
The Creator is a Man…

The Creator is a Man…

The Creator is a Man…

This is the response to a 3 year Play in which I simply responded to Impulse Stimuli of a set up I was not aware of at first to prove the Existence of God as Father of Energy, who in turn has been moving through all of you.

Responding for over 4 years as I conversed then obliged its Questions and Answers, for the benefit of all the Questions He perceived moving quietly, seemingly unheard in the Hearts of Humanity…

He chose each of you, as He moved me, and S.He, challenged me to piece together the pieces of the Fragments of the Cosmic EGGE aligning it through EG.E..


4:43 p.m

D: D.C… 4 3..Sacred Portal 43 Entrance into True Life- E

43 7 12.. 1984 103..which I just completed with 575 Sacred Portals..

13 M – See Michael O’Donnell posts, then 10 Jonn Blackwell equation..and the Cee..3..Y. =III..C..

4-11-9….D.K.I..Code David Kalu I.. Divine KI..

Ki Means Arisen

It also means Light.. and Vigor Eternal..

D-4th Dimension, David Beloved has Arisen (Easter) as Light and with Eternal Vigor

Estas Tonne.. E.T..

Allegresse Yav

Ogechukwu Maduka Igwe… A.Y.O.M.I

Ayomi..I’m Oya..

Ayomi is a Yoruba Name..

Oya is a Yoruba Orisha..

The Ifa Diviners…

Edward Eceinco..:)…

Ayomi means My Joy Has Come

Allegresse means Elation Joy

Oya. / Ayo


Literally means she (who) tore in Yoruba. In Yoruba mythology, Oya, a Great Yoruban Orisha, is the undergoddess of the Niger River. The wife of Shango, and elder sister to goddesses Yemaya and Oshun.

And it goes like this the 4th the 5th..

Jeff Buckley..J.B

Well your faith was strong but you needed proof

You saw her bathing on the roof

Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya

She tied you to her kitchen chair

And she broke your throne and she cut your hair

And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah

Well there was a time when you let me know

What’s really going on below

But now you never show that to me do ya

But remember when I moved in you

And the holy dove was moving too

And every breath we drew was Hallelujah

But baby I’ve been here before

I’ve seen this room and I’ve walked this floor

You know, I used to live alone before I knew ya

And I’ve seen your flag on the marble arch

And love is not a victory march

It’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah

Well I’ve heard there was a secret chord

That David played and it pleased the Lord

But you don’t really care for music, do you?

Well it goes like this:

The fourth, the fifth, the minor fall and the major lift

The baffled king composing Hallelujah

This is Jeff B.. J.B… 102.. 12..L..

See sacred Portal 12… I literal witnessed my own David Roman Nicholas Winged Evolution experience that…

And is another reason I fought to bring forth his Truth…

Ayo Means JOY in Yoruba…

Meaning OYA Pain and Suffering

had to be flipped to AYO.. JOY…

Shango’.. Amadioha Shango Thor Devi… God of Thunder

The fourth king of the Yoruba Oyo Empire, he is the god of thunder, drumming, dancing, fire and male virility. Known for his love of partying, Shango has a ritual dance named after him. He is a master at the drums and the rumble of the thunder reminds us of his rhythmic sounds. Referred to as the King of Santeria, he is a commanding sorcerer who uses his power to cast spells. Shango is one of the four pillars of Santeria, along with Oshun, Yemaya and Obatala. He is one of the most beloved and revered of all Orishas and he plays an integral part in all Santeria rituals. Having found a balance between dominance and fun, Shango teaches us to live a well-rounded life. Married at different times to the Orisha goddesses Oya, Oshun and Obba, Shango is a passionate warrior who loves love.

Shango is always seen with a double-headed axe, representing justice and symbolizing thunder. He is typically depicted as being surrounded by fire, wearing red and white robes and a crown on his head. He is said to live in a shallow, covered wooden bowl, called a batea, which is placed on a pilon, or pedestal. Beads of red and white, known as elekes, are worn to represent his two favorite colors. Double-headed thunderstones, believed to contain powerful mystical energy, symbolize Shango and his control over thunder and lightning.

