
The Consciousness of Beauty… And the Energy of Beauty…

The Consciousness of Beauty… And the Energy of Beauty…
My Mother C, was the first person who helped defined what was the Consciousness of Beauty. In my understanding of her speaking about Beauty being her guiding principle, I found myself investigating what Beauty was, until it became the guiding principle of my own life.
I lived by that principle which I can now define as a state of our collective and Individual naturalness… Who and what we naturally are. It is what gives nature its order, the universe…its harmony, human beings…inspiration. It is the most universal principle governing existence; that which is lies inherently within all creation, within all humanity, that which governs our inner worlds and our outer world… Beauty is when the dawn rises and when the night falls, it is that which makes our most secret gardens flourish and which makes flowers rise from the gardens we create and from the trees which gives us shelter and food. Beauty is the color of life, which guide our turbulent emotions, to the stillness of a sea of calm. Beauty is in thunder, in the rain falling, in the birds calling out to each other, it is in the raging seas, in the tornadoes, in the volcanic eruptions, in the winter blizzards, in the dryness of the desert… in all things, in all the colors of life, the painting of our collective existence is the consciousness of beauty all around us, which energizes us. Beauty is the energy that makes everything pulsate with life and it is this energy which created humanity, and this planet.
Everywhere in natural existence is the same underlying theme of Beauty… it causes us to rise, to sing, to dance. Beauty is in the animal world, in the intelligence of creation, in the movement of our bodies, and can exist even in our articulation and connectivity with one another…
Beauty is everywhere and it is the true song of existence and creation. So it came as a surprise that I found myself (and perhaps others, too) defending the principle of Beauty against all other principles, bringing us to the brink of nonexistence and self-annihilation because we had forgotten to call its name.
To me, Beauty is the true name of God, Beauty is the state of the divine, the energy of the miracle which brought us forth to rise, and arise into the consciousness of our world… And for this idea or notion of God to come into existence, we simply had to call its name… And if we took time to pause, we would notice that throughout the annals of history and time, it has been the Beauty which became gradually hidden within us, buried under a debris of manure and shitty expressions…this quality which has been quietly ringing a bell within our souls… reminding us of who we once were and who we could always become… The garden of Eden, the paradise which begins within us and not outside of us, but yet both existing in harmony within and around us before we as humans walked on the earth’s soul\surface.
I was being asked by a world which sought to disguise itself, hypnotize itself, into wearing masks and the expressions of ugliness. Here I found myself shocked and horrified upon being asked to wage a quiet and then later, an expressive war with reality who had convinced themselves that humanity was created from ugliness and sin. This is how Nikoma Rios replied, in one of the most Beautiful responses to my nonstop outpouring of words on Facebook and through e-mails. Nikoma is a person whom I have known since I began in awareness.  I sought to find or create–after a lifetime of battling to find the correct words and articulation of what everyone already understood and knew–a Universal Language that everyone could recognize: the first and true creative energy which brought us all in existence was actually Beauty…
Nikoma had witnessed, and even managed to tag along and Witness, my great battle with society and people about my understanding of Beauty… Ten-Eleven years later he wrote his conclusion of the principle I was embodying, naturalness. He witnessed the Battle for my Existence as my journey plunged into nearly every possible battle with all the principles in existence to prove the truth of Beauty. He concluded simply…”And in the End only Beauty remains.”
I quietly wept at his words as I read them, not totally sure why I wept, since this was not a personal victory, nor was it a quest to be understood; rather it was a victory for all of us who fought and strove in our various ways to bring forth an articulation from deep within our secret gardens–that which we could not convey, articulate or make others understand was our collective truth.
I knew and felt that this was a victory for us as a species, for all those that came before me, for my mother whose torch I carried even through a separation which has lasted over 23 years. During these years I found myself unwittingly battling a world who seemed to demand I (or people like me) define the meaning of Beauty. I had been shocked…why must Beauty be defined when its meaning is everywhere around us?
“Prove to us,” the world I inhabited seemed to say, “that Beauty can conquer the principles of fear, rage, dominion, power, violence…” All these principles which were moving our world from the light of beauty and life towards mass extinction. It seemed as if I was being asked by both an invisible and visible world, how could such a thing as Beauty be more powerful than the energy of money, fear, or the desire to feel safe?
At first I did not know how to answer this. Why should such a question be asked of me or anyone…? Wasn’t Beauty obviously an energy which governed the principles of the natural world? How is it that the unnatural world and their unnatural systems became the governing principles of life on earth? How is it, I wondered, (as I am sure many others have) that humanity had become so oblivious to what was obviously the blue print of existence? And why is it that the people who understood this consciousness had to become warriors of light? Why the resistance to such an idea made so intense, that some of the most enlightened and compassionate beings were swayed by the collective wave of giving into the so-called darkness or ugliness of our natures?
