
Stephen Johnson Tree Sage Kim,

Stephen Johnson Tree Sage Kim, do you recall my comment I just posted explain the full circle of the play with Alicia and how she realized that she saw my message and responded at 12:47 pm?

And how I – my mothers code was 1947 and Albertys Mother Lydia was born 19 47 and he 19 74?

47 11 28 My birthday.
74 11 28.

the date is 11-28-2007. ( 27 – 26 67)

Recall I had 14 USD by the end of the night?

its means Linda Couch is 13 but on her way to her 14th year.

I have 14 usd SP 14.

4:47 pm,

Going beyond the Machine a Dieu. Faster… quicker.

Age as a Numer and Ego Oge… The body as Time.

4:48 pm

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