
Super Nova! – “14.13.17… N.M.

Super Nova!

“14.13.17… N.M..Q
Delta Manor…

If I could be anything,
I guess I would be a Super Nova.
Burning at 100 Billion Kelvins Degree’s
6000 Times Hotter than our Sun,
And as a Black Hole exuding Energy
I would Feed the Universe…
The Seed It Need to Create
New Stars, New Works of Art
That will Amaze Mankind for Billions of Years to come.”

Caesar Rivera… C.R…

You may recall that Caesar is the one I recently gave my Article
The Elegant Nomad to read…

8:00 p.m.

He is the one who had lived in Georgia and Miami, with his Jamaican Wife.. 5 Years in Miami and 2 months in Georgia…
I had spent 2 months in Miami and 5 days in Georgia.

52 52… A Match…

He is Bed 3012… C.O.L… C,.L.. A.R.K…K.E.N.T…
Linked literally to Clark in bed 5-007..
C L.. Is Completion of Light…

Now recall that in 2015 on meeting Keith Grant of bed 53 Room B..Where I to lived in Bed 49…
49 Is Existential Death…
53 is sacred portal ‘One Dai has Come”

Recall that he had testified that the Shelter System and the B.R.C Green Point Assesment Shelter was the literal Black Hole of Existence..?
That was almost the First day we met…
He gave me a Hand Sanitizer M.D… H.S
Link Hary Spencer H.S…
And Nenad M. Djurdjevic..N..M.D.
I called him Papa Mbwede…
And linked him to my True Father
8:08 p.m
The Setting Sun.. The Blackness the Blackest Night.. B.E.N..
He always drank his coffee at 711…
I was fully aware that I was in the Spirit World and listening to the Mind of the Forest Peoples and the Will of the Woods
Will Woods…
But really the V V V V… 22 X4… 88…

The Elegant Nomad is all about my observation of the requirement for the System set in place, required to Evolve.
The Peoples Consciousness represented the System.
And though the article was not about Homelessness,
I was suspicious when I found myself being led to explore a Homeless Shelter.. H.S.. After people began telling me their stories…

TEN USD Will..

I had heard Will write and was delighted by the intelligence and consciousness so near the 5th Dimensions Consciousness and had invited him here to post if he desired.
He had declined…Will have never truly been in Harmony which is why nothing really grew from that first encounter in Green Point which I recounted.
It was irrelevant since, this is a play which reveals and unravels by itself- the worst thing you can do is to try to exert Control and Dominance over it..

So when I found my Article placed neatly on my bed, I did nor bother to question it or if he had read it..
He had read it 3-4 pages but politely said that he could not read any more because he was going through something…
I was heartened by his soft spoken manner and though I trusted no one, I had covertly observed him since I arrived.
He was so soft spoken, and the only conflict I ever had with him was resolved by his being a reasonable man..
I wrote about it here… He was playing music which others did but his was not too loudly and it was great classical music…
But I asked him if he could lower it and said why..
He did so gracefully…

Will is Proud… very proud… And combatitive because of his intelligence… But this is a Divine Play, and there is no time for nonsense, I have known him for 8 9 months…
And he has the right to play what ever role after he has been alerted that he is in a Spirit Play and it has been ascertained that he or each person has the is qualified and intelligent enough to grasp the Play.
So I am indifferent to the Cause Effect outcome. I accept all Challenges and in this play there are 4…5…
Nnamdi as his illusion.. a Very Stubborn child but he had extraordinary Grace, Manners and Reason for his actions when he was pissed…

So it came as no surprise that when I received her Message Ceasar was present….

3-4 pages he had read…

“But I did like what you said, that Creation is Art…”

Super Nova he said…

I stopped dead …
Excuse me…
Super Nova he said…

It reminded me of the Super Nova…

I stared..

