
The Great Witch and the Hypnotic War Lock.

The Great Witch and the Hypnotic War Lock.

12:12 p.m


9-17- 2019.

I.Q. T S…

Code reflected here by Liberty C Liscomb


As well as I.Q. code of her home portal.

I am passing through a Embodied Reflection of what I am and orginally represent.

Her own alignment is based on if she is aligned to the meaning of her name in E code.

L L. 24. E M F

* I met Liberty through Esteban Miguel Filgueira E.M.F.

Which equates to the number 24.

One Day.

12 12. Day And Night. DAN. I E L. In the Lions Den.

12/ 12.. 1. 12 12= 24… 12 by 12 = 144.. ADD… 14 4 N D. 1+4=5 E. END/DNE

ARIA-DNE… 144= 9..


One Day

ADD The End..

The Aria Dne.


The Individual

In the End Game as I.Q.

I Qualify.

I Quantify.

I Quantum.

Intelligence Quotient of the Human Race

To figure out the Existential Way of


The E Source of Hue Man Race.

If no one will fight for the Beautiful Truth of Humanity, whose fault if this Species go out of Existence.

I did not come to this world to fight for you all to see the Beautiful Truth of you.

I was sent by the One Father to rescue His/Her Truth.

The Truth of His-Her matter version of you.

12:17 p.m.

12:31 p.m

12:51 p.m.

But I actually came to see what choice Humanity had made, which wolf to choose.

I came to Enjoy myself and quietly observe the World and people.

I came to Harvest my Family and all the Treasures of their experiences but most of all to investigate the Truth they had uncoveted having dwelt inside of Human Beings.

Having moved them to evolve to this moment and for they to reveal the Truth of Humanity and their right to evolve.

My summation linked to their summation.

But yes, something went wrong.

I who represent Freedom and Liberty.

F L.

As Alicia Norris noted in her intel sent today

Savanna. Which is linked to Savannah Georgia and Igbo Landing..

The Slave Trade ( Virgina and Human Trafficking which the Ancestors and even the E Line; aftee sending so many intermediaries and peace makers, all to no avail.

Sending even myself to help bridge the Gap.

All to no avail.

The other code she sent A U E.. K O E

Knock Out by E..

The Great Witch and the Hypnotic War Lock were stories, Archtypes of which Humanity had to overcome in their Natures, and in the world.

These Archytpes were planted by Terrible Death, the Tester to see if Humanity would chose to destroy them, or embrace them.

Dominion Control


Really to anyone of basic intelligence a Divine Comedy.



Because no one has control.

This fact is so obvious, that early man created Gods, on realizing with sixth sense that they had no control.

True, it was a necessary evolutionary step, of the species to figure that out, but not to totally reliquinsh their own power.

But rather begin the process of their own evolution, with Humility and Grace and not dwell in the caves of Shadows and Fear.

1:11 p.m

But gradually step by step, begin the Sacred Journey home.

Instead, they moved to what is called Modern Humanity, to the other extreme in which nearly all strive for Dominance and Control.

A Divine Comedy of the Ridiculous and the Absurd.

Because everyone knows that they are not in control.

But Ah Humanity with their Witchcraft.. Powers of Suggestion.

Who make you do what they want you to do.

Confusing you.

Warlocks with their Hypnotic Dark Magic Tricks who send you to other states of Being which you invited in

Who create conflict war because that is what you yourself do.

These characters originally played by Father and Mother, to help educate the Family and new species about the Nature of Evil and the use of Awareness which can easily break any Witches Spell. Spelling On Words.

SOW… The Great Female Pig as Greed.

Or Warlocks code of Death and Devastation.

DAD ..as Cruelty.

Created to show the Truth, that no illusion Spell or Power can trap you in a Web or Tomb of Eternal Death.

That the Universe Existence is Harmonious and safe.

But how would, and could you be sure, if you did not find this out for yourself.

Every one of you have this archtype in your family.

Its is passed down from generation to generation for each must learn this lesson and thus, break this spell.

