
Tag : garden of eden

07 Jun 2012

The Consciousness of Beauty… And the Energy of Beauty…

6/7/12 The Consciousness of Beauty… And the Energy of Beauty… My Mother C, was the first person who helped defined what was the Consciousness of Beauty. In my understanding of her speaking about Beauty being her guiding principle, I found myself investigating what Beauty was, until it became the guiding principle of my own life. I lived by that principle which I can now define as a state of our collective and Individual naturalness… Who and what we naturally are. […]

03 Jun 2012

In the code I wrote previously of Uncle Sam and the American dollar, one can look at it two ways…

6/3/12   In the code I wrote previously of Uncle Sam and the American dollar, one can look at it two ways… one through the eyes of evil and an abomination so terrible: the betrayal of God, or one could look at it as several founding fathers placing a secret code for the American people to get out of debt. The American dollar is really a bill of landing on what was borrowed against the American people and their energy. […]

18 Apr 2012

I would like to share two mathematical equations of existence…

4/18/12 Mathematical Equation of Existence. Hello Everyone, I would like to share two mathematical equations of existence that I used–the science of arithmetic and the logic of the numbering system of the western world–to calculate. I did not seek to solve these equations but the circumstances and conditions of where my life led me, brought them about. Before I state these two equations, I wish to reply to some who ask me why I felt it so necessary to answer […]

05 Apr 2012

Yeah Dudes, what I recently learned is that my physical body is too exhausted…

4/5/12 Yeah Dudes, what I recently learned is that my physical body is too exhausted to continue on this journey and reporting what I had been seeing from my dimension, that is how I finally know it is over… (for eight years I thought it was over and the pt made). They say that I must get rest and no more expending energy in conversation or seeking to point out the evidence to others, that human beings, by looking through […]