
The Case of the Golden Baby Shoe in front of Tisanes..

The Case of the Golden Baby Shoe in front of Tisanes..

Herbal TEA Master…


Truth Manifests

T M.. T O M… Marina Burini

T M… 20 13.. 33 6… F..

Into F A C T..E


I Sing

I Dance

I Sang

I Danced

Every Thing Into Existence

As A Light Blue Man…

I am the Light Bringer

Bringer of True Clarity


Called The Truth.. The Beautiful Truth at last.

Despite all that was done to me for embodying that Beautiful Truth- nothing you could do to me could make me recant or deny the Truth.

I Sang..

I Danced..

I Existence Embodied.





Universe Supreme

Echoes and Responds,

Confirming the Truth of my Expression for all to see as a Solid Fact for themselves.

Even the Play and True Script of the

True Response Understanding Exisrence To a T!

T R U E…T.O T..V. Victor T.V.. T! Violet… Te Vie..

Is Life the True Tele Vision 20 20..

At 12 40 Facebook Friends

4-30 -4:31 p.m.


Today is John Mack’s birthday…

Happy Birth Day dear JM… Code Jump Man..

Mario Brothers..

M B…

Manifest Being of the Jump S.M..

John S MacDonald.

Gerald Mack

Gerald means Famous Spear F S…

Spear of Destiny.. S O D

Donna O Sullivan… D OS… Owl is her Symbol.

Same as Athena…

Sarah Athena Kaizer… Sarah Kaizer

Kim Gold Arthur Hines…K.I.M..

My Last post crashed again… Firefox keeps crashing…

Fire Fox…

Then I thought of Foxzie Inariusagi-Kitsune- and then a moment later I got a message from him…

He states that he is the Supreme Being Embodied… and that he was Im most likely going to calling out on all the forcesof truth and wisdom to witness me as I call up the negative karmic register and behaviour ofall earths inhabitants

He ends with kindly asking if there is anything I wish to add…

A.H… Tisane is Hindu and Arabic..

These two cultures both invented the number 0 which does not exist but was used as a base and foundation to Quantify… What…?

There is no such thing as Zero in Universe Creation Nature or Existence…

P.S… John is now 22 years Old…

21 22… U.V…

Understanding Victorious of the Consciousness True Expression of IE…

4:46 p.m.

See sacred portal 46… 64..

Yellow is Yell OW! Cowards…Evolved now to G.. Golden Sun.. Au.. 79…

Eye of Rah.. one Eye the Sun- the Other the Moon…

All seeing eye… Right Eyes was the Sun or the Morning Star and his left eye the Moon as the Evening Star.

According to Egyptian myth, Horus lost his left eye in a struggle with Seth. The eye was magically restored by Hathor, and this restoration came to symbolize the process of making whole and healing.



Thomas Lang and Liberty C Liscomb just had a baby boy…

7 children

5 from here Womb…

G E…


T L .. 2012… C.B.. Consciousness is Beauty.. it only sees Beauty because everything else is not real…

Foxzie Inariusagi-Kitsune F I K.. Sent me his message at 4:30.. 4:31 p.m..

Please note the time of this post after my Fire Fox browser crashed.

Tell me what is the meaning of my posting the code of the Elemental s ( Sacred Portal 9) of the Four Horsemen of Revelations which is the true meaning of the word Apocalypse,

Ag Au..

Cu Al..

All conductors.. Electrical Conductors on the EMF.. And Mother Board.. Twice crashing- leading me to walk up to Tisanes A H..

Ti Master .. 7th note.. or 1st after descending into the Body from the 8th point…

Infinity Harmony… 8..as One.. into the Body as Time-Container Vessel… 8..7-1.. then conquering Zero and Yell-OW Cowards

Y C.. Yeshua Christ story…Da Vinci…Alexander David…

Eke Nkwo Orie Afor… E N O A../ A ONE.


Alexander from the 1st floor knocked on the door yesterday, he asked me if I had seen a brown car, when I pressed him as if he was ok.. He said he had been falsely accussed and was collecting evidence and witnesses to clear his name….

Y.. E L.. L O W.. VV E.. Y EL LOVVE…

Y is Male Chromosome Trinity =Male 3 Men..

Christopher Filgueira

Tree Sage

Esteban Miguel Filgueira

Remained in the play with me the only one sleeping here..

3 and 1… Who is 2… 5.

Today only I .. I have seen and spoken with no one.

no C T E… C K E…today, just me..

5:11 p.m right now…


Yellow Evolved through Y=25letter..

( The very day Liberty C Liscomb sent me a picture of Thomas Lang at 7:43 a.m.. *Sacred Portal Door Of Life)

25 is 2 5.. Two kids from outside her womb and 5 from inside…

7=Letter G…

Grace Golden..

Evolving the 3rd Chakra Solar Plexus… Sacred Portal.. 3rd Planet, 3rd Note MI..

Its also Israt Mim birthday today… I M.. M I…

Mi 3rd Note…

Mi E ART H..


Super Hit…

Evolved to Zoroaster meaning Eternal Hero of the Golden Dawn

Tell me.. what is the connection of my posting the code only from my J3 Galaxy Phone at Tsanes, and only after completed, as I left some one had left a Golden Baby Shoe..Left foot I believe directly opposite Tsanes..?

Tell me… Can you link the connection..

Or why the play concludes with Sacred Altars which come from within and which manifest as Truth outside and in Other Realms or Peoples realities.. truths..

Linking persons to place to thing- Link And Weavig…

L A W..


Is this not the Ancient Human way…?

Of the most Ancient understanding..

Africa Pangeah!

So tell me, why is it on the 3rd Day

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