
Tag : jesus

19 Jun 2012

The greatest enemy to the collective awakening of consciousness…

6/19/12  9:41pm The greatest enemy to the collective awakening of consciousness and evolution of the species, is those people resistant and fearful of change. At first, I thought it was just ignorance and fear. Then I began to investigate the nature of the most powerful illusion of earth…Evil…which can be translated as a selfishness beyond definition…beyond many people’s imagination. I found that there is an experience of men and women in existence going so far in getting what they want, […]

29 Apr 2012

The Answer to the Riddle of Rapture and the Ascension R.A. to RE…

4/29/12 The Answer to the Riddle of Rapture and the Ascension R.A. to RE… The sun god aligned to the sol… RE RA. Also the answer to the riddle through Reason and Explanation (R.E) of why people all over the planet keep seeing the numbers 1111… the 4\1111 everywhere which is simply the box of time and limit being broken down to 4: a box, 3: a triangle, 2: a line, to 1: the I, the point of passing through […]

28 Mar 2012

Symptoms of evolution of the seen and unseen world…

Hello everyone, Symptoms of evolution of the seen and unseen world… how both can be seen. As I stated yesterday, that my journey of wandering New York city began with my writing an article for the William Morris Agency, (who wished to make sure that I was indeed the writer of my Journals “Talking to the Silence,” and attest to the way I perceived reality was true) which happened to be about the homeless. I arrived in New York, having […]