
The Computer did it again. – **

The Computer did it again.

**1:40 pm.


6-20-20 21.


I lay in bed, as I struggled to align my body, it been 18 years now o this condition and as I lay there a part of my Heart-Mind, a very quiet and serene voice, commented rose up and commented cooly, that this with my body should not be happening this intensely.
I could feel it, my bodysuit still trying to fit my frame, I could feel it, just a tiny adjustment and it would all fall into place.
I kept fighting, tossing, and turning with the momentum of my muscles, elastic yet still resisting.
After 5 hours of this, I finally got up.

From experience, I know when my body does this, it is an impetus, stimuli demanding something of me, wanting something of me.

There can not be more I said to myself, what more does it want from me.
There is nothing left to say, nothing more I wished to share.
Nothing more to explain.

I am at 16 35 Facebook Friends, I can see that I have proven perfect symmetry, and thereby proving that this reality is a simulation.
I won’t say that I am frustrated, I have long since passed that “Etape”.
I am calm even as I write right now, my body has calmed down but I still feel the pull and strain of my muscles.

People don’t get it, and in a way, they were not meant to, only the key players do.
Everything was designated.

Harmony Perfection, as well as Harmony Infinite Perfection, has been proven.

The Truth which I had always known has been proven.
That there is a gene in the human body literally called DNE, it is the gene which was planted at Inception which by moving through the DNA as Time once activated it moves everyone to that Natural E Harmony.

Let’s pause here.

I had not seen Kim Arthur Hinds Jr in two days, since he began working.

Do you recall how I said that there was nothing left for me to do, and that from where I sit it was all about Kim Arthur Hinds Jr now and what he was elected to represent in the play as the KA aligned to Ka. 11 1. Kim Arthur. and BA 21.
Kim was discharged from the Army on 12-21-2012.

And you will recall what I was posting before Kim came over and then literally blew my mind, by confirming that we are not only still in the play but that we are leaving the Egyptian story.

It’s 3:11 pm right now, which is the time Mahmoud Farouk sent me his message.
C K.
C A-A.

*The ancient Egyptians believed that a soul (k?/b?; Egypt. pron. ka/ba) was made up of many parts. In addition to these components of the soul, there was the human body (called the ??, occasionally a plural ??w, meaning approximately “sum of bodily parts”).

According to ancient Egyptian creation myths, the god Atum created the world out of chaos, utilizing his own magic (?k?).[1] Because the earth was created with magic, Egyptians believed that the world was imbued with magic and so was every living thing upon it. When humans were created, that magic took the form of the soul, an eternal force which resided in, and with every human being. The concept of the soul and the parts which encompass it has varied from the Old Kingdom to the New Kingdom, at times changing from one dynasty to another, from five parts to more. Most ancient Egyptian funerary texts reference numerous parts of the soul: Khet or the “physical body”, Sah or the “spiritual body”, Ren or the “name, identity”, Ba or the “personality”, Ka or the “double”, Ib or the “heart”, Shut or the “shadow”, Sekhem or the “power, form”, and Akh or the combined spirits of a dead person that has successfully completed its transition to the afterlife.[2][a] Rosalie David, an Egyptologist at the University of Manchester, explains the many facets of the soul as follows:

The Egyptians believed that the human personality had many facets—a concept that was probably developed early in the Old Kingdom. In life, the person was a complete entity, but if he had led a virtuous life, he could also have access to a multiplicity of forms that could be used in the next world. In some instances, these forms could be employed to help those whom the deceased wished to support or, alternately, to take revenge on his enemies.[3]”

What Kim Arthur Hinds Jr said to me, recounted to me of his last two days of work, and the people he met, Stephan and Manny, ( SM) T.J, Paul ( my altar desktop the Wine Glass on the JP.)
I have 24 USD in my wallet right now.

* I bought my mother and sent here Black Thread Count Egyptian bed sheets, which even when I sent it to her back in 201, I was aware that it was for her crossing over as if I had already seen her Death.

