
Symptoms of evolution of the seen and unseen world…

Hello everyone,
Symptoms of evolution of the seen and unseen world… how both can be seen.
As I stated yesterday, that my journey of wandering New York city began with my writing an article for the William Morris Agency, (who wished to make sure that I was indeed the writer of my Journals “Talking to the Silence,” and attest to the way I perceived reality was true) which happened to be about the homeless. I arrived in New York, having made all necessary plans for my economic welfare, while I finally got to the bottom of why my journals after seven years, was still of interest to Random House… and other publishing people. It took me a long time to understand why the world at that time was interested in a unpublished writer, and why so many people had thought that I lived in a totally different reality. I had had vision of New York city since I was a boy in which I saw myself wandering the streets alone and in very intense solitude. I had done all I could not to come to this city, and when I was finally lured by my work in film and Random house still interested in my journals, I did all I could to make sure that that vision would not come true. But within the first couple of days, I who had been economically successful in Istanbul found myself homeless, staying in a complete strangers house I met at a party. And so It began, and so I wrote about what confounded me as I walked the streets to find solutions to my situation which deep within me I knew was a certain internal call and summons I had tried to ignore my whole life. I have always been able to see other dimension, feel things, have vision that came true, I had all these abilities which used to scare me, because of what these gifts made me understand, because I knew for some reason I had to keep quiet about it and adapt… and because I wanted a life of celebration… that is why I chose careers in night life, film, dance fashion…
But I knew that whatever force that I refused to name at the time (believing that if I named it I would give it even more power over my life) had a greater power over me, because here I was in New York, living out a vision that I had seen as a boy.
So, I wrote a piece called “The Elegant Nomad,” which recorded my first impression and interviews with people in New York… and because I wandered the streets, I wrote about all the homeless people on the streets… It was a sincere piece, in which I sought to understand why the richest city in the world treated the homeless which such scorn.
What had they done to deserve such treatment…sleeping outside even in winter?
This caused me apprehension and I went deeper into my silence, resigned to the fulfilling of a destiny, when I did not believe in destiny or fate… for does this not take away from the essential ingredient of free will and choice.
I stated how my journey wandering New York began to simply give evidence of how another consciousness, perhaps my inner and true consciousness had already set me up to explore this path, which anyone in their right mind would do everything to avoid. At the same time this is when the condition began to manifest.
It was as if the more I explored the reality of the outer world of New York city and the inner worlds of the New Yorkers I lived with, the more this condition seemed to take over. I fought it, and I dare say I still do (covertly) because, I stated at the time I just thought it impossible… that there must be something I was not seeing.
Each move brought me information, seemed to feed this consciousness, each place i lived in was a riddle, which had to be solved, And the riddle was all about the wellbeing of the people I was living with. Each person was important in this story or consciousness that I was investigating, I found myself always coming at pivotal moments in people lives, when they were about to make a monumental decision or abandon the consciousness that I/they nursed within as their true perspective.
As the condition grew, so did the intensity of the interactions with the people, as if they were furious with what I represented and yet loved it so much at the same time. But the common link in all these people was, how do they survive reality with that consciousness? I had observed that many people I had encountered had been institutionalized because of the conflict between what they knew as true, and what their inner world revealed to them. Many unintentionally attacked me, fought me because I was bringing up a reality that most had begun to give up on, felt that it had betrayed them… and yet they were yearning for the evidence that it was true.
More and more as I wandered through these people’s homes. lives, minds, I found myself in non-existence, because my survival was based on understanding these people’s hurts, why I was in that particular home… The energy of people had cost me two years of my life in Paris, because my body could no longer cope with the shock of how I could see people’s inner beauty but they would often behave in a totally different manner. I felt a constant rage in people and a yearning for the truth.
All these people had the truth, but most were alone with it, because they could not find an articulation which made sense to others.
I knew that if I did not understand the people I was living with and the consciousness that made them seem like two people… one beautiful and the other..wow (full of hurt, rage, disappointment) that I would not survive. And if I did not address the issues, speak about the reality I perceived, the pain reached such proportions that I felt I would faint. But how is this possible, I kept on demanding? How is it possible that my own body and consciousness could literally force me to tell people my truth and fight for it.
Everyone I was led to understood the truths I was talking about, but what I felt that they wanted was evidence of it being true, and how to exist with it in society.
