Sword of Truth.
2:37 p.m
Tree Sage posted a Fire Truck with the number 11 today.
Its always strange for me to open up my page each day, when I really have nothing to say, and find more knowledge, and expression flowing through me…
And nearly all of my posts are instigated by the arrival of a new Facebook Friend.
And by this force moving through my body..
* I speak about my body.. The Elephant in the Room because it is the main reason I have been on Facebook and have been solving this riddle.
Which turned out to be about the path and Journey to Evolving back to E.
And it is the one thing which reminds me constantly that this is immediate and real.
In short, I mention my physical and spiritual state, because it was to alert you all, I realized, that this is real and can happen to you.
So many people, unfortunately have made This Script my sole responsibility, and what is happening in my body, my problem.
But I have given evidence that it is Your problem, and though I am often in bearable quiet agony, I know it is not really real, rather ot is something imposed upon me.
To get your attention… but more importantly to force me to find a cure which led me to solving this riddle.
And to undertake this sacred journey.
.which was to make rise the Truth.
And.. give evidence of your Truth.
That I was to Solve, Equate, resolve The Script of the Meaning of Existence, Its purpose and Its truth and present it to you all.
Within my life’s script, is all your lifes scripts and stories.
My resolution and example as to how I resolve my own life, the way I see, and understand things and its documentation was to serve as a reminder of how each of you could solve your life stories, and see through the correlation to mine, that it is a Script.
How each responds to what I represent and shared is what I realized was how each person was being Obseved, Judged and a Conclusion drawn.
I am not the Judge.
The Truth is.
And in the end, this was my Sacred Journey.
To make rise GOD.
To prove Emmanuel Nnamdi… that Harmony is Emmanual Nnamdi..
H E N. And C O..C K.
H C.
Thus, I discovered that I was sent here to Prove the Truth of my Father, Son ..Brother..
And The Truth.
The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth.
And to make manifest Gods Truth, I was forced to come to New York.
I was forced and compelled.. and even desired to tell the Truth..
And I felt uneasy, I rebelled against doing such a task in this world because I read enough, saw enough evidence of what is done to people who are Divine messengers of Truth.
I did desire to bring you all the Truth,
I felt blessed and took the responsibility thrust upon me very seriously.
But I began to see through the years, that the path created for me to walk did not make sense to me… it seemed as though the Force behind it, had not taken into consideration what people had done to.the Truth through out the ages.
And what would be done to a person who came with this message of Truth, worse in this day and age.
Where nearly everyone lies.
Embraces the lie as a matter of power or convenience.
And so I rebelled.
And fought, truly fought not to continue after enduring 12 almost 13 years of Hell of Mind and Spirit.
Who was I to state that my Truth was, is the Truth.
How did I know.
And why me.
I fought so hard not to come to New York- I knew I spoke the Truth.
I knew that a Espirit was in me, moving my life in a way that I could not doubt it, deny it even if I wanted to.
But the way I was being moved, the paths it was asking me to tread..
Made me question it.
It was not until I came to New York, which was the only door which opened, did I realize that my own True Menories, I kept secret and vieled until comming to New York age 32. And then 33-34 was once more this Espirit of Truth in me ( us) awake and so powerful who had answered a challenge, accepted it from the Ancestors and the living and the Dead.
That my own vieled and secret memories I had kept hidden even to people closest to me, ( even in a way, to myself)
I was alarmed when I arrived here and found this Espirit of Truth, moving in me ( and I was aware) and forcing me, compelling me to speak, talk non stop, like a river gushing flowing through me, and with it, to my astonishment and alarm, all my vieled memories, and all the knowledge and knowing of 33 years of quietly observing people and not saying anything of what I really knew, percieved.
And that Truth, I was being challenged to prove as Truth by what I call the line of Nature.
While the Eternal Truth forced me, compelled me to defend the Eternal Truths within me which I knew but had no intention in sharing it with this world.
I was now a Qualified Director, Film Theater, Dance, Preformance art.. This is how I intendeed to share my Secret Expression with the World..
And quietly find my Eternal Family who I knew were here present in this world.
But I did not know how to find them, they usually found me, rising momentarily Descendants Avatars, Complete The Mission they would say and then they were gone..
I thought I was going insane,
I did not realize that they existed in a different frequency.. the same as mine but they were separated from me by layers and layers of distorted Ego and lies.
Lies intentional and unintentional.
