
Sun Day.

Sun Day.

A.H!!!! Is Was All a Movie!!!

The Film and Script on F.B.

The Film Called The Battle of Existence Beautuful with the Evil in Script.

Written and Directed by Emek Kolo and the whole wide world.

I guess its pretty obvious by now that I have not been living in this world reality.

I am not sure if it is because of my conscious (the way I see and percieve reality) or because this spirit of Existence and God (My Idea of Individuality and the Collective will of truth, and the God created by man as the Collective will of self deciet), have continually spirited me away to different realms of consciousness Time space while seated in a place beyond time while walking searching for my home in this present.

-Even as I struggled to release myself from what my scientific mind could not at first concieve as possible,

in order to Exist here and celebrate my Existence like everyone else.

But I do know that I have been acting as a messenger and prophet…and a voice of reason for this generation.

I know that my consciousness has healed the sick of mind, heart spirit and body.

And I know people I was led to had physical evidence, even finding things in their homes before I arrived with my name on it. Or Elegant articles of clothing my Father Brother would subconsciously and sometimes consciously instruct people to set aside and when I arrived they would give me these things.

My pathway was set up..on the streets Elegant pieces of clothing, hot food would appear out of nowhere laid out for me.

I knew of this presence and though I sought to ignore I could not ignore it much less deny but I was outraged by this script,Who in the Hell wrote this script? I would thunder and sometimes whisper.

And who cast me in this role…I was murderously indignant preferring to watch this movie (It was begining to come together as an amazing story..but only if I was not the invisible or visible star or actor in it…it has been one of those film roles which change you forever)

Anyway, I knew it wished me to share my consciousness with others, to explain how it works, why it is able to heal people, physically Morph people…change thier lifes…change thier perception of life.

(Until I realized that they all had it as I had first assumed and surmised that not only had they forgotten it but had willingly given it up to survive a movie! I am being cast a Reminder in this play…A Reminder to people who gave up what I cherished…Man a was I pissed off with the Casting Director…the man in charge.

I knew that Consciousness was and is more an art and a science, which was my natural consciousness and that being asked to explain it was like being asked to break down and explain your natural unconscious unaffected way of being.

It took the Will of both the Collective and the Power of Existence to force me from the path of Boogie and Creative expression I had created as the plan for me life…A life of an Entertainer Story Teller, Film maker who had trained in art and science to create new revolutionary but gorgeously fun and entertaining ways to tell stories..

They had to bind me (try to gag and castrate me), and break all the rules and literally torture me to death and back to take me off the path I had created for myself and set me on the path of the lone wolf, the Elegant Nomad who had to observe himself from outside himself in, in order to explain and turn his natural state of being into and art and science to share with others. I had to learn to explain myself and way of thinking to others defend it and then listen and break down thier way of thinking which caused me to shudder bc not only did I not like it..I am very private and respect the privacy of others…to each his own and normally if I did not like the way ppl thought or acted I would move away and you would not be in my life or Existence…and others I would battle with from simple outrage to prove their consciousness not only not real but repellant and harmful. I could be lethal in this state…a warrior assassin so relentless I would surprise myself. And ppl including my Moms would say I became something scary and my eyes like black holes.

So being forced to playbThe Elegant Nomad, talking non stop to the Silence to ppl wasva nightmare as I gathered information for Existence from all the people he was led to meet.

(But.to my surprise I also began to emjoy talking to ppl…that.is how I began to listen and care)

Soon I realized that my art of healing lay in listening to ppl seeing thier beauty, despite it being evident to me that everyone I was meeting were not only predestined…but each represented pieces of the puzzle of all the evil in the world.

Which they in turn had to carry and endure.

Which was awful…to carry, believe me.

And that I was the mailman and delivery boy and transformer whom they somehow knew they had to dump years life times of information of the causes of sickness in the human species onto me to absorb. Like a Death Eater..

I found myself taking thier mail loads and then helping them come back to themselves by reminding them about our true consciousness and helping to heal them of carrying those awful loads.