I knew that it was the integration of heaven and earth… H.E. which I turned into the equation Harmony existence… How is it I found myself investigating and being forced to investigate how harmonious existence… such a consciousness, could be made real in a world that I myself refused to enter? But I did not have much time to think, I just had to do. I did not preach teach or any of those things, because I knew that all the people I was being led to had similar gifts as I did but mine were more developed because I spent so much time outside of society, so much time in Silence, where I could see the links and the reality of the world in perfect harmony… but how could I communicate it in such a jaded reality, with so much hurt, suspicion… When we are in the Kingdom of lies?
I also wondered why were these people so important, why would something take over my body to make sure I reach these people, and what about me was I less important than they? I have a mother who is like me, sees like me and have not been able to see her in over twenty years… Why were they more important than me? I had to fight through a great deal of resentment but in the end I saw that I was being asked to play the part of the reminder, to remind people of the truth they always knew… I was just a mirror to other people’s lives, projecting my inner world on the outside world, and for my audacity, I was often severely punished by society, though there was none who felt that I lied. I think most invited me to their homes because they knew that I was naturally, without effort, embodying my reality and consciousness (which they recognized in themselves), because I did not know of any other way to exist.
Again, I saw that all these people wanted the truth and wanted to know whether their abilities were a blessing or a curse… I understood completely. Many people watching my life felt that for some one so talented and with so many abilities and capabilities for success that I must be cursed, or made some kind of agreement. I do not feel this way, though there are moments when I feel that I am cursed well beyond any man could be cursed. For how can one carry a condition such as this, in which none around you truly had the experience of, which to many was beyond their conception, so that even when some wanted to help, they could not? How could you tell people, especially when I did not have the articulation at that time, that I was being moved by an literally energy which dominates my consciousness and affects my body 24\7? Or that you can read reality in so many dimensions, all residing in the same place or point.
Most people know this, are aware of this and such information has existed among humanity as a species since the beginning of recorded history… But how to turn it into a fact, prove it real, show transparency of how “Magic” works… That unlike rationality or reason (which I call nature… because nature is rational, logical and always shows reason) which is limited to acceptance of sight as the basis, or principal of being in existence.
Everyone wants magic, even in the most rational and reasonable cities in the western world, magic still inspires and ignites the imagination. But reason and rational which were created I feel as anchors and building blocks to understand the magic of being alive, being in existence, began to suffocate the magic because it was not understood.
Most are aware of the Legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, the betrayal of “Mother Earth”… Magic-Druids-Dragons… This world of Magic curtailed by the voice disguised as reason, but which was simply a growing fear of the mystery and those who wielded the power of the unknown, the unseen… the mystery. Magic becoming itself, used as a tool of fear instead of investigation.
Reason, instead of helping to understand how magic manifests as nature, as creation, began to be seen like a weed, which strangled up imagination…magic, that which could not be explained. And magic, because of its lack of transparency, began to be seen as evil…
We all know that story, it is mirrored in my ancestral home town, NRI, which in ancient days, wielded considerable amount of power in parts of West Africa, because of the ability of the King’s priests to wield a power of AFO (Truth, which was a wooden stick) which brought forth seemingly the idea of great magic but was really the King’s priests being in Harmony. And of course, the INRI, which seems to reflect the story of reason gone bonkers, with the dying for one’s sins idea and the crucifixion of a man of love and truth simply because he seemed to proclaim himself (by his doing)  the Messiah. Never mind that he was talking about the fact that humanity was in an illusion that was not real, that there was a kingdom, his father’s kingdom called paradise, where everyone could come in, as long as their vibration matched the vibration of the customs gate to enter that realm…. Get clean he said, resonate on the right frequency by seeing reality through the correct lens. That everything was created through the golden ratio… or beauty… that existence is beautiful and you can not get out of the mirror, looking glass, trapped in two between two dimensions without freeing yourself from that prison\prism by re-calibrating to the correct frequency.
Magic is to me the expression of grace, defined as a greater understanding of how to respond to people who don’t get it… It is from grace I find that magic comes, and from nature, with its solidness and anchors, is reason to enjoy being in a world of magic. But Magic I find, from what I read from my journey of investigation, has to be understood by all, so that no one will feel intimidated by it, all could understand how it works… It required transparency. And reason, like the story of nature, had to be tamed, balanced out in understanding our fundamental natures before we could assume the title of what I have seen we have begun to evolve to…Hue man beings of the fifth element. For we have understood direction North, East, West, South… NEWS. And Earth, Fire Water, Air, to become the natural embodiment of Harmony which creates magic to infinity.
