
Tag : light beings

27 May 2012
P.S. There is no true opposite to love, there is no duality in Love…

P.S. There is no true opposite to love, there is no duality in Love…

4/27/12 P.S. There is no true opposite to love, there is no duality in Love. Its twin is itself, aka Desire…the desire to know thyself as Love, embodied through the experience of the game board of life where you put your most quiet hope, that you are love itself, to the test. To me the cycle of life and our existence, this seemingly endless cycle of life, turned into the misery of suffering, betrayal and hardship. This, where daily hope […]

27 May 2012

Understanding the Nature of Pure Evil…. it never stops unless cut out 4 good…

5/27/12   Understanding the Nature of Pure Evil…. it never stops unless cut out 4 good It thinks it can go on forever, while its fear and intelligence tells it that eventually…it will be destroyed. The greatest act of mercy for Evil itself is to cut it out and end the reign of terror caused by it waiting for its own bitter end. The true source of evil is ingratitude, greed, jealousy and refusing to help sustain the light of […]