
Tag : NRI

03 Jun 2012

In the code I wrote previously of Uncle Sam and the American dollar, one can look at it two ways…

6/3/12   In the code I wrote previously of Uncle Sam and the American dollar, one can look at it two ways… one through the eyes of evil and an abomination so terrible: the betrayal of God, or one could look at it as several founding fathers placing a secret code for the American people to get out of debt. The American dollar is really a bill of landing on what was borrowed against the American people and their energy. […]

25 May 2012

I just wanted to say something rather personal…

5/25/12 Hello… I just wanted to say something rather personal. I do not think many who know me will be aware of the significance of the document written my Professor Catherine Acholonu above, and many will not even read it, but to me it is a vindication of a journey that took me away from every one I loved and cared for… It took me away from the naughty boy life I had planned, and onto a mysterious road that […]

16 Apr 2012

If there was to be a specific event so extra ordinary about to manifest…

4/16/12 If there was to be a specific event so extra ordinary about to manifest into human consciousness in the 21st century, a shift and a change of civilization where else would it take place but in the Big Apple, in New York City…? A convergence of cultures and ideas from all over the world, a playing field to test and experiment with new ways of being…the one place in the world where humanity took a big bite from the […]

15 Apr 2012

Here is the video evidence of the origins of the journey that I and many people did…

4/15/12 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qC6s45FVARQ&feature=related (now unavailable) Here is the video evidence of the origins of the journey that I and many people did undercover as a sacred mission. I did not realize that this was the mission that I was on until Albert Santana a few days showed me this video, saying that he understands my journey and mission from watching this video, amongst others. I am very grateful to Albert for identifying the truth of my mission which began with my […]

14 Apr 2012

There is only one truth, there is only one consciousness…

4/12/12 There is only one truth, there is only one consciousness, there is no babble, nor is there any conflict or duality… All these things are illusions, illusions made real only in our individual imaginations and interpretations of reality. These interpretations, assumptions create a force which will not allow you to leave the space of death, the space of living in mind of worry, concern and, no matter how well intentioned, it is still the realm of the lie… non-existence. […]

13 Apr 2012

Rich Man. Poor Man…. The Richman Pour (four 4) Man…

4/13/12 Rich Man. Poor Man…. The Richman Pour (four 4) Man…? www. GenerationX gardens WWW.Generation X University WWW. The Holy spirit Albert E Santana… (aka albert Einstein) Promotion of The World Day to Overcome Extreme Poverty in the World. Hello Everyone, As many of you might or might not know, the condition that has been affected me (and most of humanity in different kinds of ways) led me down a road to discover the dimension of people without.. or who […]