
The Forgotten One…. Or The Neglected One’

The Forgotten One…. Or The Neglected One’

The Forgotten One…. Or The Neglected One’

T.F.O…20 60…O.E…

T N.O…. 20 14…O.E.

My older Face Book friends will remember that

The Forgotten One is the Name I posted as my Title….

I have been seeing the code BEAR for weeks..

I ascribed it to the American Indian Mythology of the Bear…

As well as the Scandinavian Bear Cult of the Beserkers…

B..E.A.R…. In 2006 I passed through the portal of Edwin Albert Rodriquez Santana… E.A.R.S…

I spent for years there and a total of 12 years in that 4th Dimension.

The first day I found the address, after spending 61 days in the Abyss-

-I had taken a bunch of sleeping pills- light blue, not in any attempted suicide, but rather it was the instruction I was given to pass through that portal

and to prove that I was not afraid of Death.

I was put in a state of such hurt that I recall the only time I wept, to such a depth of Pain Hurt and Shock at what had been done to the play of the Evolution Awakening.. The Script… and my rage beyond words…

Axel Love knew of the time frame.

It was all induced for me to feel that way, reach the frequency of the Abyss- the emotional state which allow me to access that dimension of non existence where Humanity had moved themselves to through not moving forward in correct alignment with the Universe, but instead moving themselves into Non Existence by walking on baseless creation stories and ideas.

Consequently, moving themselves further a further from the Blue Print and Existence Nature.

The had become shadows moving into not Non Existence..

But had manifested a literal Black Hole consciousness which manifested in the corresponding years in the Collective Consciousness through Science..

*See Stephan Hawkings and other scientists discoveries, before they began to get greater clarity…

It was through the efforts of my work in that dimension that the Black Hole concept began to be transformed.

I do not care who credits this as true at this moment, but the words of Jean Ann Dortch Fey Mirach

You have saved us…’ was not an idle utterance.

When I found Generation X Gardens and the three people who sat on a stop as my body became possessed with the King Kong energy..

*King Kong (1959) was a landmark[1] South African jazz-influenced musical, billed at the time as an all-African jazz opera. It has more recently been called an extraordinary musical collaboration that took place in apartheid-torn South Africa…. a model of fruitful co-operation between black and white South Africans in the international entertainment field, and a direct challenge to apartheid.[2] Opening in Johannesburg on 2 February 1959 at Witwatersrand University Great Hall, the musical was an immediate success, with The Star newspaper calling it the greatest thrill in 20 years of South African theatre-going.[3] It swept South Africa like a storm,[4] touring the country for two years and playing to record-breaking multi-racial audiences, before being booked for a London production in 1961,[5] by which time it had been seen by some 200,000 South Africans.[3]

The music and some of the lyrics for King Kong were written by Todd Matshikiza. The lyrics were by Pat Willams and the book by Harry Bloom.[6][7] The musical was directed by Leon Gluckman with orchestration and arrangements by pianist Sol Klaaste, tenor saxophonist Mackay Davashe, alto saxophonist Kippie Moeketsi and composer Stanley Glasser. King Kong was choreographed by Arnold Dover.

The decor and costumes were designed by Arthur Goldreich, a Jewish communist architect and visual designer (who was later arrested during an apartheid clampdown).

King Kong had an all-black cast. The musical portrayed the life and times of a heavyweight boxer, Ezekiel Dlamini, known as King Kong. Born in 1921, after a meteoric boxing rise, his life degenerated into drunkenness and gang violence. He knifed his girlfriend, asked for the death sentence during his trial and instead was sentenced to 14 years’ hard labour. He was found drowned in 1957 and it was believed his death was suicide. He was 36.

Ezekiel Dlamini… E.D… 5 4… *Sacred Portal 54…

1921….S.U… /U S..A…. A I B…U…./ U BIA… U Came in OINri Igbo…. 1 92 1…

Died 19 57… S..E.G…. A.I. E.G…

London Production 1961… 61 Days in the Abyss.

Three men stood on the Stoop- as this rage of King Kong like the 1933 movie.. 33….

Sage, Isaac Calvin McCullough, Edwin Albert Rodriquez Santana….

