
The End of a 25 year old Social Experiment.

The End of a 25 year old Social Experiment.


The End of the Age of Prophets Messiahs and Selflessness and the responsibilty to the Collective.

Enter the age of Personal and Collective responsibility.

The Age of the Individual Expression.

The I is the source of the Collective.

And without the Individual and their expression the Collective would not even exist.

They would simply be a mindless mass of dark matter existing as potential.

Only the Individual Expression of Consciousness can awaken the Masses to move from potiential to exist as Individuals.

My social experiment proves that the Collective nor the.masses are real..All is an illusion and simply do not exist.

Only The Individual.

It His or Her Individual Expression which affects all potential, all the masses whether they acknowledge it or not.

They are still.moved.

And those who are not are simply illusions who do not exist at all.

And that is why the Voice of the Individual must be heard.

It is the only voice which exists.

The only voice which is heard.

And it is the Voice and Sound of the Individual who sparks the Evolution and Awakening of the masses to move from Mass to Energy to Consciousness Evolved.

E =C.E….thats all.

I.E. Exist.



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