This is why I believe the concept of self-sacrifice mirrored in the Jesus story had to be re-aligned. The mad interpretation which brought forth war, destruction, rape, slavery, exploitation had to be re-aligned to its true meaning and linked once more, but correctly–not with fear of magic but its understanding of magic. Understanding the rhythm and the ritual, mirrored still in the two. Magic is music of creation and Reason are the notes or the meaning of creation. The story of magic (music) had to be merged with the story and reason… or reasoning… NATURE… to arrive at true nature, then you can hear the true music and then you can see the world as it truly is with new vision.
The people who have these gifts, that I have met all over the world and in my life are the magical consciousness, once more rising in humanity after being banished for a long time by reason governed by fear. This fear of people, evolving to a higher nature and understanding, have to be integrated into the world of reason. But not into a world of madness. The madness, my journey states, is the reason why this consciousness could not be merged into society. No matter how much we observe humanity’s love and affiliation for this world, which is growing daily… because it is reflecting what is real and is manifesting all about us. The magical way of thinking, as stated by J.K. Rowling, is seeing the world without limitations, but also the understanding of resonance, reverberation and echo… or the Heartbeat of creation and existence. Magical thinking though had to be explained through reason, (through anchors and through the correct consciousness of this current reality… but not through its madness…) and that was the problem: how to navigate through its madness and blindness.
How we are evolving as a species, I find, had to explained through reason. How does magic work, how does evolution work…? But first we had to ground magic and reason to their true meaning, intent and balance… I find that when you merge the two it forms the symbol of a heart.
Thus, I understood that the magical beings I was being drawn to, people who have gifts like Nikoma, Lisa, Rachel, Evan all over the world (that are more apparent), had to be able to explain through reason how such abilities could be integrated into current society, so as to create the quickening, the awakening, the evolution of civilization as a whole to a higher plane of existence.
Each person finds their mission, and their purpose in life. It may not be something you wish to do, but if it is your calling because your special gift is required there, then mine was to explain, articulate and find a language that all people of both the magical thinkers, and the magical beings, along with the reasonable and rational (not irrational and insane) could understand and recognize.
A language that can integrate the fifth element consciousness with the two 4 level consciousness of direction and containment. One being Energy in expression and the other being our atomic nature, or physical nature.
That all the knowledge of creation exists in our humanity, in our collective and individual ancestry… All the magic, all the truths, it is a library of information, as Lisa demonstrated by reading my pulse to unflinching accuracy, to prove that I was literally telling the truth. In all breath, is literal memory contained in the stream of consciousness… of all collective expressions, thoughts and reflections. The Earth, the air, our bodies and our breath are literally alive with all the actions and expressions of our ancestors. The family line of our individual family’s lines linking with the collective family line, of the tree of life that links us all to one family… Atom and Energy, not Adam and Eve. Thus, the evidence of my 11 year, then life time journey suggests that the energies active in me represent matter as DNA and blood lines, as well as breath, Energy and air that we all breath. And of course the fifth element, the individual who is able to link the two and merge as the one fifth element… Five represents the letter E, in the Roman alpha bet, which to me is Energy, or Existence. Humanity now has the ability or consciousness that matches the vibration of the truth of existence.
This is the relevance and recognition of what is really happening quietly and elegantly in the world. The realization that the collective unconscious is actually fully awake as mirrored by what we see coming out of the movies… the illusion, which is reflecting the truth. There is an awakening but there is a requirement of awareness and paying attention to getting the facts correct before making a summation. The facts, as my journey in New York has demonstrated, lie rooted in seeing the fact which leads you to the truth, which we (as happened to me) are called in to witness and investigate if this truth we have uncovered is true. And if is true, what is true… is that that creation was created through beauty, and not seeing through the correct consciousness is the true meaning of the end of the world at this point in the play… 2012..
