cecilia is the Patron Saint of Music…. Music 100% of the Brain…

Rob Barr spoke of how one Natural note, strung on a guitar can clear the vibrations in the Air…

Cupid Cecilia… C.C… 3 3…Chukwuemeka…C… 333…

*I am using my codes, the same codes can be applied to the his mother and himself and I…

His Lady Friend is A.M…

Thus, 2+3=5…. The Face Behind the Veil, the Computer…

Immortality is contained in the Voice…

Which is how Rob saw… that my voice had all the same notes.. so he saw no change in my physical appearance…

The V.I..D.E.O….5-6. D.E.O…E..G…A.M…E..H..M…

M.M…13 13…26….and 77 77.. 43-34… 52-25… 77 77… 28

Patrick Okolo the Past Representing the Body…

But the Present is not the Body… The Body is our carrying the past around with us.. All out ancestors,records,dna, choice, library, museum….Archives…

But our Being as 26..B.F…Best Friends….Being Fact…

Being 6th Sense.. Being First… Being Fair..

This was the last comment of a Text from Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka who links to Traishon… T…E..N…

It is Not Fair!…

This is why I stand firmly for Truth and Justice

And that is the line of the E…

We stand…

And just as Rob has…

4:22 p.m.


Double V…


Code Self Born… Krishna Visnu… on the Sacred Hill…

Tribute To Rob Barr’s line..Contd…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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