


A lot of posting and transmissions today.

Perhaps, the urgency stems from no longer being able to concieve this play and way of Evolution Awakening…

I.am.fully aware of the reason of my crucixtion…

Why I am being forced to endure such a torment and Torture

It is because, I am being compelled to.challenge all Human, individual and collective belief systems…right to the present reality.

I am not.being physically Crucified day in day out but rather on, and through.layers and.lsyers of frequencies of human thought…ways of being, patterning, mapping…making ones way through a mesh tangles up beyond recognition of the birth canal.

Things not said…

Collective and Indindual Truths Idea bit mostnof all.a vast sea, and ocean of frequencies of human expressions, most of which condone.and excuse, in this instance the most.heinous crimes for daring to challenge not only.their core beliefs… But also daring to stand up, being compelled to, by what I can only describe as an electromagnetic force within and outside of.me.

What is Sound but waves, which.propogate.through a vacum.

You may fill a vacum with the noiseyand (ecrerable) expressions you wish, but that does not stop the fact that the Original vbrration of the Truth already Exists.

And if this Truth is alive conscious and intelligent, and you are not only.the Avatar containing its source chip well.then you will.be pulled foward by.it.

But.lets look at.the state of my reality, and of my


I am a radio, Transformer and Electrical Circuit board recieving and transmitting…and translating Sine waves lengths of Impulse and Stimuli from within and outside of my.self, anchored by manifest solid affirmations outside of me and from people, each sending out a signal within which aligns to that which I am transcribing.

And then I an translating these frequencies through stream.of consciousness and linking it while transorming these waves signals on this circut board to.circulation…

Into.a language, a.consciousness of beautiful expression, through Story.telling.

Transforming a non.stop.impulse and transmission frequency convulsing through.my body non stop for 15 yrs, in order to.relay the Story of the Birth.of Everything..

Breaking.it down.into.a Art and Science, whike fighting the frequencies emitted of other Creation Stories of this world…

Untangling them.and aligning them to truth whic creates an outward expansion like sonar, beacon on the see of truth…

While the sea of illusion fights to.pull and drag you down into oblivion.

While set up in a Script designed to make ppl run away from you…but also love you for fighting for a truth that despite thier despair and resistance they wish to believe is true.

But you are forced to.touch thier most sensitive personal private parts which none want any other to see.

And are shocked that some one sees..

And thus become distrusful suspicious and look for fault in you.

And thus, you see are wading across universe to.the landing, while fighting all illusions belief systems, while fufilling all.the roles of a guest in the homes of others who are living on the very reality which you find yourself fighting in an unseen realm but all but a few, while unaware to.the hosts (or aware) you are being constantly stimuated, recieving transmission which you decode and offer as evidence to.move ppl.to.rise to the truth of thier beauty, while fulling all obligations of a guest in the homes of ppl who all need a helping hand.

While publicly solving the riddles of Existence with.full memory, while fighting for a corner to.exist as a hueman being despite tidal.wave after tidal wave of being forced to see what has been done to your life, your Existence, the Beautiful Truth and the most Exquisite play…

With no funds or income, a body doing what this realm regards as implausible while listening to.ppl.comment and disdain.such a beings, a specimen of a man in such a homeless state.

Bottling up.all.human enotions desires as your physical body screams out painfull to.be free and joyously let be released to dance sing enjoy the meaning of life as it is created to.be.

And at the same time,.listening to.ppl.ask.and demand then challenge all that you have given.evidence of bc they have no time in thier busy schedules to read…

That which something is not allowing you any other possibility to escape doing…

Prove a Truth which never required proving..

It is all right here.

But It has created this heinous way to manifest from nothing before the entire world…

Your truth…

This is the meaning of being utterly alone.

But that does not bug me…

What has bugged me…is what has been done to.the Beautiful Truth…

And the sacrifice forced upon.me of all.the dreams gifts talents of my youth…

For constant abuse.

I.fight on because I do.know how to walk away from.the Beautiful Truth…

Which all have witnessed on.F.B responds to my.untangling the knots of its transmission.on.this sea of True…

I don’t know how to walk away when we are so close…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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