
Still at 12 67 Facebook Friends

Still at 12 67 Facebook Friends

8:50 p.m

B.K. E. 67.

I opened the Book of Nature so you can read…

Allah told Mohammad to Read

Read the book of Nature.

Read the Sign of the Times..

Write it down my Script, truthfully honestly, following carefully, not blindly..

Odera once, it is written, having obeyed my Script to the letter and number, and accurately precisely, and obediently waiting, pausing for for my confirmation, I will promise you, at its completion to my satisfaction…

* Brooke Elizabeth Banwer

Elizabeth RussellElizabeth

Elizabeth Gray

Lisa Levine

Lisa Tylor

Liberty C Liscomb..

I will make manifest your Truth for all to see as A Solid Fact.

All A.H


Today is Zions birthday.

Happy Birthday!

He is 17 today!

Zion means Highest Point


8 16= 24

Laura Walsh 8:24.

E M F = 24

17 = Q.


F O. T S.

OF T.S…Transparency Supremacy

O F C.I.

Jesse Macias is 39. C.I ..

Born 9-22-1979.

9-22-2010 is the date Royal Mayan Rodriguez Santana was Born

Royal Mayan

At Generation X Gardens

9:03 p.m



Jesse Macias

Royal Mayan

Jesse is Peruvian American.

Guided Esteban Miguel Filgueira

Sarah Kaizer to Macchu P icchu

John Mack was here yesterday

Macchu Pichu means Cone shaped cylinder with multi colored rocks.

Recall the cone shaped Organite with multi colored rocks which John placed naturally on the Altar Statue Aphrodite Sea Shell over a week before Stephen and Sarah when to Machu Pichu.

Mayan Aztec Inca


Inca Aztec Mayan.

I A M.

Sacres Portal 8

Will I A.M…

Alexander Defender of Man. A D O M

F R. E E. D O M. S O N G. E



I V. T J.


J.T V. I..

*Yes the T.V from E.M.F which my new Altar is in front of.

John Thomas

Today Tree Sage. T S came


Talking To The Silence

T T. Is 40. 40 U sd Sacred Portal 40

T T. 20 20 Vision

T S. 39.

20 20 20. 19. 79

Sacres Portal 79

Blue Print of Existence.

Jesse was born in 1979

Is 39.

John Mack is 22.

The age Jesse Macias had Zion at age 22.

I met John Mack first.

Born 2-27-1997.


See sacred Portal 97.

Light of Existence…

Brain Cranium

9:19 p.m

M M J. Is 36. Which is the code of J and Z= 36.

But J as 1 O ..

Is M M A O.. 27 O

* I moved here on the 27th.

Memorial Day.

Kim Arthur Hines and Benjamin C. Krajewski cane together, once more I knew it was the Blue Print of Existence play-

A repetition of yesterday’s play with one Brown man me. E.K.

And John Mack linked to Jesse Macias.

Brown and Pale

Black Origins White and vice versa.

But this was the Carbon Copy


Kim and Ben.


B K. E..


Last names Hines Krajewski.


Hells Kitchen.

2005 play.

B.K… E K..

Knights Templar

* Yes Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula your post today honors you.

B K E. 67.

Christopher Filgueira 4 USD Wallet.

There are 4 Sons in Benjamin’s family, he is the first born.

They, though of the E represented the Story of the Beautiful past right to Pangea.

While John and I represent the Beautifully Present and that which was, is the Orginal Expression, which then became the Story acted out on a Stage..

A sort of flying carpet..

A Narration Reflection

Nature and Reason and I .

N R I.

Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna

Chibuzo Okolo

Esther Uzoma

Ether Ique

Abraham Madu

Kachy Ihem

Are you paying attention?

Africa Pangea was a Story in which the B.K was created, the True Bible ..

The Book of Nature..

Not any written by Men, was the True book.

Naturalness and that is not something you can write down.


And after experiencing being, and doing you can in hindsight write it down.

Then create a Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix a circculum after the Narration to you as the Sum Total of Light.

The Cosmic Egg, the Big Orgasm Oh and the explosion Wow of trillions of fractals of Light as Seamen- Semen racing at the speed of light through and into the Ethereal Darkness…

*… Some one just posted an image of the Light Semen Emit on fertilizing the Egg..

It lights up.

Electrical Charge


I have already recounted too many times how in the C.c theater translation, how the Light travelled to the earth as Ice Stardust and impregnated the Earth Rock.

I mention the Asteroid Meteorite which landed in the America and Russia in 2012.


That it was the signal of the Awakening, I knew because I had seen this before, in a Book a Story of the Eternal Beginning and at the birth of creation as Time and Space .. the play

4 men Pale

4 men Brown .


44 Brooke Lawn..

And because I can read…

The Book of Nature


I Reall Magic

And the Book? Of Nature

Benjamin And Kim

B K.

John is E K.