S.I.A….A.S.I….Asi meaning Lie in OINri Igbo…. But meaning Sit in French…

Sacred Portal 4-5/ 5-4 ( Nnamdi’s Birthday 4-5-1969…5-4-69..) Is the Throne Of Existence..


A.S…I… The One who is I…

Universe… Universal Understand Double U…Double V…

ISIS Means Throne…

And yes,this is the equation solving the T.E.R…R.O.R… Of ISIS…

6;13 p.m..


There was a Statue of a Man standing on the Top of a Globe in the Garden…A Brown man.

My former Host had put his Face on the Statue..

He told me that it had been his Divine Revelations…

He knew who I was and asked me why before I had arrived the Statue had fallen…

He did not have the right to put his face on the Statue…

.. That he was the One who would awaken the World.

He was Taino… and had invited me to stay with him, Omonire Ovwigho Isaac provided monies which allowed us to live pretty well.

I already knew where I was and asked Isaac who else was aware apart from him, he said Edwin Albert….

I knew that he had changed the Story and had been the one weaving a different story- than the original story of creation and a power was moving through him…

Someone had carved the word Satan in front of the Garden.

I did not know who or what He represented in the play- I did not recognize him in the play and told him so calling him Not of Existence.

I took another set of Pills- but this time found that instead of leaving that dimension which I knew did not exist, I felt myself being strangled.

I fought back and came to…

And I stayed and fought… that story is all posted here in actual time.

The power was not in Edwin Albert… But in that which was behind him…

the power of Non Existence.

He had told me how he had summoned it in rage at the understanding of this world being Evil.

In that place I understood Evil had been made manifest and real.. even though it was a story.. A Story of Evil.

And so I stayed… And E.A told me that the challenge and test that I had to pass that every man he had tested ( Brutally… he and Brilliant Machiavellian in tandem with this force of Satan The Tester

) that every Human Being had failed that test….

I had to prove the Truth of Beauty in Humanity while being moved to Rage by the test 24.7…

Witnesses were Ritz Montes and Fritz Venneiq…

R.M…F.V….Room with a View of the Facts… Fear…


Also Micheal Frazier came..M.F… S,P 54

Later Rachel Devon Sessions… and Lisa Levine met him…

R.M.. Is the Universe… F V… 6 5… 6 22.. 6 4…F.D…

/ MR…V.F….

The Director of Delta Manor is Bey.. Which Means Mr

M.R…I… Manifest Reflection 5 6… Victorious Expression manifested the Reflection- Creation from 6th Sense to Fact… Solid Fact.

Edwin J. Chisom E.J.C….Emeka Jim Carey..? I just saw a person walk past me with the word TRUMAN.. The Truman Show… Tom Truman who Albert worked for and who Albert told him about me and that is how we met- his younger brother came to investigate this Guru Yogi from another realm whom Albert spoke so highly about..

Yes, Albert was used.. An Avatar …

Christain Edwin Edwin… C.E.E…

You see it was a Challenge by the Universe… as Universal Mind ( Nature Maurice ..N M…Not Nnamdi Maurice… For I am Nnamdi and the True Maurice…T.M… TO.M… Nagel M…

Chi… Energy challenging me to prove that I a Man was, is the Source .. Its Source…

And the challenge was to duplicate the Expression which it manifested it… To not only to express non stop and thus duplicate that One Action, but to also expand upon it…and move it to its point…

But it also cheated, because it offered up such resistance and tests…

And it never revealed what It wanted me to do…

Very much like my having to use expression…AND Solve ITS Riddles… Its WAY!!!…

But yes, like the Genie in the Lamp… And the Myth of Thor to drink all the Water in the Ocean…

I was being demanded to not only express the expression which aligned with the Nature Galaxy Cosmos… N G C.. 4 0 4…

But also distribute it, into all the Bodies of the E..

And back into my body- the Bottle.. Proving that I am indeed the One who brought it into Existence in the Eternal Beginning…

Sounds like a Fairy Tale…?