42 Judges.

Then he mentioned Hesus H. HH.
And then Hector- Hector of the Trojan War, brother of Paris,

I just watched the entire mini-series of Great Greek Myths: The Odyssey.
( G G M- “T O” 20 15 when I entered the shelter bed 49, in 2015. * Please see the date of the “Lord Nu Me of the watery abyss” I shared last night)

G G M- TO/ OT 15 20 Facebook Friends. M. G G- Gemino Gemini.
13 Nnamdi/ Margaret 7 7.

Hector Paris- Helen of Troy.

* Laura Walsh and her son Troy.

I listened to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr with my mouth agape.
I am aware that he has the Visual Records of the entire play of Time and the Script.

But, why I am jaw dropped astonished is that I it is stating that the play of Universe Nature Script is still going on.
That universal nature and this play dare to demand even more of me, more posting, more attention and focus at this point when even my True Self and this my current self just does not wish to go on, do anymore…
That its sadomasochism could reach this level of Evil to such an extreme that even after 20.3 years and 9.6 years on Facebook, that it is still making me code, post and document what I know is meant to be the movie version of this awakening which Kim Arthur Hinds Jr represents.

The Stroy of the awakening with me who is in this reality a Film Director before I was waylaid into this play.

I can barely walk, talk ( though it is getting better) but that this thrashing and obstinacy, all caused by Nature as the lie as the E Family, who refused my plan, insisting that I do it their way, now forcing me to do it the way I had originally stated but only after literally fucking it up for all these years.

The awe and incredulity I feel, at this abuse of power, this power to control my body, to again get me to continue with this- to risk my literally vacillating between leaving my body rather than be continued to record and document this process- here, in this house, in this setup, here in South Whitney, in Connecticut…
To sustain this truth, alone after an entire life time, while hardly anyone even knows what is going on, and within a containment field of living like a beggar, that they would go this far…

3:43 pm.

Keeping the rest of the world peoples out of the loop, going about their lives, while I have to sustain and maintain the truth of this being the Evolution Awakening from the abyss, a vacuum which never existed, but which this Lie of Nature who claimed to be the Original Mother Universe and Mother Supreme.

To go this far, to use the literal Source like a Slave to get their way at all costs and it is allowed?!?

The Cruelty used, the extremity of evil and coercion to this point just so you could awaken through a script which turned out to be a lie, and having held onto that as being the absolute Truth for so long and now, with arrogance beyond any words, realizes how wrong they were, and how far in holding out to their way being true, even when they were wrong and…

Look, I…

I look at what I have endured, been put through, how they fought me, punished me, thwarted me, and after all that, they were not only wrong but now use that same Cruelty- Evil, Violence- Savage Brutality to compel me to find a way to complete and resolve this script by daring me to leave me body, risking everything because of an idea of being Proud?

It is really a mirror of all of you is it not, the way you behave, act, make demands- an arrogance and self entitlement that I have watched the majority of you display.
I watch it in Jae Sherman- that sense of familiarity and equality of your self importance while suppling the bare essentials and then with that, in your minds entitles you to such familiarities that the desire to make you pay becomes the only thing on my mind heart- and even then, that intent is ignored, you continue in the same vein as if what I post, have endured, can be brushed aside because this is what you see as your worth.

I do not wish to write like this anymore, I have said enough on that score, but the astonishment, the arrogance and conceit of the Power, the Control and abuse of power is no longer simply insane…This notion and defense and justification of “I can do whatever I want, I do not care who the fuck you are, do your worst” even while fully aware that that worst has been coded and is manifesting- Mean as in the “Meanest” while ( Pause Coma so mean… smh),I have to listen and continue to listen to these arrogant shits, endure and sustain maintain after the decision is made to go on as if I and my feelings, Facts do not exist.

That getting your way no matter the cost.

Every time, I feel I am over it, that this is what it is, you, and it manages to shock me to the core.
It is good that Jae Sherman is here because though she is not part of the true play, and there is a decent in here, the logic the order, and that illogical way of seeing things, mirrors perfectly, exactly this.

