
TEN ELEVEN…NINE …Twenty Fourteen.

TEN ELEVEN…NINE …Twenty Fourteen.


The Elegant Nomad.

9 1O 11…


The Manifest Universe is naught but Expression of an Idea.

It is a Deep Well, Expanded and Rippling out, stretching out to an idea of Infinity.

But behind the Idea is Its solid Truth.

One can see the Universe as a vast ocean, in which there are all the expressions abd characteristics of what we have obeserved of an Ocean…

Yet with mysteries yet unpercieved to the naked eye.

The Universe, is its Energetic Expression.

Of the Oceans depth, it actions expressed in a fragments and broken down into its components.

And we live within this Vast Ocean of Space a huge water body, just as is our planet.

Just as is our Bodies…all water, moving with the Sine tides effected by the Moon and the electromagnetic pulls of gravitational forces.

But this is a mere physical representation of the First Drop the First Being whose awakening in both Space and in the Ocean created the.very movement and motion of the tides.

Vast circular motions, ripple effects, moving all things, gravitating all.things, pulling all things either to some distant shore where the First Beings first solid ground of his creation is manifest and true…

Or pulling us to the ocean center, a whirlpool in which that which does not have the balance of Energy and Sine, to be propelled to the shore is caught in the Whirlpool.flushed out, sucked out to become.debris on the ocean floor…

Simply ceasing to Exist.

Everythinig is and are frequencies of consciousness.

And the Ocean or Space is the sum total of the pool of all reflections of that First Beings reflections…On all that he created in that nothings…

The first break down of all that was created and arose from that first Natural Sponatenous action of his simply being…Himself.

And this world is but an invisible ocean in with each eddie is a frequency of the waves, layers upon layers which form the sine frequencies…

The more you are aligned with the truth of the Sine waves in your being, the more you rise up the walls of this well.

This vast Ocean, this vast space which contain all.levels of the reflections of the Depth and Expanse of that First Beings reflections.

The Surface of course reflecting the Very first manifestations of his seeing and appreciating what was is already solid and real…His world.

The Depth and Expanse from his first drop, his first pause to reflect…Created the depth and vastness of his understanding not only all.that he created but all the other possibilities that could have been.

The Deeper you go in the more difficult it is for the observer to understand the perception of the source, which is transparent to the Source…

For he is sitting on dry land on the shore of his creation looking out and within creating naturally through.Expression Breath Air Wind Water all that he is…

And so the illusions is that the deeper you go, or the deeper you are in the well.the greater the darkness the non knowing…

And so you are in the depth of all possibilities which could never be…


Because All has been created, all already I.S.

But even in this world in which is really the Universe a Vast Ocean….U.A.V.O…

Of Ultra Violet rays of the Womb, it is really the Birth Canal in which you are moving to a place of light to which you are about to be born.

Meaning you are living simultaneously all possibilities of birth life death at the same time.

Experiencing all the reflections of the Source.

And the deeper you go in understanding through reflections- through understanding the reflections of Source…

The greater is the chance that instead of Existing in the illusions of inverse 69…

The more are aligned to 66 passing through the depths of darkness to light at the end of the tunnel…

Reaching the Bottom as simultaneously breaking through to the surface at the same time…

For they are one.

But there is a different possibility existing ar the same time, of non reflection, not getting to the bottom.of things, in which chaos and panic reign from living in the sources reflections of that which could never be…

For in his reflections of his creation to such Expanse Vastness and Depth…

Were his thoughts of Why his realm.manifestes as real, and understanding through exploring other possibility of what could not be, did he understand the truth of why he and his realm is that which is truth and real…

And these roaming of his mind created the Sea monsters, the creatures if the sea…All illusions of the possibilities which could not be as he…and why.

And he understood everything…

And thus were parrallel states of Existing created which were not real…

Only his was is real.

And yet, even in these possibilities which kbew could never be…

He amused himself to aligning even that which was impossible to exist, not real, to a Way in which they could all Exist…become real

By aligning each illusion, lie, to one unified Harmony…

And thus, did he form the first human beings…

But they lacked his lines understanding of E Energy…

The manifest expressions of the lines of E from Top where he sat to.Bottom where he sat…the Direct one route of his see…the Line Directly of E.

The One true Beautiful way, the Line of reflections of E which were his first link and understanding through his reflections of the complete, that he understood everything…

The Bridge.

It is fairly obvious that I am addressing the Waves and lines if first existence and expression.

The Sounds, the Waves the Vibrations, the Notes of all the reflections of which created the movement of Everything towards that shore.

And that I am putting all that into words…

Meaning reason and making the solid and informed.

Linking the Sine waves to solid form Expression Energy Air Breath Water Waves…

With all as witnesses as yourselves.

I have called it a playscript…

But what it really is, are the waves and expression dancing together to create form…

The two full circles, rejoining to the Infinity of one.

We are being moved.

Either by our illusions and ideas which can never be.

Or we are being moved by the Truths and perceptions of all the ways the Sources reflected of ways created for all possibilities can be.

But most of all I am being moved by the E.

Against a current of the greatest illusions, the waves which is the of the greatest antithesis of what is the true and truth see if the reflections of the Source…

An illusion of the worst reflections of a world that can never be…

Which tries to pull.me down into.the abyss of a present which can never be.

The Negators of this Truth, of my My, our Manifest Destiny…and Destination.

Those illusions which at all costs do not want to.allow the Truth to be…

The Evil in this world…

The Evil.which can not be.

Yesterday, a man presented me with a card with the words Ocean Grand.

Which means there is a consciousness, a vast consciousness outside this illusion of the bleakest illusion who have been shown a way out of thier worlds of such bleakness but will not obey or take heed.

Therefore, I am being prompted, by something outside of myself.

That means that there is a consciousness who mirrors and reflects my Truth percectly pulling me, prompting me out of this place and back home to He S he..me.

One seeks to.drag me down and the other seeks for me to be free…

But my problem is not this mission, and I did dive into the Sea as the First, but what force created this way, trapped me in such a play of that which could never be…

Those who reject the way out provided by E and Harmony…

When people create thier realities of hell, knowingly rejecting thier own refusal to obey the laws of thier own Harmony…

Out of Pride Spite jealousy of the messenger…

Then are faced with the result of that handiwork…

Then turn around and blame even after having been shown the way…

Which again and again they betray, reject deny out of spite that they know bettee than you…or that why do you not give them what they want..

When they insist on breaking laws and choosing another way…

Creating a whirpool of thier own destruction when they already know the way and the why they are facing such a hell…of Existence.

Yet who blame others, and lash out…

Why should another be trapped in their own.voluntary insanity of hating the messenger who.shows them the way.

There are some, who will never satisfied until they have thier way, even if it leads to thier own, and whom they loves immenient destruction…

And even then, knowing full well the cause, turn around and blame another,.anyone, finding a scape goat to suffer thier insanity madness sekf pity self delusion and hypocritical behaviour…

There is no hope for such consciousness…they are not even real.

Only they can change thier ways, after being shown the way.

Everyone has a choice…

So how can the Source be trapped in a playscript of Existential Self Destruction Self Anbihilation when he represents the way?



N.U. Kolo….

14 Universe Kolo

14 21 11…

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