*3:50 p.m
*Tree Sage, A.k.a Chiefy- Kim Arthur Hines just sent me a text..
He met his Father and a friend of his Father at the Carribean Festival.
The man said he though Kim Handsome and asked to take his picture, directing him to stand by a Tree.
Kim saw a image directly in his line of Vision
It read Truth..
Innermost Truth.
Which is what I am currently posting about.
Then he sent images of Buddhist Flags
And Inauspicious.
Sarah Kaizer brought me a Gift of 12 Auspicious flags…
4 4 4. 12… 4 (3) One Year.. A-L. 3
5 5 5.. 15. 5 (3) 2015 play Bed 49- 53 K.G – 6
6 6 6. 18 6(3) Sarah dob 6-3O 18 yrs Usa 9
7 7 7. 21 7(3) 3-20-2001. 3
8 8 8. 24. 8(3)..83/38 H.P Computer 6
9 9 9. 27. 9 (3) Arrival at Fair Field 9.
10 10 10 30 10 ( 3) JM JM K.H. 3.
1O 1O 1 O 3 3(1) 111. 3
3(. O) 3 Full Circle of Energy 3 Spirit Physical realms in E S.P
O O O. 666 back at 18. R. as A.H..6(3) 9
16 16 16 48. 16 (3) @ 1348 Facebook Friends 48= 12..3
3 6 9. 3 6 9. 3 3 9.3.
Nikolai Tesla Keys to the Universe solve 369.
Here it occurs Twice..
And then equates to
2 sequences of 3 digits to 4
3393.. 33 93. 3-393..
3 and One Full O all in One.
C ..1.
C A.
Amelia C my 1348 Facebook Friend.
Energetic Promodial Soup
Pale and Tanned..
Black and White
H.E. B R. E W.
John Mack and Emeka
John MacDonald and Kim Arthur Hines
The Original Doppelgangers
* You may recall, how I recounted that my Mother told the story of how two Rabbis or 3 had convinced my parents to circumcize me.
How my mother, then a Roman Catholic and my bio Father who was Anglican ( but became an Atheist) had sought to do it the Christian way, and their surprise at these 2 3 Rabbis appearing at their door.
And how my mother was shocked at how they drank the blood from my circumcision.
My mother only revealed this recently to me while I was on Facebook.
Yes, I did not realize until later, that a gap of these lies, once sacred truths, had through time, and Individual and Collective agreements had become a mighty way of lies and falsehoods which separated me and my Family of E undercover, now deep deep undercover in the Sub Conscious and Sub Atomic State.
That is how far, people went away from the Truth.
Despite it being Present and Everywhere but not in ths Consciousness of Humanity.
I.had no idea that I would be forced by my most inner most, most Sacred Truth be made to accept the challenge my Espirit True Constant would force me to fight them and accept a play a Sacred Journey into the depths of Existential Hell..
Thier Tests, your Tests to prove I was telling the Truth, despite Nnamdi Emmanuel using me as his Sword of Truth.
I was walking the path the O.I.Nri Igbo call
Ezi Okwu
Which translates as The Path of Truth through words expressed which manifest.
I recognized this the first few years in New York.
Afo one of the 4 market days weeks.
Afo means Truth…and Stomach
Tree Sage
And yes my Stomach and my Throat..Pineal.
The Bridge is the Solar Plexus.
Pineal Gland
Prostrate Gland
Pituitary Gland
P P P. 16 16 16. 48.
I am at 13 48 Facebook Friends
Amelia Carr..
Air Conditioning
Chinedu Umeano
Cecilia Umeano.
Chukwuemeka Umeano.
Umeano means 4 Divine Breaths in One
N.E O. A. Nnamdi Emeka Obumneme Afo- Alexander.
C U … E
3 21.. 2+1=3..C
3 17 Fair Field Ave.
Divine Inspiration
NN. 14 14. Bronson Ware. N N. ( 28. M.A N My birthdate)
A.M.. Alexander Michael.
D.I. David Ignacio…
I found myself Spirted Away, into the Spirit and Mind realm for 29..30 years.
18.5 in New York
To Prove My Truth
My Father Brother Sons/Sums Truth.
Your Original Beautiful Truth.
And break down the Wall by filling the Gap with Truth
Fighting a Battle in the Invisible Plane while walking on this Materialistic Unconscious playing Field.. waking up the Dead Deed Done.
Proving that Everything was Complete A.N.D Perfect before even Universe- Creation Manifested.