At least with her-him whatever, she has no power over me, nor does she affect me, she- he minds his own business, so now and so I am not affected by his mentality nor feel obliged to point it out or correct her.
Each has the free will to perceive be, do as they please.
But this, this nature, allowed to affect my body, my sleep, my movements…

So the E Family, resorted to using Evil Cruelty, Indifference, and Apathy all the vices of this species to get me to do what they wanted, to finish the script which their expression, just like the play of Thomas Lang and Liberty of denying me, over “Lucifer, Seven Seals” and this idea of them not coming clean, not doing anything especially her, to confess and come clean is literally the expression of this world.
Too Proud?

All these people sending me messages, to prove that they are on “my side” people who I have observed for so many years, who have forgotten and come to boast “we are just like you”
I have had to watch and listen to this crap, his fecal expression for so many years, now they wish to sound like we are on the same team…
I have to put up with this?

I want to be quiet, I was reaching that point, but every time, there is a way that the conceit and the arrogance of sacred portal 59 having not manifested allows the familiarity and the expression of creatures and a world people meant to have been long cut out and sent to true hell, are allowed to still stay present, used by what was meant to be the E family, to find a way to get what they want, all by creating a script so meandering so prolonged, and it being allowed…

4:18 pm.
D R.
Death Ray,
4+18 = 22.V.

I suppose I should not be surprised, and to be honest, I am not, but each day I sit in this apartment, each day I am forced to post, each day I am forced to come to facebook, forced to be aware of being trapped in a body, which is trying to rise and it is held back from rising. each day I am trapped in a script that should never have any power over me, and I am Power- watching this and just how far this has gone, keeping my anonymous, keeping me with only just enough income to survive another day, relying on you, designated people…

It’s not that “I lose it”,
Or that I can not bear it- indeed I hear it all the time- even in the mini-series “The Odyssey” where at one point the Gods speaking about Ulysses, say: “He can bear it, he can endure it”

I was so in Harmony with Ulysses bring the End of the Era of the Gods, that it took me a while for me to see the direct correlation with myself.

I am astonished, it is never been about my being able to endure it, by rather why should I?

This is not my arena, this is not who I am, nor is the setting of my nature and definitely of my worth.
Nor do I like posting such expressions when this nature of Being and expressing be present at this point.
Having to be ignored, be told, and witness people saying whatever they want, doing whatever they like in the face of the representative of Eternal and Infinite law, who has proven that which you had said so steadfastly, with such Set- the surety that “it’s Impossible”.

Now is A Fact
Hence my wondering why I am still here and seeing why.

But now that Infinite Harmony has been proven, now that the “Button” which is how Kim Arthur Hinds Jr described it as that prove I had to go backward through a script of DNA as sound, correcting aligning, equating resolving not only your expression which only became truly Toxic Shitty expressions by how resolute and set in your expression to me through the years, it not that you did not think that this was possible, not that I could understand, what made it Poison was the obstinacy, just how far you went in your expressions, actions and thoughts to seek to destroy me, slander me, mock my efforts to prove that which was so simple to me, too access the”Aria DNE” I planted in you in the Eternal Begining and which like the Pitituart Gland and the Prostate Gland was the Dot, Button which manifested from the Eternal Beginning in the Being” and then manifested in it lower vibration as the Body, in the same place as where it was planted as the S.MOLE
That place in you, like the ticking of the soles of your feet, or places in your body which if we tickle, which causes an involuntary giggle, no matter how to set you are not to laugh.
The same with sneezing, like breathing, there are some places, secret places for some, which you did not have a choice and you had no choice.

It was the Marker, and Mark of The Maker, the Manufacturer, a switch, a button which turns you off or on.

That is why I was so sure that there is a solution to Eternal and Infinite Harmony.
A Button I could access which switches you both Body and Being, On & Off.

O O.

Exist, Cease To Exist.

You want to know what true power is?
A Power which I never once abused, nor was I tempted to use it, or interfere with the original intention manifested by my will in the eternal beginning to never meddle with your right to Free Will and Choice to allow you the choice and chance to see the blueprint of existence, to walk through my Mind Understanding “See” Individually Created Of Your Existence- Impression O.E

M.U.S.I.C. O.F .Y .
I O E.
So that you could decide for your selves but know, be aware that that yes, you had a choice. To be or Not to be,
But that, there is only one way to be, was not a choice, you could get there in trillions of billions of varying ways, but the final destination is the same.