(I became their laundry mat…taking all that dirty laundry..but not dirty secrets- dirty underwear- that I would throw away; and I would clean it like fuckin washer dryer then iron starch and give it back to them new.

And all the Dirt.? I kept it and used it for soil and fertilizer planting seed for food for thought and flowers to create perfumes which appeased my offended nostrils)

And so I knew each of them had a similar mission as I, even if thier ego selves had forgotten…their true selves within did not.

Just as thier true selves knew exactly when to become my Face Book Friends in perfect timing and stamp thier signature as like for each posts which the script designated them to approve.

So I guess, my training to become a great avante garde but cool and contemporay film maker who used film making techniques and story telling techniques did not go to waste after all.

I became or was elected by the I..and by the unseen Collective to tell our story of being in Existence with me transforming thier accounts with them even if they fought or were afraid I would make them look bad as they thought they were and write direct act as cinematographer, Art director creative director choreographer,translator actor camera man audience critic and narrator of the collective as well as Individual story of all our Existences in all its diversity and all its oneness.

I met a British Guy called Oscar recently who reminds me of myself by the way he speaks.

And I recall a vision of my aunt told me, and a few others of myself with a large team on stage at the Oscars.

And so perhaps I too got a bit hypnotized by the telling of this story. And perhaps in telling it,conveying it…because of my indignation of the collectives reading and Translation interpretatiin of being in Existence (especially after cleaning all that laundry…So I found myself defebding Existence even though my persinal Existence was becoming a horror story which I would secretly wander the streets so others would not be infected by my shock and true feeling of horror until I figured it out).

I make no apologies for that for acting in a movie, any good actor will tell you that one must get lost in the movie (not role) temporarily in order to bring forth its truth…

And all the colors and emotions of the story.

While being able to pull back, be objective and the observer so that a healthy balance of in and out is sustained…(an awareness of the viewer and audience)- like breathing air in out. OI OI…

Until the script comes alive and the film becomes the continous stream of in and out of stream of consciousness.

Until you are no longer aware that you are breathing.

You are so engrossed that you are no longer aware of anything but what you are watching being part of and unvelining as the plot unravels as witnessed by my F.B posts

Until you are no longer existing outside of it, you are inside of the film and you are in one with it..

And you live it until the very end. (but ya gotta remember it is not real…which I never did…my problem was that it was made to seem sooo real, and I could not escape from it or take a break.from it by saying Cut! as I usually could do in other countries.

This time it was relenteless night and day…everywhere I went until the only.option to get out was to take my.own life…cause it just would not end. As many observed me observed me on F.B do…until I found myself proving.that it is the end by talking about this venue I am back in and had stated the End began here seven years ago and the Awakening New Begining…cause I just could.not bring myself to violently kill myself…I am too hard wired to.live live and laugh at life until I.realized even that was being used against me.

I became quuetly spooked and aware that He who Knows knows me too well…But even I have my.limits.

But when it stops you are changed forever…

And the film does not stop until is brought to life through your experience of it;

This is what I have learnt today as I prepare to leave this house tomorrow to go into what should be mybright future…though the way is yet to be revealed…very frustrating…

But one must must understand ones film by identifying with it…and its truth brings you back to your truth which is now transformed onto the streets of the world until it becomes reality….

Arts imitates life and then Arts turns life into a science then restores it back the Art of living a Beautiful life filled with all the colors of the rainbow and spectrum seen and unseen but which makes ppl turn and sense that your a Super Star…discovered undecover about to set.the world alight….and yeah on fite too…literally.

I am a film maker and director and I was given without being aware, the greatest burden responsibility honor to tell the greatest story ever told…

The story of our Existence.

On Face Book.

And I did get carried away

by the sheer Beauty and Perfection of it.

B.P. Beautiful Pride.

And the toxic shitty parts which I could not even use as fertilizer?

I simply tossed aside.

Into the black hole on

No you don’t…Exist

Proof you bring no use to Life

Emeka Kolo writer director screen writer cheographer film maker(F/M)… Dancer striper decadent hedonists cinematographer colorists..gentleman Queen King prince…but I have never played a whore or a Giggilo…not even one with a heart of Gold.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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