20 12 Represents T in the alpha bet and 12 L…. with two full circles of understanding direction, N.E.W.S. and your nature… you become a T.OO.L of creation and this is what it seems this is all about. That I have been used as a tool of creation and existence. And that others on the planet, who can see feel, hear, do and understand other dimensions and the true being, the inner world of beauty, I found were also beings used as tools, but without being aware of it, their lives seeming crazy, intense, bizarre. Some committing suicide, others suppressing their true selves to such a point to adapt that they end up exploding and are promptly sent to some institution by their parents, trapped in an insane consciousness, with its insane way of dealing with things it does not understand or do not consider normal… Just as so few could understand why I would go to the end of such a journey to find evidence of the truth and that universe is literally an expression of truth and human beings were literally created as living definitions of love, light and mischief (laughter).
I know how disorienting it can be for your normal life to interrupted by these gifts and how it can become a nightmare and terrible conflict… but instead of denying it, (as I could not) I had to follow it to understand what it wanted from me. And I saw where it led me to, the understanding of how to articulate, even here on Facebook, and express that which is always on the tip of the tongues of people with rising consciousness and awareness never seen before like this on earth, how everything really makes sense.
I have spent a life time being forced to research religion philosophy, history, the science to understand and link before I even had a clue what the final outcome would be of being forced to live in a silent world of beauty… Like most people of my kind, we wanted to come out into the world to play. But “world” did not understand us, and we could not communicate to this world… that is complete madness in some ways… Mad men and women in mayhem.
We could not come out into the world without finding a bridge to communicate our reality which saw that they were in a play that was not of the reality we lived in. They wished us to compromise the very truth that was our essence the truth we knew was the meaning of existence… but we could not explain. And most of us, out of love and the desire to be accepted, tried to, but we also found that the price was that we would destroy ourselves. Because we saw the world truthfully, not its potential but how it really is…even though others could not see it, and went mad.
I refused after a certain point, to give up on the truth of the reality and consciousness which has always been my home, and I paid dearly, but rather than rest on my wounds, I sought to investigate a way to communicate and core relate the two… by proving how both are really one… but you really really had to do a lot of work to bring our reality of beauty into collective focus.
If there is one thing I have learned since the reality of the balance of inner world and outer world became literally mirrored in my body, is that nothing is impossible. My body and consciousness is mirroring in perfection that which I am experiencing, witnessing, linking, understanding and getting proof of..the evidence outside of myself.
Where I have used methodology and techniques, where a universal echo has started aiding me, by providing witnesses to the processes I have found to bring forth evidence… Then believe me, I know that this is the beginning of a new world and the ending of an old. And that to bring forth a merging of the story of NRI… The people of the full circle, and INRI, The story of love so terribly distorted to a story of self sacrifice and power. And that only through researching the two stories, to find out the link and the true meaning of the two, that they are mirrors, as I NRI and O NRI (O or a full circle, not zero–zero does not exist, it being an illusion created by mathematicians)… On a mirror reflection it would created NRI\NRI 1O or 10 in balance and in mirrored perfection of 10 10 which I believe is sound… and not sight…. Thus it seems to be significant that the two stories maybe called black and white had to be re-aligned through the human body and the human consciousness (and not through the stars outside of us up in the heavens) back to the true meaning of black and white merged… not into grey but into white light transparency, since black and white are both not colors, just illusions….
Thus, color, seeing the world through the hues, like the Northern light, is seeing the world through all the correct vibrations and expressions of movement and sensation. The E-motions is the only way to see the true reflection or access the true story of existence, which so many knew as children but later suppressed as adults in order to conform.
The frame of the mirror to see the world through living colors is, from what I am reading and linking,  done by linking the two historical visions… masculine\feminine but which to me is really the story of magic and reason… not religion… The two stories aligned create a frame, in which a looking glass. a pool, a gateway to another truth… a 3rd story, the story that required the two beautiful illusions of black and white to be proven one, merged back together to form the true picture… of life and existence as it truly is… beautiful.
Our journey, it seems, was to be the link that joins the past (our ancestry) with our future (our reflections, sources of inspiration…breath)… which creates the Aha! moment, to quote Timothy Long TL. This enables us to access what has been called by many, the promised land. Only love and truth as a vibration, and not as words, or even gestures, but the vibration which came from aligning and investigating the meaning of black and white, or the two versions of the same story… Magic and reason, can open the gate to seeing the true view of the present in living color.