That is and was what became known as Infinite Law, Eternal Law, Natural, Divine Law.
And finally the Law of the Individual.

That is why a person can take his or her own law at any given point in their lives.
No one can prevent it, not one can stop you from having thoughts of your own.

If you let someone abuse it, use it, that is your problem and responsibility, neglected or because you chose to act retartded. Or that you are not open, you chose not to let eh point of view which will let the Sun Shine in and Air your room with a view. Total Blackout, from those whose words might unlock the darkroom of your mind, or open up the way to Non-Existence and your own annihilation, again that is on you.

Your Being is Eternal and Infinite light clarity consciousness, the same exact frequencies and expression in the First Being who caused you all to rise, and in your bodies are the 5 in one sense and the 6th sense all aligned to the same buttons or points in your Eternal and Infinite Being.

Do you know how easy it was to summon you?
Each new Facebook friend, all recognize the Eternal Frequency which brought them into existence or to move your bodies as Time because all your bodies are made of True Nature-Time.
But to get you as Individuals all designed to be Individuals and so the blueprint for a human child is 9 months in the womb.
Your Mind Heat and thoughts you create and you translate your journey, Life through the EMF is all yours.
I do not tell others how they should perceive and see, I simply share mine with them, what they wish to do after that or with that is up to them.
Just as through the years I am sure more than two thousand people asked to be my Facebook friends and left, just as 1635 chose to stay.
And I am on public access, so you can have access to my page, from beginning in Dec 21, 2011, and further back to 2006=9 when I announced my Creation Story, “The True Conversation between Energy E and Atom- Ah-tom.

I have never denied access to anyone to my page.
I accept all… do you have any ideas what that means.. all and how many assholes came.

Never kicked anyone out, unless the script, even the play script awareness had enough.
In over ten years, and 9.6-7 in this play there are no more than 7 8 people I had to kick out of my page.

Do you have any idea what that means, and why I loathed coming on Facebook, or what it feels like having no other access point, no ever venue where I could be, and it is a place for only the loathsome work of constantly explaining- expanding.

To be cornered in a script, and no one believe you or think it possible, until you have to prove it, literally for 8 years every day, distracting you from the true reason you realize you were dragged here, to this venue and stage of all the millions of stages in this world.

To be denied access, in every aspect of life, only one place- Facebook to post.

I was Open, I did not like it, or doing it, speaking to the world, naked transparent, knowing full well what people would not with that information and knowing all about me and what they would do, especially in secret.
Making my intentions and my life a bare book.
But I did it, because I saw the Scripts point, even if I knew that there was a better way if there was one iota of compassion to my point of view and what this world people would do to me, especially in the Spirit realms, and in silence and laugh.

5:10 pm.

How is it that I am writing this long post, is it not because I was impulsed, provoked, did I not know already that Kim Arthur Hinds Jr was the one I would get the intel of what the Devil is going on, the confirmation of where I am and why am I still here.

How you, they love to keep me waiting, taking things in, digesting things in your own.

The computer did it again, but this time I was able to save it.

It happened Computer crashed Froze at 6:29- 6:30 pm,

It’s now 6:31 when I started writing and 6:32 pm right now.

Sun Rays.
Death Rays.

That was what I was posting about allowing Women to go this far as that power man woman people had given into even though it was not really about here being anything to do with the truth- it was all based on what they give.

I had been speaking and how Kim Arthur Hinds Jr told me he saw John Mack the other day, and that they had hugged and John Mack had given a lift.

I had been linking how we had moved from Shannon Larke Martin. S L M
* S L I M.
/ M I LK.S.
S I L K S.

Silk Road

Then to M to N.
S L.
S M.
S N?
Johnny Newman when that play ended with John Mack arriving on 1/11- 2020 with the Satya Incense while Jeron Satya kept interrupting apparently charmed by Johnny.
Johny had gone around most of the states in the United States with him and his Higher self checking the manifestation of my codes everywhere he went.
His gift of Sataya was his and his higher selves confirmation of my having to “Satya Truth”
Esteban M Filgueria came a day os so later E M F.