But no one here really trust and has confidence in the Truth.
Because in your experience being True, and relying on the Truth here lets you down.
T – RUE… T a Rue..Street.. Path a Road
Forgetting Its a journey, Ezi Okwu
5th State Connecticut
Hartford Connecticut
H C.
Anastasia Hart
That it has to move through a Cycle. Process Progression until manifeststion
John MacDonald used that word
Progress and after his truly Inspired and Determined massage of my body, he exclaimed ( as I would if I had encountered someone whose body responds as mine)
And is one of the only persons who once I stood up, exclaimed with a Whoa!
Your much taller!
Johns portal his very being and Existence represents my Truth Manifests and in Being Represented by a Young Man.
5:11 p.m
5:12 p.m right now is
At Jesse Macias poral he is mirroring through his name meaning and though not in that Awareness Expression, but in especially name meaning the Universe, Harmony God responding through Sacred Portal 20 Lady Echo E .. The meaning of the End of my Sacred Journey manifested by The True Script…
But based on the Naturals..the Ones who Tested Challenged me to walk this Path, Labyrinth Maze, Heros Journey ..
20 K.A H. Links to Kim Arthur Hines K.A.H.
5:17 p.m right now is
Equating Jesse Macias meaning Behold the Gift above and beyond.
Zion Macias.
The Gift of the Highest Point.
And Lucas..Present here, with his Black Panther Tatoo-
Means The Light Bringer
C..E E
Pierce the Veil of Death and prove it through a transparent step by step process.
Infront of an entire world.
It makes that and those who are around me ( you us) tell us a story of where we are and what the Invisble world has witnessed as the meaning and Truth in conclusion
Throat, Solar Plexus ….Navel/Lower abdomen T S-P, N-
5 3 2.. Chakras.. E C. B..
7 6 4. 1… Crown to Kundalin- Base- Sacral- Root Chakras.
( C K. C.B. C S..C R
7 6 41.. The Gap..*
Crown, Third Eye, Heart Root.. C.T H, B/R
C T-E, T, H, S-P, LA -( 3 2 Upper and Lower Abdomen) B-R S.. ( B R O S..)
Muladhara. Root. Red
Svadisthana. Orange.
Manipura. Yellow Gold.
Anahata. Green.
Visuddha. Blue.
Anja. Indigo.
Saharsara. Violet.
5:55 p.m
Do you see the code?
76. 41.. 5. 3 2..
M.S M A.V A S / S A. V. A.M S M
I V. Indigo Violet. Jesse Macias was born 9-22 as is Royal Mayan..
Indigo Violet..I V.
But since it is backwards ( the same way people see light from the universe we know
The correct view is V I 6..
7th and 6th. Is V.I. All Sixth Sense..
Orange Red.
Represented by Tree Sage and John – Orange and Red as 7 6
It works both ways
V.I / I V
6 4
4 6..
But it began as 6. 4.
6 4-4 6.. 6 8 6..
= 20
8 th Chakra is Infinity.. I
Energy Center, H.Q bridge to
There are 114 Chakras in the body
According to Dr Sri Amit Ray and I am inclined to agree.
* 114 Grant Moor Newington
John MacDonald Newington
Tree Sage born 11-4
4-11 Nathaniel Thomas Bywater
Sacred 114..
He states that there are 7200 Nadis.
And 114 ..
4 forms of Energy
Physical Energy.P E
Mental Energy. M.E
Emotiomal Energy E E
Spirutal Energy. S.E
P M E.S..
All interrelated and overlapping each other.
And must be balanced and aligned to One.
There are maby Nadis and Chakras through out our body.
However 72000 and 114 are the most prominent.There are 7 major chakras, 21 minor chakras, 86 micro chakras in the Human Body.
Amongst 114 Chakras, 112 reside in tje Body and two outside.
Head, Heart , Navel Throat and base of the Spine are the 5 major areas of the Body Dr Amit Ray notes.
Unlike machines, Energy moves rhythmically up.and Down
8. 7654321 O 1 23567. 8.
88 16. 64. 8O. 8 in One..
H Q.
See my blue print on my page and my Sacred Portals
Sacred portals
112 A B
6:36 p.m
72 is 360 +360.
90 × 4. * Red Roof Plus rm 904.
90 ×8 72..
*Yesterdays Date..
There are 2 Chakra Outide the Body
E K.J.M. 8
E K J.M. 8
E.K.E.. 98/ 98. 17 17. 3 17. 5 17 and 17 Period.
