
Something has been unleashed

Something has been unleashed

Kauilapeles Blog.. Kp Message 8-22-15… code letter H V..O


Harmony Awareness Victorious Expression of Perfect Symmetry of Harmony.

We are back at 347 equation of C-47… Which aligns to Sacred Portal 47.. Arch Angels of Destruction and entrance into Non existence…

It also aligns to my Mother, C ( everyone calls her C, short for Cecilia which we know means the number 6 not Blind, sixth sense is not blind but it occurs in the idea of Darkness, not knowing, only to discover that you do know)

This aligns to Donna O’Sullivan, and the play which I will try to describe happened here…

Which involved a play with the aspect of humanity that Jonn Blackwell is representing in this play… Nnamdi Father Is and the play of the True Brother Hood of man, and the clean human beings..

My mother was born 19 47… 47 if you add and expand creates my birthday..

11; 28…

My Mother, as I stated before is the Mother of Dragons….


Same intials as Michael O’Donnell….M.O.D…

Her Nri name is Onu abuchi…which I can now perfectly translate as The Mouth is not the abode of the creator or Our Destiny is not in Human Hands

which means that what you say does not make you God….

That what you express is what condemns you or makes your rise, for what you truly are is the Creators Intention and that you are from Beyond… From a different realm of Truth called H.U.E man beings…

For this is who the Lord, the Creator is…

In Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan home on the window leading to the Holo-deck as Donna calls the Deck, which Jonn and myself each individually realized was really the stage, where the play or movie are acting out is set.. With my emerging from the pitt of Hell, of the basement where the insult of this play of 26 years, fills me and which i have to ressurrectt from each day, by taming my anger and wrath to once more enter this play which we act out I resolve and solve, which I then post the result on Facebook and wait for the corresponding response which comes through Facebook friends…

I started out the day emerging from the pitt, enflamed but not angry.

It was Jonn, who I realized was being used as an actor in this play in which I realized again today was all about testing me… even now…

Testing me Truth, my Love, my Consciousnes, my Being and my Expression by putting others in peril and seeing if I would rise through my wrath and indifference to the human play of evolution awakening because I already knew that the ones in Harmony would rise and that the rest are illusion who are destined to fade out of existence.

For such beings were planted in this Hologramme, this Universal Simulation Awarness, ( U.S.A) to help the E line and the Harmonious Human race to merge into one by each being able to discern that which is their true selves…

Aligning Energy to Expression.

I did not realize this until I had spoken to Jonn about the Skull and the danger of being so careful with expression and of that illusion of evil in Humanity which wished to destroy that which is best in Humanity because of jealousy..

Only to discover, that even that was a play, but a very real and risky play set up by the Universe as Nature, the natural Wizards and Witches who are the guardians of nature…

Testing brutally the True Nature of the E line family.

I realized that Jonn was safe by my expression but also by his own Harmony and by the expression he gave me a while later of a friend called Steve Niel.. who had sent him a message saying how he could not get the band The Police out of his mind yesterday, especially Sting, the then lead singer and sent Jonn and video of from the album Zenyetta which is what Jonn was wearing yesterday when we went to Woodstock…

A Black T shirt with a Pyramind Triangle with three faces and the words Zenyetta.. The Police…

I knew as we walked through Woodstock yesterday that we we were in the last play of Death… The Shobread table, the Menorah, the Temple of the Egyptian Goddes Maat, the story of the Holies of Holies, the portal of Death… A Star gate….

The name Steven means Crowned with Laurels and Neil is Champion as well as Neil Armstrong… first man on the Moon Neil armstrong was born August 5th…8-5, the same day as Jonn….1969….( Crew of three with Michael Collins, M.C, Edwin E…Buzz Aldrin..E.E. (B) A….

But the real landing on the Moon was of course, represented Energetically which Jonn Blackwells consciousness along with Michael O’Donnell and Michael Ponte ( Ponte means Bridge) and E E.A (buzz) did…

So, I realized that Jonns line, of humanity as the Explorers had already been crowned with Laurels, meaning the source of this play had all the confidence that the last equation of War would be solved through negociation…

I was exhausted before the day had even started and watched as Jonn went off to play music with Michael, leaving me with here with Donna…

I had already begun my post of welcoming my two new facebook friends knowing that each person represented a code and a translation of the play, but the outcome was interrupted by my having a conversation first with Jonn…

Then after two hours of linking the equation of reaching 248 and 249 Sacred portals for Beautiful Death 48 and Existential Death 49

Code 248 Face book friend being Ogbonna Ndukwe Oji-udo….

meaning… The perfect reflection or mirror of father, life agrees, that you hold the Peace.. Peace and love.. meaning that i am not the destroyer which I was accussed of being both by my mother, some members of my bio family and even more so the Spirit world who had set me up as the fall guy for a play they knew most westerners would not even concieve as possible..

that they were being moved, used as pawns through D.N.A the human gnome projects and through sound and scent…

I spoke about this a great deal earlier proving its truth by bringing it to human awareness for which the shamans, secret societies, etc.. did not wish me to reveal.. and tortured me to prevent my spilling the beans which most did not really pay attention to…

but the ones who did… were the ones i had to reach..