And then he told me that when they had been asked to write something here at the Shelter, D.M that he had written this..
When he read it… It was all I could do but jump in his Arms and Shout Jezzusss!!!
Sacred portal 54… Jose Roque whom he is friendly with…
They were at that Round Table… Caesar Rivera Jose Roque..
Jeyzus.. C.R. J.R… C.J…R.R…

He had summarized The Elegant Nomad and grasped its meaning in 3-4 pages.. 34 5…
M.T.C.N.. 34 5…508…52 91…With Intelligence Alpha Simplicity.. So like my mother… So like Cassandra my Case Manger who grasps things which that Serinity which sometimes you wish to become more ..Exuberant…

I suddenly recognized that I had moved through the Black Hole of the System From Atlantic Bedford.. A.B… then a 14 year Gap of living in literal non Existence with not even an I.D Card.. orany security much less a Body which obeyed my will…
And in that Gap of 13-14 years, 2001-2 to 2015-16…
I had passed through the Black Hole Green Point Room B 2015
2 months, then Green Point 2016 9 months later to the day but I added a Day..
*All this is recorded here over the last 5 years…
And spent 2 months there…
And I am now entering my 7 month here…
2 2 6..
2 2 7… 7 11…
Kristen Green… Keith Grant…
And in 11 months.. See Sacred Portal 11..
And see Cecilia David.. Onuabuchi Nnamdi…
Both born 11:22… C.D.. 3 4… ( 47…68)
5-4- 69….

9:04 p.m.
94… I.D..

I just stepped out with Ms. Brenda 55… Who is sitting besides Richard… ( I am sitting besides Reginald.. another regular… Right)
She spoke about her 88 year old mother and the plans she had her siblings have planned for her, tomorrow rather on the 14th…
Yes 5-14…Sacred Portals 14 and 5…Evolution of Consciousness and arrival of E Men…Through SHE…”
I felt the Sadness, and said that I had not seen my Mother in such a Long time and that we had been so close and never in a billion years would I have imagined this…

She looked at me, smiling Yes she must miss the heck out of you..
But you will soon be home…

I said that I had heard so many lies and been made to wait so long that I did not know what to believe despite my codes saying Literally the same thing…
11 1… Sacred Portal 111…
28 years and almost 6 months… 29 years.. BI…
Nenad M. Djurdjevic Bergano Italy..

“You will be home soon said gently but firmly…
And in spite of myself, my body languorously bowed…
“You see!” She said delighted…

Suddenly I heard “The Great Emeka!” It was 22 year old Robert arriving with 16- 17 year old Leonardo.. Left Right B.R..O…

“Do you see what he called you?”
Ms Brenda smiled gently, imagine what you have done here, and what you do when you get home..
Great.. You will be even Greater when you get home..”

I smiled wanly, I do not really care about that any more, the excitement of my “Discovery” has long since paled at the cost, but my only “Soulagement” is that at least all the people and the lines have been given credit. That none of you know the Celebration I have already woven into existence long before I came to this Face Book play…
Such a Boogie, I smiled.

‘I already feel it…” was what she said quietly…
And my body convulsed into wondrously grace bow to her

Noting comes from Nothing… that is what it says on the T-Shirt Robert is Wearing…
“That your philosophy Emeka isn’t it..”

“Yes” I smiled, Even in that Nothing, there is Something…
I did not elaborate to say “M.E”.. The E.

Meaning of the name Lorraine Tamara James

Transferred use of the surname originating from the name of a province in eastern France, which is derived from the Latin Lotharingia (territory of the people of Lothar). Lothar, the name of the son of the Frankish king Clovis, is of Germanic origin and is derived from the elements hluod (famous) and hari, heri (army): hence, “famous army.”


Tamara Chioma T.C… E T C..

Hebrew Meaning: The name Tamara is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Tamara is: Palm tree. Used as a symbolic oriental name due to the beauty and fruitfulness of the tree.

Palm Tree..
The Point… C.E

James… ?

J.A…M.E.S….S A G E….
Not Supplanter Usurper any more….
Gift of God… John James…

Blake is a surname or a given name which originated from Old English. Its derivation is uncertain; it could come from “blac”, a nickname for someone who had dark hair or skin, or from “blaac”, a nickname for someone with pale hair or skin. Another theory is that it is a corruption of “Ap Lake”, meaning “Son of Lake”.

Graciano (193) Spanish and Portuguese: from the personal name Graciano, from the Roman name … Graddick (111)
Behind the Name: Meaning, origin and history of the name Graciano. Spanish and Portuguese form of Gratianus (see GRATIAN)
Meaning “Grace”….

Grad Dick..

Good Grief… :0… Ha…!

The Famous Army of Lot H.A..81 Transformers of R..Radiance..
have arrived, with Praise..Beauty and Fruitfulness of the J.A..ME.S..Manifest Expression of Supreme Splendor of the Ages… Message received.

Black White PALE Son of the Lake… Is Grace…

Jaime Grace….

9:36 p,m

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