
The codes of the play which were recorded in real time on my page through posts and codes I was decoding, aligning the E version of the Story distorted here in this reality of the Fantasy and the C.G.I… Virtual World which most of Humanity now live in.

The codes of the play which were recorded in real time on my page through posts and codes I was decoding, aligning the E version of the Story distorted here in this reality of the Fantasy and the C.G.I… Virtual World which most of Humanity now live in.

Hela is the first born of Odin who is kidnapped by Angels…

This links to the Blue Print of my Sister ( Who First appears as Male Nnamdi and as Cat.. The Puma…) in the Blue print of my own family…

It matches my sister who was called Joy , as I was called Victor by my English Nnany.

I also spoke about how my sister True Self was transported by Light Beings while I were were toddlers.

I describe the encounter here on face book where the Script and its Echo has been testing checking all my recollections and then confirming them…

These of course were my most private reflections which I had no intention of sharing with anyone…

And especially not, before verifying them all myself…

But I was not permitted that luxury and found myself summoned here by a Will and Cause and Effect which I have also seeking to demonstrate is not of this World.

Anyway, the similarity of the story of my own Sister and the Her original version who is of course myself… then Nnamdi and Herself, has already been established code 1964… Jonn Blackwell Delguidce.. ( J B D… Me as her original incarnation)

My sister is the first born, code age 53-52 in this matrix and thus aligned to Kyle Murphy and Keith Grant bed 53…

( Of course I already knew all this.. but I have been proving it to an Invisible realm which is the condition for manifestation of the Truth before all your eyes…)

My sister also retained my Father Name, Okolo… In my blue print my Biological Father is really the Son Nnamdi my younger brother who had manifested my Bio Fathers Expression as the Illusion.

For that is what my father represented and my sister, and her replacement whom I call my aunt, who is the illusion of her, just as my bio father was the illusion of Nnamdi…

The entire play was that I had to transform my Sister and Brother back to thier Original selves…

And then rescue my mothers Spirit which was trapped in the Underworld.

Believe me, this was not a fantasy, it took place.

And yes it was a story of the transformation of Matter and the Illusion of itself to prove the Evolution of Body and Being both being Energy by the Matter as 0 being activated to move through the sequence of Nature to move back to is source Energy.. Expression.

I AM FULLY AWARE.. that the world at present takes most of what I am saying as a story, and not literal because… you watch so many movies that you no longer can differenciate reality actuality, despite all your myths and stories all come from your past and ideas of existence and reality.

But this is the literal Blue Print and Truth I was moving through..

Thus my Sister line including Mother are the Great Witches and Father the Great War lock and to recover the my sister and brother.. and mother from this play and costumes character CGI I had to prove their truth which of course here she is the depicted as the Goddess of Death and Nnamdi as Osiris… Isis Osiris… I O… Joy Nnonyem… John Nnamdi… J N.. J O I N… The Join is the merging of the Two I.D Matter and Energy… M.E by proving that they are one.

And the way decreed for me to do this was through this play game which I have been in, decoding and deciphering and transforming each scene, each moment, each play, game represented also in every aspect of Universal Being and Universal Body…

Then unifying the Two….

Full Circle back to the original..

So yes, God of Death.. and Dharma Santana… ( Satan)

and Sol…

Anyone paying attention to the play and game will recognize when I an victorious in gaining the original Fractal of which was made independent and then allowed to challenge me to make me prove that I am the Original ( much to my surprise .. hence my exclaiming and exclaiming that I had been blind-sighted, and no recognizing the play and how how how it could be allowed to go so far.. While understanding fully well…

I found that I had to transform Everything- where every the Scene of Clue appeared on the World stage, be it the news paper. T.V, people I was set to met, interactions, past presents. books.. Anywhere, and everywhere… I was made to be available to only the Play to link all the fractuals together and meet each challenge.. even alone as the world slept and had no idea what I was doing.

My Life was taken aware and all I was allowed and geared … and trained to focus on was the correcting and the solving of the play.

6:53 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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