I was about to post the equation once more but suddenly all I had written dissppeared! It did not not post….

I had been through this before…

Of course, it was the internet on my phone went off, but only on my phone..

I of course was tired of working writing translating, linking to move this play forwards. Donna suggested I use her computer…

Which led my her revealing that she was in the basement where I slept and changing the sheets of my bed ( Bless her!) when she found 6 cents… as she was speaking I observed right on the stage, or Holo deck, a dried up pepper like form which had curved into the unmistakable form of the number 6…

she then found one more penny, then another 6-7-8… then a dime… 18..A.H..

Then another dime where I sit on the chair on the deck…

Then she we started conversing solving riddles of cleansing of self, just as i had done with Jonn…

then Donna posted the images below and notcied that I had moved from 249 face book friends but only after we resolved an equation which she had posted of Jonn Luke Picard which came from a person intialed B.Z…

Which we both had called Jonn that very morning…. and that he appeared after I had posted the code name of the being representing existential death…

Oluwah Djames..

Oluwah means Our God.. or God

Djames means the Usurper the Supplanter..

God is the Supplanter the Usurper…

There being no such thing as God in the E Truth, meant that the line of Jonn had just barely missed going out of Existence for being falsely accused of creating and playing God…

Jonn line made it just in time, to past the test of Ultimate Death…. by proving that they did not act as God….

the post which affirmed the ones acting as God was the Spice article…

Donna posted… a 19 year old died of in China…

I am reading D.U.N.E Right now the story of a natural spice from giant Worms on a dessert planet which expands consciousness… not kill consciousness..

Chukwuma Ogbonna was 19 went he became my Facebook Friend..

C.O…3O… The Creators knows the Mirror reflection of his father….

Suddenly, it all made sense… Billy Hung was from China, he had sent my manuscripts to Jonn and Donna but had put a poison letter inside the package, which Jonn and Donna did not inform me about later, but which should have poisoned their idea of me..

It did not…

Which says alot about who they are and the truth Heroic Humanity that they represent…

China is the fear of the world… that their vast numbers and multiplying and buying the world would give them the power to take over this world by undermining the worlds economic base…

the Dragons culture and celestial heavens…. Chop sticks, fury Billy Hung line of consciousness which would go so far to destroy the Truth because of a personal vendetta of losing face.. never mind that you were wrong..

I finally finished conversing with Donna, and went to her computer and saw the on her screen the Kauliapeles Blog….

I stared at it, and then called Donna, she stared at it having not even read it or left it for me to read.

I knew that Donna is aligned to my mother, just as Jonn is aligned to my sister and brother….

We all share the same story and the story replicates in all our Human stories and lifes undercover..

It was the mission impossible..

The Cycle to break… that which is said to be the human virus of wishing his fellow man or woman to fail. to fall… that secret desire and jealousy..

I will not go into this, since i have spoken about that jealousy of the Beautiful ones at length at the First Contact in the Human beginning story almost lost in antiquity and memory but which has been ressurrected.

– A mere preamble to the real First Contact happening right now and from within…

I was at 3-48 facebook friends…

Ah I said good we are at beautiful death which is Transformation- but just as it had merely paused at SACRED PORTAL 49, and the line of Jonn had just passed before i posted the image and face of the person Oluwah Djames the 3-49 Facebook Friend…

Who suddenly disappeared after Donna posted the codes, and we read and translated them…

Only for Ogbonna Ndukwe Oji Udo to also dissappear!

Moving us back to 347 which is Dragos Gheorghe…


My mothers aspect…

47..11 28…39 C.I

Mother of Dragons…

pissed off with such a testing of the her supreme line and the horror given them to live by Humans illusions who take advantage of Love and truth and the sacrifice made so that All may rise…

all but the lies.. the illsuions the shades…

that which is not real…

for all respond to Truth Beauty and Love…

That is how you know who is True and Real..

and that which is non existent..

and so the last post of C.V.E…

And the Kp 8-22-15 post of Something is Unleashed

The Rage of 47…

The mother of Dragons…

the precious ones…

the Mystical magical harmonious human beings…

to destroy all those with hidden dark intentions who refuse to be transparent come out from undercover and be seen and checked by the Light of truth.. and true Love..


7;04 PM

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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