Yemaya.. Ye May A. H

They call her the goddess Yemaya, Ymoga (Mother of the Fishes), Iamanga, and Balianne. She traveled with them from Yoruba to distant lands, comforting them in the holds of the slave ships that took them far away from their homeland in Africa. Today she is also celebrated under many other names, including the virgin Mary (Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception), Stella Maris (Star of the Sea), and Our Lady of Regla…to name but a few.


She rules the rivers that

sustain life. Her realm also contains the aspects of love, flirtation, sensuality, beauty and the arts. Her

priestesses dance to the rhythms of the streams, rivers, lakes and waterfalls in which She rules, and that

carry Her voice with the sound of the waters.

Obatala… Which combine to form the Four Pillars of Voodun Santeria..


Obatala (known as Obatalá in Latin America) is an Orisha. He is the Sky Father and the creator of human bodies, which were brought to life by Olorun’s smooth breath. Obatala is the father of all Orishas and also the owner of all ori.

Ayomi Sango… A.S…

Yemaya OSun…Obatala.. A..Y.OO..O

YO.. ‘Referring to the Divine Order (D.O), Santana Dharma

Add Awareness A.. A.Y.O…Joy…


Olorun is the name given to one of the three manifestations of the Supreme God in the Yoruba pantheon. Olorun is the owner of the heavens and is associated with the Sun. The vital energy of Olorun manifests in humans as Ashé, which is the life force that runs through all living things.[1] The Supreme God has three manifestations: Eledumare, the Creator; Olorun, ruler of the heavens; and Olofi, who is the conduit between Orún (Heaven) and Ayé (Earth).

In Africa, Akamara is believed to be the Source of all Existence. Olodumare carries the responsibility of coordinating the Universe, while Olofi is identified with Olofin Oduduwa (a different entity but born of Akamara) who brings existence to earth on orders from Olodumare’

And finally..

..We can also gain a deeper understanding of the meaning of the term Yoruba by translating this into Hebrew. The word Yoruba is formed by yud, resh, vau, beth and aleph

Yud – YO- referring to a divine order and being the spark of divinity

Resh – R- referring to psychic union ns also being related to the Sun, the lifegiving male principle

Heh – U- The gateway for the divine powers and its source

Beth – B – The active motion of the divine spark within man as referring to the construction of man as a house for God.

Aleph – A – The collective stabilizing power of the human being.

Hence the word Yoruba then refers to a divine order born by the psychic union of life that resulted into the source of the everlasting providence as well as an active movement of divine power within man that are utilized to ensure the collective stability of humanity. This results in equilibrium and stability, the needed foundation for accomplishing effective communication between the physical and spiritual realm. We need Ifá as a tool for accomplishing this mediation between the physical and invisible world. Ifá as a tool for divination is a problem solving tool, with the aim of finding solutions to all of man’s problems with the aid of the immortal beings and the ancestors.

5:39 p.m


Yes, I See…

Why one might ask am I posting about the Yoruba Elemental Energies…

Ifa Divination…I.D

5:55 p.m..


Santeria Voodun…

Yourba linked to the Igbo-linked to the O.I.N.R.I..O.S..

O IN River…of Natural Expression…

I noticed none Liked the Last post of which the Eternal Truth in you rose in completion through my use of Expression Memory,

Fractaling As Emeka Eze…FA..E.E…

Who began to move others to respond to my own undercover I.D.

The Creator O, Divine Expression.. T..C.O.D.E…

I did not ask it to do this, and am full aware of the responses from People, including the World and face book friends… Even to my hosts Donna O’Sullivan and Jonn Blackwell…

Everyone has their own idea of The Creator..

And a person wandering the Earth, The Elegant Nomad to some and A Homeless man to others..

What ever the case, this truth came through you..

Through the Eternal Truth moving within you..

