
The last Bible Code…

The last Bible Code…

Joseph and.the Techno colored rainbow coat.

Joseph meaning To take or Spirit away…negate -..jealousy…

and to add…positive


By bringing light

Joseoh was the 11th son of Jah Cob son of Isaac..brother of Ishmael…I and I.

Sons of Abraham…

Who was sold into Slavery becausebhe toldbthebtruth of his dreams and Visions by jealous brothers who believed him spiilt and concieted and favored by his father.

But in truth he was favored because he brought Love Light and Laughter to all and put his family..All his family before himself.

He was the meaning of Existence…all for one and one for All.

These are not my stories…rather these are Universal.stories created by our ancestors interpretation of reality, inherited by us, lived by us…and which had to be corrected and expanded by us.

Until we no longer live by stories and paradigms created as lessons by our elders as lessons reminders and understandings.

But break through that cycle of living our lifes through stories created for us which is the key to dreaming.

But break out of that cycle ny creating a new story called our Truth…And awaken from the dreamings and entanglements of those stories web…Now aigned like wool of the sheep spun into yarns..then thread use to weave a tapestry- picture and a flying carpet of our Dreams come Truth by proving the truth of Awakening with the Ping! of Lesson Learnt.


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