Some do, seeing with True Clarity that Father, Uncle or Aunt who or Mother who uses this Dark Magic Trick to Trick you into A Matrix Labyrinth Web,

Dungeons And Dragons

D A D..


Correct J..O.E. S E P H. A. R D HIM.

J O E S E R A. P H. I.M.

These were simple tests of purity..

Or if you are confident that you are clean.

I sit here, almost a prisoner at Libertys place,

I have not gone out in weeks, except for a drama play.

I work each day in her beautiful space, green house and do not sleep much ( 5 children 2 dogs, Nako and Pipa.. N P. Neptune… one of whom is nestled at my back..

And Pipa, who will not close his mouth..

Angel and Flora, A F are the cats.

F- P A N.. Fa is Pan..

4th Dimension.

See him as me on my Facebook Profile page,

Its no fault of Libertys, she has done magnificently, and in very trying circumstances in representing the best of True Human I.Q.

Just as John Mack and in its ability to understand The Script..

Tree Sage

And the Point..Rise Up.. Do!

Esteban Stephen Filgueria..

And its Intellect Busayo Alonge

And its Commitment Esther Uzoma

And its resolve Alicia Norris.

No, its an illusion that I am in a Prison of both my body and my place..

An idea which I could easily buy into at this state.

Or that I am a Slave.

No, I can leave easily, by just taking an action which negates this play and its siignificance.

And my teeth, my body… believe me if I had time alone, space, and none of this enornous pressure and stress, of following, coding reading and acting in this truly hideous human idea of play…

I would know exactly the techniques to heal my body.

People forget, that I do not need the Awakening..

You do.

I know this is an illusion, because I am awake.

But most of all, I can see and read.

F R. E E

Flora Rainbow



Defender of Man



L I BE.. RT.. Y.


Florida Sunshine State 27th

A Zion Z to Arden A to Morgan.


( Y as Masculine Chromosome as the Creative Gene..)

Y Created


Yeshua Christ E.

Of Course, my Mother Got it right, as did Madonna.

Black Christ

B.C ..E

Au. E Golden Age. G A.. 7 1..

Chakra Vertebra.

Black Madonna. B.M.

Black Sarah


Of course, I am the Original Yeshua Christ, an Extra Terrestrial from the Future Present.

Holy Spirit


He Sings

Holy Sacred

Fifth Child.

Fifth Son.


Feeling Sensational.

Yet see what has been done to my song.

My brothers and now sisters incarnation redebtion of that original expression which was actual.

Which in Their Turn they enacted as a play.

I can read.

I can discern

And so can all of you.

A Choice was given to all of you, with the promise that I, we would return one day.

But to find this?

These two Archtypes being transformed into an idea of God.

What should have been long since defeated, not only holding sway but even hosts of the greateat families projecting these ideas themselves outward, even unintentionaly, because they had been infected by the idea of belief as an excuse, to vent their frustration at not having solved the riddle right before their very eyes, and even turn spiteful and jealous at the One and Ones who point it out.


The I.Q

Intelligence Quotient of the Species yesterday has been deemed more than sufficient to understand the Eternal Consciousness

Eternal Word.

Its Light Vocabulary.

This goes also for Nature, Naturalness, Atomic Molecular Matter,

Sky Cosmos, even Energy Fields.

There is nothing Created by E N or H.S. which caused Humanity to Choose this Mentality and Expression.

There is no distrsction created by even God as Unifying Force O .. which can be blamed on Creation.

In the End it was a choice not to rise up and stand up for the Beautiful Truth in yourselves.

Or for what I was made to represent.

As, you witmessed I am welcomed to over a Hundred Homes, each invited me in.

Even the Shelters invited me on, and did wish to see me go, some even grew protective of me or perhaps they were selfish…?

Yes, I fought terrible battles with their Demons Of Rage within, but I was released after 27 months, + 2 months

27 A -Z- A


A-Z-A B C.

And 31..A-Z-B C ..E.

And Now 32.. 33.. A–A-F ..L

3:43 p.m

All had intel. All had knowledge, pieces of Your Puzzle and the Codes to the Past.