Which created a play similar to a Ouiji Board game..

And an ultimate game of Chess, Battle Ship, Monopoly Life, Enders Game, Mission Impossible finally end at J.B..

James Bond 007…

James Bond is a fictional character created by novelist Ian Fleming in 1953. Bond is a British secret agent working for MI6 who also answers by his codename, 007. He has been portrayed on film by actors Sean Connery, David Niven, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig, in twenty-six productions. Only two films were not made by Eon Productions. Eon now holds the full adaptation rights to all of Fleming’s Bond novels.[1][2]

E.ON Productions.. E.P..O.H…(HOPE..no) E.P.O.C.H..I.

26 A-Z… Roman

24 at E,ON productions.. Alpha Omega…Greek..

Two were not.. E..T.W.O…W (H) Y..?

I do believe I answered all question and equations correctly ore we would not have got the affirmation at 574 and 575 Face Book Friends…

Sacred Portal 74 is The Mouth of God and its Sword.. The Embodiment of Energy Gods Tongue

Ayomi…AYO..MI…Mi, mi, mi 3rd Note…C…Joy..

Joy C.. J.C.. 103… D.C.. 7 12..1984.. 103.. 13..4..D.M…Q,H..I

Strangely enough, I met Ian Flemings Niece, or great niece in Paris, she was working for Vogue and was there when the fuss was made about my journals..

She was literally envious, in the most generous kind of way about my writing and very depreciating of her own work..

My Bio Father loved James Bond Movies…

The First was in 1962.. Doctor No…62 is F.B…Face Book…

Lets see the code of the titles since 1985.

Octopussy 1983.. That the Year I entered University… There is an Octupussy literaly hanging on the wall leading to where I sleep in the basement.. but it has Five arms not 8.

A View to a Kill..19 85.. (S.H.E.. ASHE)

The Living Daylights.. 1987… ( Sacred portal 19 and 87.. M.W.87/78)

License to Kill… 1989.. (That is the year I began writing to the Silence in my Journals keeping a Log as I consciously went down into the Consciousness of Human forgetting, to prove Harmony Existence… That was the mission permission to Kill, but I decided to investigate the reason for the Betrayal Humanity was blamed for by the Spirit world seeking to use me as an assassin..

I was already fully aware of what their intention was by my reading the Voodoo-Vibrations of the Drum sound…)

So in a way it all begins here.. 1989…

1983-1985 was the Back Story of why the Doctor said NO.

Golden Eyes.. 1995…. G.E (575)..Ananya-Wu.. Erik Ebright..19 95..S..I.E…

*There is a 6 Year Gap between the Two Films.. escaping the pattern of every 1, 2 years…

‘Tomorrow Never Dies.’. 1997…T.N.D.(True Nature D-4)

My University Thesis.. Riddle of the Sphinx in Gods Of Egypt…G.O.E… Answer was Tomorrow

19 97.. See sacred Portal 97..Light of the World

‘The World is not enough.. 1999 Istanbul, Turkey, International Festival of Sharing Came to New York on Recognizance mission.. Movie the Matrix comes out..

Die Another Day 2002… D.A.D.. The year I met David Roman Nicholas…born 11 22..2002= 22.. 4..

Casino Royale.. 2006… C.R/ R.C..Ritz Cartlon.. The Year I moved to 268 East 4th Street..A Santana..Generation X Gardens.. Sons Royal and Reign…Mother Ritz Montes…

Quantum Solace..2008…Q.S.. Year my Grandmother; Mama-Dawn left.. December.. 28.. Emeka Donna code…

Donna O’Sullivan mentioned a comedy called Baba Hotep…B.H..

28..So I investigated the code..