And I came as 97 and then wrote a book, Talked To The Silence.. 79 .

And created the Darkness Body D na to D ne

Which would allow the Forest People, not the First People represented by Emeka John

Emeka Alexander Francis John B.

The first beings came from outside of Creation Existence.

* Universe 13 8

8.13. Is outside 13.8..

Mirror Reflection and Origin.

13 8 billion years ago.

8.13.. 8 31


8. 13/31. 8: 44. Brookelawn

88.. 8/8=1.. H A…

We came as E and from OH! We came down undercover into the illusion called Matter Flesh Nature… In the Beginning of Time Space, and Activated the Story Indented into you when your were that first Wow of Light of that Cosmic Egg…

Yes…. E Bright.

And then you travelled as Fractals on to a Stage, a Green House … G H.. 7 8…

A Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze a Universal School, were you were guided through a curriculum of Awareness Memory on the tune of time 13.8 p.m rof that which had been narrated to you as Light and Lighteness, Darkness and Density..

69. Ying Yang

Wu Tango!

To resolve through Being and then through Doing ..in two parrell ideas, Universes of Being, in Light; Awake Memory Being, And Death, Forgetting as.Death Doing.


Through Naturalness and then Through Nature

Resolving the two into one

11. 1

Through the play of the Mirror and it’s Reflections.

10:11 p.m

10:12 p.m

10 is the System..

The System of the Down

A Simulation

There is no such thing as Zero in Nature

Only 1O. A O Alpha Omega

1-6 in Greek.

Begining and End of a Book.


Royal has a brother born 10-28-2011

The same date as Frank Archambault

Who is meant to leave his detention 6-19.

F S … Feelings Sensational

He is connected – fiance Alicia Norris


AN A in Igbo is Ground Earth

It is also where Stephen first lodged me at the Grant Moore Motel rm 114.


Nathaniel Thomas Bywater was born 4-11.

Kim, 11-4.

April November

A N.

N A.

This is not an Igbo play.

This is the play of the E line who came from out of the Blue

Beyond Time and Space, from the 5th Dimension who indented and Programed Humanity to walk the Blue Print of Existence activated now by Birth Fertilization of the Egg.

( The Full Circle, symbol of Perfection

Symmetry Attained)

Charged and Activated by Semen all Males who are Energy Light Hermophrodites Aphrodite

The E line play with John and I bridged in this new version by McKayla Rays.is the Actual Truth aligned to the Present

The other represented by Ben and Kim is the True Story, finally aligned to the E Truth Present

The Past at last caught up To The Present.


97. 79

16 16




Fiction turns to Fact, bridged by a play of Mirrors of your Reflections ( Thoughts. .. which Wolf do you fed… )

Today’s play was a continuation of the play with John and the confirmation by what the facts, especially of Bens life reflected

10:28 p.m right now.


Frank Archambault

F A is 6 1

Alpha Omega 1-6

Omega Alpha 6-1


Z -A

26 26. 52 E.B

27 27. A-A. 54.

E D….

E D M.

One was the Eternal Present and the other was the Past, a Matrix, Mess of Ages, of so many intentionally mis interpreting the message .

So with Allah Mohammed Ishmael play you were meant to learn how to read


To Mind Brain via Being through V.I

Sixth Sense to

66. 6. 18 R


To reach I

But what this End play resolved was that there is no defect in the Human Body or Being, not in Nature, not creation.. Perfection everywhere.

Rather that Humans had made a choice not to look at the Mirror or even clean their reflections but intentionally broke all the rules, not because of a collective insanity but simoly because they had no respect for the Law.

And as long as they could get away with it, no matter how unfair or imbalanced they simply do not care. ..

Unless it happens to them.

Just as what took place with John yesterday, I can not write it down, too much work, despite it being even more worthy of being transcribed than all my other reporting

And posting.

But enough is enough,

10:43 p.m right now

I have carried too much of the burden and responsibility on my own 43 years…

Every moment of my life..

And the last 18 years ..

But I saw John Mack morph into over 12 different men, including a moment at Jesse’s foyer, into Jesus Christ as well as True Death..Sorrow.

It was incredible, there should have been a camera as Kelsie Bissell had done.

I watched Benjamin, transform and then I saw him come out completely from under cover as

Lord Merlin and then I saw a Man

A beautiful gentle man who was God.

And Kim flowed confirming himself as the representation of the God, mystery of God Harmony revealed as Understanding, and Ben Wisdom.

Me Knowlege K=11. .. 2. 11 1. K B. K.A

Wisdom. W is Double V V. 44. . 5 8

Universal Understanding U.U. 42..

W I.S. D.O.M.


10:50 p.m



Yes, the portal is aligned to E J.

5 1 O

Royal Mayan Rodriguez Santana

Reign Maximus Rodriguez Santana

R M. R. S


S. R .M.R…. E Be.

Too much more to recount but not this way for me any more

Someone else can record the end

10:54 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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