Recall he was still 22 years old.
E M F = 24.
And I have 24 USD in my wallet and it is the X Chromosome that manifests Woman who has been allowed to go this far.

* I have always noted that there is a woman in me, but not the way this realm sees everything through Gender and Vagina of Penis.

Yes. Penis is P = 16.
Vagina V is 22. V
P V.. you will recall that David Roman Nicholas and my Mother Ceclion Onuabuch were both born 11-22-47-8 and 11-22-68.

I met David who is really before the C and O as my mother.
It was through him literally present in 2002, 2003 that I had to take responsibility at how serious and real this play is, this idea of perception.


The play of 69 and hence the shelter was not required 69/ 96 became the past as Nnamdi and 1996 at 2 64 Brompton Road, The Collection.

All truth anchored point to the Equation David Chukwuemeka.
DC door of Life.
Not Cecilia David C D.
My mother line could not land in this reality until what she represented as Harmony was proven, that is why I became her Knight in Shining armor- in a story which my mother finally accepted with reason and logical expression and exemplification of my being gone for so long. as truth.

While I lived here, John Mack introduced me to Andrey Klebanov. A K – 1 11.
He had been seeing the code “58” everywhere, it was driving him to distraction so John insisted that I see him.
I explained it to him EH is Eternal Harmony. Infinite Harmony.
Meaning if he was seeing it, it was already here, not as my Motherscode but as mine.
I am here right now and have been here since the middle sixties.
19 66 in the womb of my mother and present from 11-28-1967.

On Kim Arthur Hinds Jr door is the number 66.
Then next room where Jae Sherman lives, which I had occupied first until she asked Donna if I did not mind moving to the 3rd and last, or is it first room considering that this is the Back View- seeing 2020 in Perfect Hindsight.
so I am literally 66 sacred portal.
67 already confirmed I completed, so I have been in the 3rd room which I entered 2nd since I never lived or stayed in Kim’s room which one can describe as my stay in my mother womb with my sprits Awareness, so my current room would equate to 68.
And yet it is the room where at the beginning of my stay, the heater with code 86 was temporarily in my room and then it became permanent the moment Jae Sherman gifted Kim a heater.
Do this would be the 86 room 68/ 86 as far back as the first two months I lived here.
meaning I had already been constant as not only 68 who is 86 proven throughout my journey.

Even before 1992 with my FlatMate Stephan Gascoigne.


I met S.G. Seth Goldfarb at 9oo South around the time of the Bear appearing and hanging out on a Tree on the Deck.


Kim Arthur Hinds Jr told me that everyone, where he works, wears Locks.

Dread Locks.
Judge Dredd.
D L 4 12= 16.
J D 104 Sacred portal Terrible Death. 14 * Star E”

1-4= 5.
Sacred Portal 5 Brooke Shields B S.

The Woman in Me is my Chi, its not a woman it an energetic signature.
The other outside of me is Father as my body.
M F and seen through your See it os the other side of the mirror
M F.
Mahmoud Farouk.
E M F is code 24. X. B D. 6. F it has nothing to do with a woman or even to be honest being male but yes it does align with what is called down here in its purest form of “Being A Man”

It’s as Expression, it is not masculine or Feminine it simply Is.
Nor is there anything beyond Expression.
This True Creation story Lord God spoke the word into existence as this Creation which included Nature as well as 6th sense.
There is no 6-5.
There is the only E. The True Original completion as O E
P C E. Perfection Symwteical Perceptio C E Consciousness Essence/ Existence = 35= 8 H. I
S T O R Y.
True Story.

* The True Conversation between Energy E and Atom to Ah-Tom.

Speaking to one God Self.
G S/ Seth Goldfarb S.G.

Oh I also met John Doneghy J D at 900 South road, I was invited to make him dinner, which I did not mind but I did mind the context of why I was being asked to make him dinner.
He too had come from Hawaii.

Kim by the way means “Gold”

So yes, see sacred portal 27.
5-5 = 1.
A-A = 27.