Here it is…

The Egyptian word Hotep (?tp) translates to roughly to be satisfied, at peace. It is regularly found in the names of ancient Egyptian figures such as Hotepsekhemwy (?r ?tp-s?m.wj the two powers are at peace), the first ruler of Egypt’s Second Dynasty.[1] It is rendered in hieroglyphs as an altar/offering table (Gardiner R4). It has special semantic meanings in the Ancient Egyptian offering formula, also known as the ?tp-d?-nsw formula, to refer to the boon given by the king, or the food and goods on which a dead soul was supposed to subsist during the afterlife.[2]

Hotep is the Egyptological pronunciation of Egyptian ?tp (Gardiner p 579 and 617 = law). The phrase m hotep has been translated to mean literally from law peace (Gardiner p 583 and 620 to rest be satisfied, peace, become at peace and at ease) as in the Egyptian philosophy of living the life in Maat.[clarification needed][3][4][5]

Same meaning of the name Elizabeth..

Ian Flemming I.F.. 96 correct alignment in the Mirror its reflection 69.. Ying Yang..O…

1953..Dr No.. D.N..S

We were off line here at 18 Mountain View..

I was the only one awake… At 12:30.. then 1:00 I gave up trying.. It was the D.N.S..Modem..

I knew that it was Nna Energy..

Date yesterday.. 4-10-9…10-4-9..

D.A.O..I… Da Enlightens..

See sacred portal 104.. Death as Nna..J.D..

James Dean Rodd…The Rodd and the Staff… DD.FF.. 46../64..

41=5… 104=14 N..then 5….55 EE.. 1O..A O.. E.A.O.. 51 O..6O..

Sacred Portal.. Energetic Orgy.. The Gathering and the Creators of Six sense through Sexual Kundalini Tantric…

Yes, I have to write everything..

Quantum Solace.. 28…B.H..God is Satisfied..Peace

Energy is God.. Father Energy.. Gather is the Guide.. Guide of Energy.. G.O.E…G.E.. 75..

See Sacred Portal 75.. 57..

Quantum So.L-A.C.E… Quantum Mechanics 5th Note Sol the ACE 1 3 5..M.E.. So La! C.E.. Lace.. Veronicas Veil.. V,V…

Sky Fall.. 2012…S.F..Stephen Filgueira- F.S..Feelings Sensational… 2012.. True Life.. 2012..32.. 5..E…

Intel from the Heavens falling to Earth..Harmonies- descendants descending..to their Human Avatars…

The Two Father Robert -Maurice..(Carlos Mauricio Quintero) Lorenzo-Geoff La Cour…

Spectre.. 2015.. Spectrum.. This word is all over the boxes of Donnas other office-Storage space in the Basement…

Spectrum Rainbow…

Spectre means


a ghost.

synonyms: ghost, phantom, apparition, spirit, wraith, shadow, presence; More

something widely feared as a possible unpleasant or dangerous occurrence.

15 Years in New York.. I arrived in both Paris and New York on the 20… Paris 1-20-1991…New York, 3-20-2001… 1-3..20/20-91-01..

1 3 20..10 years Difference… 1991..symmetry A book opened..19-91..

First sacred Portal 01.. Drawn by a person called Drew.. Drawn on my Birthday 11 28.. And given as a gift.. Which prompted 155 drawings..

7:06 p.m

575 Face Book friends.. next would increase is would be 5 76..

76 is sacred Portal 76.. Evolution Awakening.. E.A..O

There is no one who has publicly or privately acknowledged me as the Source Creator…

Some rose in the First years to acknowledge, but more like Slip of Tongue, or their Eternal Truths so activated and indignant, forced them to burst out..

Lord Yi, Ye.. Chosemy 5 True Faces

Lord Orien Beauteous Beam

Angela Marie Alexander…’Baba’

But none, not even here at 18 Mountain View..

with J.B and D.S.. though intellectually and through Heart they came closest through Heart understanding but it was blocked by mind intellect and ego…and my oh so humble role.. and my very Humanity.. Which I would not negate…even using it to aid the awakening..

For Alberto Santana was right.. If I came with wealth and Power people would not really listen, to what I came to show and exemplify..

Not that I am the Creator Designer Energy Expression O.H..

