
That gave me no pleasure…

That gave me no pleasure…

The Battle with the Raging Bull

Sacred Portal 5.O.

Already affirmed in both the transcript and end play by Both

Eunice Oviawe-Jones


Orien Laplante..


Jake Yang from Australia..

Down Under.

Now perhaps ppl will understand why I despise this play.

It sets ppl up to find the Truth…

In a most deceptive and cold way.

Eunice affirmed the post of Madness (where I found she and Edward Eceinco in conversation which she and he did not agree)

Orien of My Love and being Loved.

Jake Yang

Harmony Loyalty Royalty.

*Jake the Golden Retriever.

Who invited me to a play called UWe…


Not through J.O.E…

and even that was clean

*see play J.C and Dawn

Thus the way home is through E passing through O the portal of love after battling the Raging Bull of Povert and disenchantment masquerading as Magic 8 the I.

Where E meets his J.O.Y…

Jaye J Aye…


That is the End play once more…

I stayed in this hideous Script because it was and Is the way home…

And no one not an entire Existence can stop me from manifesting the Beautiful Truth for all to see.

To end Pain and Suffering.

It does not affect me but it affects me those who are infected by that lie…

And that is what I set out to do…

But I would have found a better way than this Script created by the Universal East West rage…

All ah and Gode.

East Coast E.C

West Coast.

Unseen and Seen as A

By those who were profiting from this eternal Conflict strife and war…

The Illusions called the Spirits (not Dogs) of War…

Gods of War my ass.

F art!

Signed The Beautiful Devil E.

The Guardian of the Energetic Principal Truth.



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