
The Art of Conversation…

6/20/12  4:31pm
The Art of Conversation (aka the Holy spirit and the Holy communion) is the source of the collective Awakening, awareness and consciousness that something else is going on apart from the rent. It brings forth the true meaning and energy of “Revelations.” Deep within us is the expression of everything, the plan for evolution…for our species; it is the map, and all we have to do is access it and link it together to form the picture.
The art of conversation, communication, the mastery of vibration and free flow…is the most sacred rite in existence. The suppression of our true voices, can literally destroy our well being and bring forth disease, pain, suffering and war. Our voices contain the power of existence. To use words and vibration to create chaos and not the musical harmony of conversation, is the most dangerous weapon of all; it is more powerful than the Atomic and nuclear threats. The use of vibration as words is the tool of the ultimate assassin and can be balanced out only by understanding the true meaning of how to express through conversation…creating the melodious music and words for a song. You must have the awareness of true vibration, so you can identify and unmask one who is using words intentionally or unintentionally to ritually assassinate your spirit or that of someone else. Most times I find it is usually others being irresponsible with their words. However, be aware there are masters of ultimate assassination, using vibration through insinuation. To defeat such subtle energies, one must be aware of what the power of conversation and breath was created for… the well-being of us all.
Remember, in this last historical play, the battle would manifest physically with war, bodily harm, as these are vestiges of the former age. The real battle raging on earth, however, is an energetic battle, and it has always been the true source of conflict and war. To kill a man’s body is one thing, (being primitive, anger-based) but to destroy another’s spirit, to even go so far as destroying his\her very soul, enslaving a person’s spirit or soul…This, to me, is the greatest battle going on in the world. And there are people on this planet with a mastery and intent for this goal.
It is easily defeated with awareness; without this it becomes a ritualistic murder in which, most times, the victim is not even aware from which source and place this great power emanates. It requires a power of dissemination and cruelty of intent that is no longer human. You may find your self lashing out at everyone else but the source of it, not being able to conceive of the existence of such creatures, thinking that such things happen in movies, or in the temples of great power in the world. But it is not so, as it could be coming from someone in your house or next door. The only safeguard is understanding —the true fragmentation– of how knowledge, information and conversation should make you feel; understanding the power of vibration.
The one word of caution I offer is not to be horrified when you figure out and see the source in your personal world; how well such beings can play and how far they will go… they will never stop until you uncover them. They are usually cowards, for only cowards would revert to such a quiet, secret and unholy play, using the cloak of darkness and distraction to turn that which they envy into their prey.
The horror at the level of deception might turn you into stone, a madman, or into a being just as diseased…as your rage might demand such retaliation. It is also the greatest cause of suicide in the world: when people give up on humanity, on each other, on life…when discovering such a level of deception, manipulation and cruelty exist.
The cure….? It is to engage that being with the true principle of conversation. You will find that they will retreat, run or melt from the powerful rays of your light… but above all do not get angry, or emotional, become hurt or show any fear, for this energy of disease preys on such things… you have no idea how far from humanity it has taken some men and women. Simply call it out elegantly, even slightly contemptuously and then tell that viperous energy to be gone! You will be surprised how it goes.
But no matter what happens, even if that evil seems to have gone, never forget that this person allowed themselves to become infected and go so far. Exercise caution around such beings, and never, ever trust such people. The temptation to use that power of subterfuge will never leave. Once it has tasted power, it will never forget that taste, so when you are around it you must never forget who you are and what it is. It has no power over you, apart from the shock of realizing that there are creatures so devoid of humanity, having sold their souls for power.
When such creatures are around, do no keep silent, warn others, but still treat it with love…at great arm’s length… the secret is to never forget and always be aware of the art of conversation and holy communion only brings a rising…never despair.
This the the equation of invincibility shield against the MEDUSA, and the cure to those turned into stone by having meet such creatures is you naturally embodying the truth of who we are. They will be unmoved for a while, still petrified, terrified, horrified, or tormented by what they have seen and heard, Eventually, however, the truth of who we are embodied in being a natural example of the apex human being…expressing being…will cause people with the greatest, hardest stone hearts to crumble, and melt.  Just be sure to catch them as they crumble into your arms by the grief and the relief of you proving that this is who we truly are. We are not Medusa (which can be male or female).
I have witnessed this hours which can not evolve to a higher existence and have almost sunk into a despair (no easy thing when I have seen horror and beauty to the extreme my whole life) and wish myself out of this plane of existence. To witness this cruel power, which I pray few ever really see, changes you forever. You must turn to stone or, as I chose, battle and prove the truth of the victorious human principle is the only true fact and power of existence right to the very end.
People who have seen this horror up close, and subsequently turned to stone through the depth, brilliance and subtlety of its play, must be given a great deal of compassion because they have seen the true meaning of pain and suffering. They have discovered first hand that the essence of evil exists and have almost been made its slave.
Conversation in Comfort is the key to understanding that we know more than we think we know.
To me, there is no great nobility in suffering silently. What is noble, heroic, royal and majestic is calling something out in a loud voice to bring an end to suffering in, if not to the whole world… then to those around you. In all ways, it is a beginning.
The way to see through the third eye is by using the two eyes as anchors in perceiving the world around you; then using the third eye to pierce the veil of what “seems…” and see the true depth of possibility of what IS.
Lastly, the collective awakening, evolution of consciousness does not happen on the streets, it happens in our homes, in conversation and in discussion. In this, we make rise from within us the true Messiah, the wise child within, to merge with intelligence we have experienced outside. The two, called the individual consciousness and the one (un) conscious, true collective consciousness (the pool of water\knowledge\aka the soul which forms the wishing well) merge and are connected by the stream of consciousness (A river runs through us). Unhindered by locks, mental blocks and societal judgments this links the well to the expression, which we call breath. All of a sudden the three aspects of Soul, Stream of consciousness and the Aware self join and channel information…connecting past, present and future, without the use of mind.
The person then becomes an observer to his or her own expressions, often surprised and delighted by the things which pour out of them. Others nearby are stimulated by this information or expression only to add to, not detract from the expression. Through this, they find they are linking, weaving…creating a picture which is not fueled by thought but by letting whatever flows out of us be expressed, guided by the natural flow and stimuli of the conversation which proceeds from deep within. Bringing forward collective knowledge, wisdom, and information. This proves not only that we know more than we have ‘learned,’ but which also proves that the well, pool or soul of all humanity contains the same information. What makes it magical and delightful is the unified discovery of that which we had forgotten, rising from deep within us to inform us that we already know. The conversation is so important because it creates the picture, so that together we see it link it and create it and get the picture collectively… and what it reveals is that through all aspects of the self coming together, without thought or mind getting in the way is the miraculous understanding of how we as a species are ready to evolve.
Conversation between the self and others is the same formula originally used to manifest something from the nothing-ness; it is the very art which, in my investigation, brought everything into being and manifestation at the start of the Universe. As it was in the beginning so it shall ever be… after all, why mess with a sure, perfected creation… all you can do is expand upon it.
lol! love light and laughter
Original Facebook post here
Edited word count 2/2/24: 1695

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