* And not to worry, I am perfectly aware that the glitch in my computer which allowed me to start again but from the halfway point ( yes Kim Arthur Hinds Jr Half and a half) was intentional to expand and expand more without risk of me stopping, which is what I would have done if I lost everything.
I was already framing the expression “Tough Luck” T L” when Kim came in and gave me a gift of some CBD candy, that is the only reason, I am here right now.
It’s a choice made, while fully aware of my being cornered and manipulated, coerced.

7:22 pm and I am fully aware it’s the world as the Word-Non Existence.
A Story.
Nnaka Umeano NU ME NU MB E R S to
N.U M Beautiful Expression Refecltions Supreme.

I am aware.

And Expression IS.

55 56
E is Constant.
Because E is Consciouenss Infinity.
E:F Friend and
E: A L L Y
Expression- the Sound Word Language.
Expression through Silence Sith Sense- ESP.
All are still Expression
Hence E A- Awareness Light Luminosity Y and Y is all there is and the X Chromosome is contained in the Y as 24 Starts at 25.
So 24 is within the Y.
and the illusion of separating them creates 25 and 24= 49.

My Telephone number is 16 49.
Liberty’s is 24 49.

John Mack is now 24 and he met Kim on the street when he was really concerned about being late for work and enacting that thought he stepped onto the street looked up and there was John Mack.
KA was a story.
That is why it is not really Ka.
It is Ka Ba.
At BA- Soul it moves to BaBa.
21 21 = 42.
1 21 21 A Double U.
A W… John Mack was 22 while we live here, I met him while he was 21. U.

1 21 21= 43.

A W. E

David Chukwuemeka.
“Door of Life”
D C..
David means “Beloved”
My name means “Praise”
Beloved Praise
Beautiful Pride.
and or Black Panther.
2 16= 18.
Arden is 18 years old.
That is the code of the Present, not the play of John age 22. E.V. and then waiting for him and Kim to align almost 1 year and 6 months later on the EM Field.
18 is 1+8= 9.
9 = I.
I and I.
= I … I I I I to Infinity that and those who are qualified. counted.
K A-A K. 11 1-1 11.

H as in K A H completed at K A HH A K.

E:K A, HH ( I I) A K: E.

Yes. Kim means “Gold” and John means “Graciousness”
G G. = A.
7 7- 1- 49.
and AFT- E.R = I C A. I C E.

I am not being held hostage here, only my body and my Inheritance along with my Wealth and Fortune to do as I please.

You were allowed to do as you pleased, even in my moments of the greatest horror, I never meddled –

** an Enterprise Van just either hit a motorcyclist right in front of the building’s front door.
– Another distraction.
SS Enterprise Evolution Awakening.

A Joke.

From 16 49 pass through Sacred Portal 49.
Via 7 7 = 1=A = Sacred Portal 49 * A Number a sacred Portal
then those who remain and pass through 4+9= 13 Letter M.
A is constant, waits and the
AM ERIC-A Donald.

Captain America & the Black Panther.
But this is not the DC Comic version.

No one meddled with your right to free will, to chose how you wished to proceed.
This is Infinite Law.
Law of rights to the Individual even here, one can take one’s own life and there is nothing you can not about it, not the parents, friends, lovers, family, society.
It is the fundamental right of the Individual and it came from Inception with the birth of Infinity an even awareness, that sacred space which through his, my own awareness and Self Reflection gave that gift which the Source of Infinity and all existence has and gave everything which rose as its absolute truth of being Independent and Individuals bound a limited by no one but not even Your source who will do everything to make sure you have everything, everything you require to see the gift he shared with all is Beautiful Perfection.
His beautiful Pride. 18 and you can respond with A.H or with Revolt.
With the latter, R you are simply cut out because he did his best to prove to you the beautiful truth of being in existence- His Truth, his world aligned to the word and after all that if the is no Appreciation Gratitude – Respect.
A G R A M.

He kicks you out of the Word and Creation as the Word Earth Universe which has sustained you all, and you can go and build your own in the world of that garbage you expressed which in truth was Death as the Most Demonic True Beast of the End.
The Second Comming.

But here, instead of following my example of absolute access, you set me up, locked me up, and gave domination and Control for

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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