
The Conclusion…

The Conclusion…

The First Conscious Expression of Being was, is and always will be Harmony.

The Mission was to simply show people how to read Link, perceive and understand the Nature of Harmony… which is Beauty…

beauty comes from being clean, and being clean helps you to Cee, and when you can see you can read.

It was never about proving to you that I am right and all this is true…

It was about exemplifying a way of perceiving reality where everything, Everything is of beautiful view…

Except that which is not True….

the Consciousness which lies…

Which choses consciously to create an ugly view and bully and infect others into seeing that view.

it is a consciousness which breaks the first law of the First Being when he first Rose and heard the potential about him still in the Illusion of death, though he had brought them all alive and into Existence.

He and his twin self could have left them in that state and used them as they saw fit for themselves…

But he did not, he went back into his reflections to share the way, the Path so all could be aware alive and B.E as he was, alive and IN existence not outside.

And for this he was given this role not by all but those he called non existence…

Those who now will never be anything else that what they caused…

Pain and suffering eternal top the Perfect Spirit… P.S. A.MAN.


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