
The greatest enemy to the collective awakening of consciousness…

6/19/12  9:41pm
The greatest enemy to the collective awakening of consciousness and evolution of the species, is those people resistant and fearful of change. At first, I thought it was just ignorance and fear. Then I began to investigate the nature of the most powerful illusion of earth…Evil…which can be translated as a selfishness beyond definition…beyond many people’s imagination. I found that there is an experience of men and women in existence going so far in getting what they want, getting away with such horrors, that they actually began to believe their own hype, that they were invincible, that they could challenge this energy of change, called “God” by some, “Evolution” by others, or simply “change.” They felt that they could stop the power of existence itself. They saw themselves as Gods on earth, and because of the “absence” of God, they could decide, and speak for it, until they decided, “Hey…we ARE it.”
One might ask, “Is this arrogance the nature of man, or the nature of the stupidity of man?” I would say it is the latter. Change is not a manmade equation, rather it is a natural equation seen through every aspect of life in earth and in the heavens. The idea that, because pain and suffering, power and superiority have been around for ages, nothing will change is truly a gross expression of stupidity. They believe because of the great silence over the ages that this Energy/Change/God will never come, and perhaps they, men and women are above the laws of existence itself. This great self deception is mirrored by the historical quest of in power for immortality, the Fountain of Youth and the onset of the smiling, royal, beautiful one called the Prince of Death, Prince of mysteries and transformer of the secret, secretions to a higher plane. It just shows us, once again, that no one born, or created is above the Law, the true and natural law of justice, retribution and divine consequence.
This is mis interpretation of those corrupted to the very essence of evil, through power, greed and need, and why this cycle of pain and suffering has not ended. It is why Darwin’s theory of Evolution rooted in “Survival of the Fittest” is so widely accepted…and why this cycle of Jesus, the Anointed or Chosen Ones. Examples of the apex of human evolution sent to inspire us, are crucified and ridiculed, shot down in the prime of life. This view has become widely accepted, with a shrug of “this is the way the world works,” and “why fight it…learn to play the game and survive” mentality. It could, in fact, really be explained by a simple answer of incubation… of humanity incubating (not God, Beauty, light in man. This was already created and perfected in man, despite the pitiful excuse of many who say, “man is not perfect, no one is created perfect.” I say: “define perfection.”
The most logical answer would be the long pregnancy, which is not a wait or weight (like a cross to bear)… but a pregnancy which simply must come to full term. A woman pregnant may decide one day that she wishes the baby would simply come, so tired is she from the stress and the limitations it creates in her life. Yet she must wait because if she brings that which is within her before it reaches full term, it may not come out alive. The same with a man and his baby, a creation, be it an office building he designed or a boat he is carving for his son. There is a process before it can come to term.
We as a species, I feel, had a very difficult time squaring with the laws of existence and life… the very natural laws that we live within. We created un natural laws to find ways to circumnavigate this law. When we could not, we either tricked ourselves into thinking we had to feel our illusion of power and whined, pouted, threw a tantrum, gave in, or simply conformed, secretly angry with God…
You would be surprised at how many people I discovered who are really, really angry with God…. they never really say it but in my words…. they are. Since God to me is the purest, highest Self, would it not mean that, in truth, that they are secretly angry with themselves? This ritual of shame, blame and guilt comes from the constant denial of the truth that the laws of existence applies to us all. Just as with the template of nature, the stages of life, there is a plan and a law… and that fruition is the true end. Not decay and old age.
This idea of Old Age, which is not based on age but rather a state of mind.  To be “set in their way” is a mind set that things will never change. This is like little children closing their eyes to make that which is before them not exist. It changes nothing of what is, and the will of what is. Change is inevitable, transformation is inevitable, Evolution is the very essence of nature and the natural law…
I never truly believed in the idea of patience, waiting and faith… sure they are great tools for self-mastery, but waiting in the dark unknowing, to me, creates seeds to plant in the fertile lands for the “devil’s” mischief. This is not necessarily a bad thing (it can be a learning experience), but it creates chaos and confusion, and makes it easy to get lost and lose sight of what you sought and who you are. No, I for one never really believed in idle hands, idle thoughts, waiting patiently for things to unveil themselves. I do not even believe in such a thing as the Devil, whom I can blame all my problems on… it just does not work or make sense… it, I learned, is simply self-deception. No, I believe in the Beautiful Devil, the one who comes down into the darkness of ignorance with a torch light, within and outside of himself-herself to figure things out themselves, to investigate. Curiosity did not kill this cool cat, but investigation uncovered the facts.
Yes, the Beautiful devil does not patiently wait for solutions…he investigates the solutions…. he does not wait for God or revelations or Beauty, he goes in search of it. He is brave without knowing he is brave… but he is no fool, as the Tarot claims. Yet he is also not innocent because I know I wasn’t; I was full of mischief, delight, fun, adventure… probably this sense of being the beautiful devil is the thing which saves our life, which makes us heroic man and which eventually enables us to unite with that which is divine in man. Bringing forth evolution from the union between the highest nature of self and the deepest nature of self.
Perhaps this is the only way to go, to investigate everything ourselves, and perhaps this is the very nature and catalyst for change; our curiosity and sense of adventure to discover, uncover the mystery of ‘How Come.’  Literally, cum is white, and female orgasmic flow is transparent… is it saying something about our innate purity is the key to life? And to penetrate its mystery we must be transparent in our quests as we go into the darkness to uncover the mystery. It must bring forth magic mystery, MM (good taste) giving her, the darkness bliss, and something for ourselves…ecstasy? That is solid reasoning to me, and it is, of course, the reasoning of the Beautiful Devil looking for God, the one called Beauty. Joining, merging and finally taking us home through the moon gate which mirrors semen\seamen and the uncontrollable force of a female orgasm as in the moon…moving the waves to rise until the pearly gates to the other side are opened wide for us beautiful devils and gods of Beauty, united in one, to pass through.
So let those who have given into old age, and the setting of minds believe up that power and resistance to change is the only way. Those who have gone to such lengths, such lengths, that I can not even say what I know, have seen, and had to go through to investigate, how far some men and women went to make sure that the inevitable would never come\cum. It made me feel such shame, and it made me, as well as anyone forced to see the truth of that see, almost wish that we as a species did not exist.
In deed, it became the greatest battle with self to see how far people would go to stop the inevitable, beautiful change, all in a bid to keep the Status Quo through the principle of pain and suffering.
It’s naught but an illusion, that is the trick to remember when you face the beast alone, that it is not real, they are not real because no one, not even this powerful illusion of power and superiority can stop the very laws of change and evolution which governs our very nature. If you can remember this when you face MED-USA alone, the medicine of greed as a consciousness, you can avoid turning to stone by what you see. Just shine the reflection of your third eye’s clarity of truth, use it as your truth to pierce through the ugliness that you see, to see the truth…that their need and greed is simply the absence of light…
So Be Bright.
love and laughter
Original Facebook post here
Edited word count 2/1/24: 1606

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