And even the Way and what to do.

So why did you invite me in and let me do all the work and even get you clean.

Isn’t evidence of your own awakening worth fighting for.

Respect which is natural, accorded to the Angelic Messenger, despite his missing front

Teeth, has he not done enough for you to rise and praise him, for bringing you at last the Proof and Truth?

When is it enough?

When is it enough for you to band together and do all you can to bring forth that which I have already proven to you, instead of aquabbling, bickering even to this very point.

I truly felt, at Libertys portal, my books would be transcribed and delivered in the right hands.

Once begun, wealth and fortune would come and I could relax content.

Did you see the Drama that day.

From the 27th to. A. M A N code 29.


29 years


Days Feb Leap year 2016.

3:55 p.m

C.E E.

Christian Thrower


No, I am not Angry or Blame Humanity,

I trusted the Force who moved me to see this other proof.

Igwe Chukwuma


Electric Expression Knows.

It sees what I C..

I Consciousness Knows… but could not quite believe, at just how far the Elected Ones as Humans dared to go, in refusal to take responsibility of their expressions when they are in a off or bad mood, and how far they will go to get what they want, even it damages their souls.

How proud you are.

How Defiant.

But what did you create?

Your Arts

Glorious Edifices and Monuments?

What about The Golden Ratio..

Which all great works align to?

What about Stream of Consciousness

Eloguent Talking Writing,


The Things of Great Beauty are you sure you created these things on your own.

Your babies and children did you create these too.

Did you raise them, guide them..

See them or did they see you through their veil of truth, what a lie you became..

Did they give you compassion by seeing the lie of your dual nature.

Or did fury rise at seeing the Hypocrisy of the two.

4:09 p.m


See Sacred Portal 49

4 O 9

4 6 9.

Are you sure you did this alone.

And what about the Ugliness which fills this world with grief.

Is that the fault of The Creator.

Of someone else not you.

What did you created.

Believe me the Akashic Records will show it all.

Everything is a perspective is it not?

Even the One Force who is really in control.

8:50 p.m.

8:51 p.m


After I solved and Equation of the End of the Flower of life yesterday and Liberty following it after her Espirit gave it to me in a few fractals to solve, and in the end she and I gave the answer to how the flower of life folds into itself..

And I said, as an arown which points in the center of itself and both…

It was extraordinary and amazing.

Thomas Lang came over, and identified our equation simply as Anu.

I do speak to Thomas, not because the Love for his essence is extinguished but because how far he had let the character he was meant to be playing in this theater as Dantes Inferno.

Really In Fer..No!

Go so far…

Anu is the name of God Source in every religion and culture.

Which is equatly the equation we had solved, though I would not have used the term Anu.

Since it still has associated meaning.

But yes, God as a Unifying Construct had been sent out, equated out of Existence and all the meaning and evil it had wrought.

All the beauty it had wrought came from human devition to a higher ideal.

The Ideal is a Vision.

And its is what the Quest to full fil that vision achieved was..


The Vision was did not belong to God but to Harmony and E.

Then today Alicia Norris sent the intel and the Savanna code.


Knock Out E…

Then later today, Liberty and I went out ( yes, I broke the illusion of prison after an interesting battle challenge from Libertys righteousnes smh which brought us to True Clarity, and a higher play..

Conversation, after she explained her response to how only intellectually, she could understand The evidence and possibility of my being Source.

She went into the store and came out noting as she looked up, she had come face to face with a mask of Anubis.

She noted, that she had read it, that morning in my post.

Ma at

Anu b is

Liberetys car starts with the letters A.T.


AN U B. I.S.

M.A T R. ( 20 T 18 R) IX. M.I.X.

A N U B. I.S. / S I… B U.N.. A.

Liberty calls her 3rd Son Bun.

Leander…meaning Man


S I… B U.N. A.

S is 19

1:11 am

T A-A M. Both Moi


And She and Bun.

Mother and son same ring.

1:13 a.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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