Reason and Magic… R.M…. A Room with a view, is what the framing and linking of the two stories bring and a transparency creates the looking glass, the portal in which you can see the dimensions of my home and the home of quite a few people’s inner worlds. And after admiring the view, by vibrating with the true harmony 8 and the ‘All seeing I’ of the individual who did the work of linking and investigating the link between the mystery of the two worlds or nature of magic.. .(also called amazing grace) and the world of reasons\meaning… our collective and individual natures and true nature… the expression of the earth and H-earth. We can then simply walk through the looking glass to the world, the consciousness we/my family and I around the world have now proven as true.
But before the third eye opens, you must be able to recognize your own harmony of seeing the full circle of both inner and outer world experiences. Then you link it, read it, investigate it, and prove your thesis true… in the language of consciousness of your choosing… As lisa did it with pulse reading. She was able to read me so accurately because she, like most of the “family” did a lot of work on healing and cleansing the self, until you come back to the frequency vibration of your true nature. Lisa was able to bring forth truth through her reading, a most alien condition, because she had cleansed herself back to the frequency of love….
This I am told through what I read, is the only way home to the dimension of beauty, to see what I and some in this planet see, but first there must be articulation and expression of it that makes common sense (everyone gets it when it is explained… that is the new language and vocabulary for it includes all human points of view)…
And then you must access that plane of consciousness after reaching the correct vibration, by opening your third eye, to see a different view. This view is activated by being in harmony, which means changing your focus and your tune\tone about life and things that happened in your life. This brings lightness, and the hues, which are like swirls of magic (imagination is the access point but grounded with the anchors of reason) and then the flower of life (as some called the third eye and the anus) opens up to show you this view. Which must be sustained within even as you wall in this reality and go about your daily business. You are the same but everything has changed, everything… and staying in that correct focus, while still living in today’s reality becomes the last test of self mastery and self discipline of seeing the merging and the link of that world even in this reality so obscured with babble…
When you are able to identify the vision and view opened up through the tunnel of love\imagination, see the white light, cross over the white light of white noise\sound, also called seeing beyond sight… (sound came first before sight, hearing before seeing… or better still the word is perception, is true hearing).. See the magic mirror with the two stories like NRI\NRI framed 1O or 10 to J in the alphabet. You move through the fragmentation of light from sound to the vision of the true world all in living color…. seeing it from within while living right here and now until that truth starts to be seen in the links and the cracks in the lie of everyday living.
I am simply saying this truth is now everywhere… and evolution was all about linking the facts (reason) with the truth (magic\grace) to get to the place or kingdom
consciousness where everyone is true…like true to themselves. This is what I think Christ and others were saying but they just did not have the full range of articulation of all the languages and hues of consciousness of the true colors of life and of existence…
Take care talk to you all tomorrow
Love and laughter

2 thoughts on “Symptoms of evolution of the seen and unseen world…”

  1. Original Comment by Fritz Venneiq:
    glance back —–> ***Knowing my brother is as you said that which you recognize as the sum total of knowing within you is the understanding of everything…
    To say it briefly; Pay attention to everything, Break it down and match it up read what the picture you got says then explain it with evidence and proof…that is the way to conquer forgetfullness birth and death by bring the all knowing into reality by matching it up with the reality of your life nature and the symbols around you.
    Then the all knowing becomes the all understanding by linking everything with understanding its is called awareness or being totally self aware but only until you remember everything by knowing you know everything and you know how you know everything because you bulit a bridge in a different reality of forgetfulness to bring the all knowing that you recognize from the sub conscious into the conscious. Consciousness beats memmory forgetfullness because once you understand how what is inside you matches with what is outside of you and the nature of cause effect and cosequence it does not matter if you forget because you can not forget because you have already linked and matched the two dimensions with understanding and explanation and you just have to go back to the process you created and it all comes flooding back- Once you have learnt to ride a bike it is indented in your body mind and soul and no matter how long you go without riding it it will all come flooding back. So awareness is necessary for only the time you need to figure out and link the all knowing with the symbols like a chess game. Once you get that you do need to have that constant alertness of awareness because you have solved the equation and now you are simply conscious…which is carried lightly and naturally. ***

  2. Original Comment by Chukwunnaemeka Ezeufonna
    Iwu anyanwu, NRI IRI the fool circle, every thing is here AFO, I have nothing more to do And i can’t stop reading.

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