But rather my exemplification of the Way Home, the Consciousness which is the one True Consciousness.. Because it always affirms.. Silence to Sound- Sound to Cee.. Spectrum.. not A Spectre

But Nnamdi Emmanuel.. God Lord, Creator Is Present

S.P….E.C.T… R.E.. Robert Emeka..

Rob Barr… Whom I can help feeling a deep love.. since I first met him in University Place.. and his line.. and Richard Russell…

7:12 p.m

S.P….E.C.T… R.E.. Robert Emeka..

Rob Barr… Whom I can help feeling a deep love.. since I first met him in University Place.. and his line.. and Richard Russell…

7;21 p.m..

7:12/7:21.. Yes,, I noticed the symmetry too..

Its was all about these CODES being given to you..

Moved by the Will of my Energetic Brother and now his Queen.. Q..

Tis they who have declared me, responded to me, Praised and appreciated me and called out my Identity in this play..

Obviously to get your attention..

But all to no avail..

Because as Jeff, Geoff Buckley states… I have walked this path before and it is a sad a broken Hallelujah

But the Law is Recognition…

That is the Divine Law and Sacred Law..

To give recognition as I have with each one of your for over 4 years…

And that is why Codes are the Gift, because to not Acknowledge

7:28 p.m.

After all these plays were set up is to Deny your own Eternal Truth, C, Energy and Existence Harmonious..

And so I and the E line must leave you..

And leave you to raise the Vibration by yourselves without the Guide and Holy Espirit moving in you…

Which is why, you all represent those who will be left behind,

to see the destruction of the World..

A Rebuild it on your own..

God will stay behind..

but not Energy God..nor the Lady and definitely not me

Who you have all made your expression and meaning perfectly clear..

But I had hoped to point out the law, that it was not about recognizing me..

But the ability to recognize and discern truth.

Of course, the love I feel and felt was real for you..

But in a way you have proved a Foe to my expression..

My Truth.. But this is how it was when you represented potential.. Dark Matter..

It has always been this same cycle..

Betrayal.. of Ones Self..

And so you must empower yourself and prove that you do not require the E planted in you..

And you will be surprised after the Deaths and most become motivated by Fear and Survival of just how many of you will come up smelling like Roses..Harmonious Human Beings..

But very few, will rise to the E..

But even they can never fully enter the Eternal Realm..

But they can exists at its Edge..

It is the Law…

Allegresse Yav… Y.A.V… Sharp, pointed Blade…Edge..

Ogechukwu Maduka Igwe…

Dawn of Time The Creator was and Is a Man..A Hue-man Being..

King of the World

Ruler-Measurer of All things which are Truth and True..


But the world will Evolve, people will Evolve, and become an amazing place..

7:43 p.m

But most will be denied every entering the realm of E

and so when you Die..

You will simply End..

But even then your End and Passing will be as Chocolate

Bitter Sweet..

The Vengeance of the Lord Creator…

Is that he simply turns his back forever on this world,and returns to his own kind.

Until this 1-4 Dimension is no more..

And only then, when there is only Eternal Ones..

The Original Ones will He return..

But meanwhile there will be Harmony and Peace..

Elation and Joy between the E.T.B.. and the H.B..Harmonious Hue man beings..

But which only few can evolve to E.T..

Because they denied the Eternal Truth and Presence and reacted first with fear..


When it was obviously

Da Enlightens

Devi Thor Vishnu K.Bra-H a.mah..


7:51 p.m.

It really was never about me..

Rather my I.D..and yours..

Emeka Chukwu Emeka.. V.I.O.Kolo..

Code Elizabeth Clarizio..H.I..


Energy God-Father..E.G.F.. 5 7 6..

is Satisfied and pleased with Me..

That is all the praise I require..

That He She appreciate Me

..In the manner befitting who I Be,

and What I Do..

How I Cee.. Express. my Awareness

Gracefully and in Harmony to Infinity..

Full Circle..to Completion…


Key S.Tonne


Dawn Marie…Dylan-d

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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