He further adds under the title Quantum Physics and Nadis:
72,000 nadis are interconnected energy beings, operated by collaboration and interacrion.
In reality connections of 72,000 non linear, non local, nonnon-hierachal.
This view is supported by new sciences such as Quabtum.Physics.
The Quantum paradigm hilds that nothing is fixed, events are not predictable and change is continuous.
The dance of the enerfy field in our brain, body and mind is dynamic and continuous.
He adds, You need to understand the concept of Quantum.Space Time ( Q S T/ T S Q) is a dynamic object. The science of Quantum Physics focuses not on physical things but in Energy fields in the form of wave-particle duality
Yes, he is speaking about the Spirit Mind realm play and dance.
He is correct in his calculation but not in translation and meaning.
There is always the Aware Observer whose focus and attebtion moved Energy.Expression through the illusion of that Energy Dance..
But there is no real Duality because the Observer Aware, and the Actor Actors of O the full circle are ..is One and indivisible..
And the Equations are represebted by continually moving objects
We move even as we Sleep but within us and outside there is a fixed and constant point.
The two outside the 112..A L/ L.A..
1-12 months
6 ×12.. Forte Lauderdale
72.. O O O.
Sixth Sense completed through 3 full circle of 3..
A.M 46
OOO 3..
33 6 circles Light and Dark merge into one
6 in 1
7:01 p.m
But enough of this, explaining it is, that obviously, none of was really about you in this state of Unconscious ( which most can not admit. ) it was about a challenge given and to mu astonishment, my having to respond in order to rescuse the Sum Total of My Truth, which proves my Brother Fathers Lovers Truth.
By filling the chasm, The Void, the destruction of the Big Mouths by filling the Gap with Brotherly Love
True Good will to all your fellow Men ( and women) while the same time, while usung Beautiful Expression cutting out those who do not respond in kind.
The same way.
There is only one who.has not indulged with.me in these stupid human power games, mind games..
Power games..
Even to communications and lack of responding to a telephone call.
Or texts..
John MacDonald line..
Not in the almost 9 months has he ever indulged with me in those power plays.
And hia respect to me is clean.
Next is Kim Arthur Hines Tree Sage who today has risen to the exact same see.
Then there is Sarah Athena Kaizer..
But only Two lines speak with the Awareness and Consciousness of E C
John MacDonald J M
Kim HInes. K.H
Kim.spole of meeting a person called M.H.in his text.
And he connected it to the play.
K M.
H A.-J I
K I M. E
Kim arriving with his imtel while I was describing how a Secret Energy raped me and this caused a stream of my innermost Truth to flow from me ..
29. 31. Years almost.
Non stop writing
And 18.5 years of nonstop talking.
7:22 p.m right now is
Means once again The Truth and The Script have Echoed my Truth.
That there is only one Truth
Called The Beautiful Truth.
Which at present you must admit none of you represents or are..
But which only one person represented
John MacDonald
And the orher Kim Arthur Hines rose up and evolved to.
2 ouside of 114 Chakras.
112. 56 +56. E.Family ×2..
2 are J M K H
K.A H.
WAVES and Particles of Energy and Light
And There is One more..
Making it 115.
A-A E… 27 E. Moved here 5-27 Memorial Day.
K.E. Y. Source E Codes.
See sacred Portal 115
And E.K.
5 11..
New York 11th State
Connecticut 5th State.
11 5
5 11
7 7. 1. 14.. ..49 .. 1:1. 28. 98. 17. 8
16 16. 32. 5. ( 4 8.
6 1. 6 1.
12 2..
12 1
Brotherly Love..
And 7 7. 1 14.
All converging @ 13 13. 26. 8
8. 5. Using Exprsssion.
Words Gestures
Common Sense
Personal Responsibility
Trust and Respect
To me merited and earned.
In the true E.M.F there is no power plays or taking advantage of the disadvantaged.
Its always a Fair Field
Fair Play.
7:41 p.m
Everyone took advantage of my circumstances and my compelled to do this work except 1..then 2…and 3..
in 1 ..Obviously.
7:43 p.m
Each chose which and what they wished to focus on.
N M C. Or Problem.
114- 411
8 11. 8 22
115… 5 11.
10 11. 10 22..
BY J.O.V.E..!
Jupiter Descending
Jupiter Ascending
And .Z.E U.S. says
7.48 p.m
Original Facebook Post: Click Here