
Solving the Riddle of the Consciousness of Existential Hell and Beyond.

Solving the Riddle of the Consciousness of Existential Hell and Beyond.

Rage and Frustration.

Which comes from seeking through force of Will to change that which is based on a lie, into.the Truth.

This consciousness of utter self annihilation thrives on seeking to transform and Illusion Delusion ..I.D.

Into the truth of reality.

And it brings forth Pain and Suffering by seeking to infect and convert at all costs to its point of view.

And in other instances it seeks to destroy undermine and burden those who succeed where it failed.

Irrespective of the Truth, or error in its way.

This consciousness which can even qualified as anything defined even in this reality, is the nature of jealosy and envy…

The destroyer and the tester as quoted from ancient texts.

The Consciousness which seeks to negate the Truth of Everything all laws, and everything in its path.

By defying the natural laws of every existence and every world.

It transforms all life into death, all Individual Expression into its own expression and this is the ultimate outcome of children of man being allowed to create the idea of God in thier own image.

It creates a consciousness of which nothing can exist.

It absorbs and swallows up all.expression all existence, all…

In the movie the green lantern there is a depiction of this consciousness.

And in Star wars…

An in Independence Day.

Where one might ask did humanity get or even concieve of such a thing.

What caused the Human mind to create and then create a visual representation which I can now quantify and describe as an all consuming rage and frustration of my way or no way at all…

Where did they get these reference points.

Did they witness such a consciousness in being in the Existence in this realm.

Or was it some perceiving actions of certain beings and then looking deeply into.the subsequent cause and effect expanded to what such a consciousness could become and do.

And what if this was the very first reason for the very first action of Violence, murder…

That understanding of a consciousness which could transform everything, consume everything into such pain and suffering, transforming everything into.madness.and rage until everything erupted into.flames and the entire universes became a black hole…

Drained of all that manifested the principle of Existence Life…Manifesstion.

The destroyer of dreams, fantasy, ideas…

The Consciousness which could not ever be allowed to exist…

The Consciousness which could not and can not be explained….

And what if the one who saw this consciousness slew this thing, which it knew would never change its ways…

And he was called Cain, Satan because he could not explain….

And even if he could, he would not, for to speak about it would create the true meaning if terror and fear…

Infecting anyone who.heard…

And let us say that for this, this man is cursed and made to answer for that action and given to this Consciousness as a Sacrifice, to be its slave…

Until he his pain and suffeing go on and on for infinity…

And it infects all things because he is Truth.

But the that consciousness does not infect him, because it sees and knows that this one sees him her true…

And in seeing.Itself reflcted in the others eyes is horrified…

And begins to transform…

From all consuming rage and madness, into the one Alpha Intelligence and the Witness to itself and the Truth of its Existence…

Which transforms and aligns with its original all consuming rage and hatrrd for the world.

For now It has good reason.

And the one who slew it, ressurects and makes it the Tester and the Gate keeper to Its world…

Now only for those who can.resist…the twister, the tidal wave, the Earth quake the All Consuming power of a Rage which says conform..

Con Form to.my lies…

And when.you do…you have failed, become bound gagges in the blackest hole where there is the true purpose and meaning of his-her Venom and Spite….

Those who.Con form to His-Her Illusion Delusion.and Lies…


The Sheep who are the Swine which.he leads to slaughter…

I do.not like this tester…

But this was my Tester

And the Truth of the Source Being a man.

To walk a thine line which was not a thin line to.me because to Love is to.Cee..Sea..See..Ocean full Circle of the truth of who each Be…

And that is how a thin line, formed into.Land, of this realm below the Sea, of the City of me…manifested here in this world…

Is this the Ultimate Riddle and Test..

Brining the Realm of E into.this realm of Land..and Sea.

My God….the reverse…no longer inverse..

Bringing that the realm of E…into this present.physical world and consciousness…

Proof that is real…

Or simply bringing the Truth of my.world to.me…




Can this be…?

It requires a solid affirmation…


Bring that which was Espirit in.Nature to realm of the first being…

The realm of Man…

Hue Man Being E.

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