How even did darkness become associated with evil…? The flesh, our bodies…are made of truth, our souls…beauty. Our breath, our love and our stream of consciousness responds to Beauty. Beauty does not create fear; at its most extreme it creates awe, reverence….respect. For years I found myself in situations where the very naturalness of being oneself was questioned, viewed with doubt, suspicion…even malice. What in the world had happened to the consciousness of Beauty and why had we lost the ability to communicate in that language? How had its meaning become so distorted to equate with something so superficial, artificial…. skin deep?
And so I began my personal research…moved not through a motive to prove anything to anyone, but simply to be at peace and not at war. It felt that someone had elected me to prove it, and my consciousness and awareness became taken over, to my amazement, by forces that made my body spasm, jerk and such beautiful energies rise in me as if asking me to prove their truth… not my own, for I had nothing to prove. Like anyone else, I simply wished to live a decent life.
That is what Nikoma’s statement meant to me…after a battle of a lifetime in which memory allowed me to walk through the unseen world while in the seen world of illusion. In an illusory world based on perspectives of the main defining principle in action being money or power…. I found myself straddled between two worlds, which seemed to call out to me to assist or do my part in bridging the gap between the world of Energy and the natural world, while living in the unseen world. Knitting these until it felt that through all the research and guidance the seen and the unseen were leading me…through what many on the planet were saying…was a new Energy landing on earth. This energy was not currently seen by all but seen by those beings whose life training had prepared them to sense something beyond the physical, the monetary (no simple feat), and the spiritual…to the underlying energetic of existence waiting to be named… Beauty, the Energy of existence. Beauty is the source and the brain behind the landing of the Beautiful ones… Beings whose every expression, every gesture, every thought…even whose rage, wrath and fury could be understood as beautiful–like a lioness protecting her cubs–radiant with the energy of that which is beautiful to behold.
Perhaps many people who interacted with people fighting to bring to light this energy, did not understand our intentions or why we fought them…making some feel uncomfortable with the power of our intensity. This intensity goes beyond love, truth or even IS because it expands beyond Is, by expanding upon it.  It requires tremendous will to give evidence of this truth landing…what it means and takes to see through that view and focus…where everything, even the greatest riddles can be made clear. This truth causes us to rise by understanding that there will be, at the end, a beautiful outcome…. and that from the shitty expressions of doubt thrown at us, judgements and condemnations, there is a certain point at which a stench is made. Here is planted a seed where the most glorious and fragrant flowers will grow. Then they may understand the meaning of this great battle, made to help them be as they were created,… Beautiful…. But first we had to understand how to call and express the nature of God’s true name, by seeing God’s true nature in us: Beauty is its name.
Un Cle Samuel… to the ones who listen, who understand the name of God is the consciousness and energy of that which lies within us and which is manifest all around us, the only thing was we had to understand was how to articulate and pronounce its name. And in my journey through a life that many have said they could not have sustained, is the proof and evidence that to be safe is to exist in that consciousness and that energy. This unseen hand will link us, connect us from the subconscious lack of awareness, to the understanding that it just wanted us to call it\ourselves by our one true, perfect name.
I met Nikoma in the beginning of my strange journey, as well as a young Lady named Rachael Sessions in the very end. One acted as a witness to this voyage, often not understanding me or where I was coming from…. until the end when he was the one who called out the truth of this unholy game….a great battle to get to the top of the pyramid with billions of other principles, where at the apex of the all seeing I (eye), there was place for only one principle… and Beauty was its name.  Rachael came in the end, understanding this principle because it grew in her without me having to explain it… I call her true clarity….
Nikoma, Rachael and I…. Nri… in the end of the great battle of existence, which brought the earth from seed out of the sea of chaos, to the great battle in Ancient Egypt. The land of the dead came from the sea of great darkness, planet earth as it was created to be. The beautiful planet where after its great battle to come into existence, only beauty remained. The purity (the light, the seed) of planet earth, expanded from the seed of purity to the beautiful expression of us all…. Planet Beauty with this new energy and consciousness landing expanded to the land of the beautiful… Hue man beings who evolved to finally assume that name.
Thank you, thank God, thank yourselves, thank each other and praise our one eternal holy name…..Existence is Beautiful.
Original Facebook post here
Edited word count 1/14/24: 2061

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