Fiction Fact… All Fiction is founded on Fact…

And in this case it is Literal…

True Truth.. T T… TT… That was the play yesterday…. which had the equation M.E.T…. E R B..Y..E…. M.E.T…E.L…

See sacred portal 121… It is the telephone number arranged for me by Marina Burini..when I was in Tom Trumans Loft… Marina and Luke Shaw created the code…

The Telephone M.E..T.E.L…N.O…1 347 517 72 53…. At the bottom it reads… Whisk you away…End of My- The Play… It reads..I am Nnamdi Father Guide Human Spirit Air Breath Love…( I.A..N.F.G.H S A B L….Ian Fought Sable … 9 1…..14 67 8 19 1 2 12… Yes 9-1 is Tomorrow…14 (5) 67 ( 13 4) 8 ( 101…Delta Manor 101 Ppl) 1 2 12……121 with Two… At Manhattan area code 212..

It continues…American African Indian Spirit… A A I.S…

Of the Dream of our Mother, For She is Snow Queen Supreme… O.T.D..O.O…M.F…S. IS..Q.S…Snow Flake… Source of Individuality…

Only thing is She is not….


Father Of Infinity… F O I…

Mother of Individuality… M.O.I….. Link Dawn Piercy son MOI…

Moi means ME.. in French…

Source of I… S.O.I….Soi is Self and Soignee in French… Refinement of grooming…

Hence the Challenge I see….

Last night when I came back to the Shelter- and please recall that I went to 18 Mountain View from 268 East 4th Street…and to the B.R.C Shelter which A.Santana insisted I go…

I went and bought some food from the Chinese Take out… 4:50. usd…

I saw the license plate 515..I knew that I would see Jose Anthony Roque… And there he was sitting in the place I usually mediate at.. he was besides a Guy called Kay and another… But he sat alone on the end table… Angel Indiane…

He had a problem with his housing and the shelter, that he had been sabotaged.

I had been too, to get my passport was a easy task but when I told them the truth, and added what I knew Kelsey thought was my Uppity Nigger attitude they had decided to make it difficult and even stating that I was schiziophrenic for it to hold up…

That I needed to prove that I had somewhere to go in England… When all I wished from them was my passport…

I had heard Chase speak of how he had overheard she and another speaking about Shit.. their Stool… literally.. his disgust and shock- as mine made it clear… I had also observed her satisfied smirk when she saw what she thought was my frustration and suffering…

I laughed….

Now Jose was seeing the same thing… He was incredulous at the cruelty Evil of people… His documents had not only been held up by the person in the agency who he had contacted outside of the shelter, but the shelter had sought to sabotage him.. It was a man of honor in the establishment who had contacted him- yes moved by me.. I did the codes of that portal recall…

I told him that he must remember that the person had alerted him…

And thus, despite his saying that he could have left this place that day, that it was still all good because the man had been outraged and called out the person who forgot to do his paper work and then went on vacation without telling him… The Man had been furious promising Jose not to worry…

I told Jose Indian Angel.. Indian Messenger that it was all a play for him to open his eyes to see the Truth…

And so he began to speak to me about how I always know the right thing to say…

You raisemy Spirits each time…

And then he began to speak of his Spirit… An ancient but youthful Spirit who had guided him his entire life even as he spent most of it on the street and never had not oncee a conflict…

He spoke about when he is alone how he could travel travel fly through universes.. He said he traveled the Galaxy, the stars.. And did not know how he did it but he loved it and did not like comming back here… He spoke about it and I smiled… Jamel.. the same thing… 33… and he 48… I told him that was that not the Indian Spirit.. But that it was also him.. That he had to merge with his Spirit once his Spirit had showed him everything he wished to teach him.. But most of all to open your eyes…

TAKE A RIDE With Me… T A R W M….That was the piece I uploaded here from my 2nd Journal…. Which tells of how I was aware of my Spirit whisking me away to see the past present future of one a Lie.. and the Universe as the Truth… T.A.R… Woods Metropolitan…. T A R E…W M…. M.W…69…..66… 99… 3 9…/ 9 3… I.C..C I….E R A… T… not a Rat… Robert Vlaun is right here… M.W E R AT E/

E …T A R.-E….M W…87… 15…O…5…E…..56…. 11..1….

Code Revealed by the name Fey Mirach…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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