
So Today is 5:11…

So Today is 5:11…

Though the Date is 5-10-1.O…

Ah I see… 5-1O 1… 5-11…

That is what Miguel B of bed 5-005 stated and was the first thing I heard him state 5-11…

I could not figure it out that it was, is the date….

Area 51…

10-5-1 O…. 1 O-5-1 O…


Jay E Jay…


8:56 p.m.

Harmony 56… In all aspects…


E J.A….




2:53PM B. E.C..K…H..A.M… E

Hi Nenad

Been dealing with a lot as you might have observed

And just wanted to pause and check in and say Hi

And ask how you are doing..?

Funny we have never met but I miss you- probably its your Manners..

They are Elegant and understand mine and my manner .. And Why.. My manner and manners are so.

People I find here whom I am sent to deal with each fail the test of Manners Generosity of Spirit

Fair Exchange..

It has become Boorish dealing and having to communicate with them

They do not know how to Handle Praise- or generosity of Spirit they only see it as weakness and take advantage of Love

Only when I speak as a Warrior with Authority Command and the Sword of Righteous Anger do they remember to be considerate of the Giver

You and I have come a long way but you have always had Elegant Manners making what you already were, manifest with a bit of Help from me the Gardner

( My Word twice I almost wrote your Father..?! Your Real Father… Funny even as I write this, I have the sixth sense of this being a scene from a Script played out before…)


Love Light and Laughter


Hello Emeka. Thank you for your kindness. I have catched cold again but it’s not so serious. How about you?

The lack of manners and generosity in modern society is evident.

If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals. – – -Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling


Perfectly said

Yes you body wants you to rest

Rest dear one you have so earned it

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

I’m OK

And by the way

If a family member is angry, we still live him, right.

I mean love him

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

Casino Royal just began in TV



So so so true…

Especially when he is fighting for the rights of Ascension Evolution and justice, rights and consequences of fucking with His Family

There is no greater way to raise my Truest most terrible anger than when Anyone tries to fuck with or challenge the Truth of the E Family


They are Me

And I know myself and see myself perfectly by the True reflection and embodied reaction response to my Being in peoples Existence.


By the way, the evidence of it being a Script…. Proves Itself a Fact

J K Rowling’s you quoted


10 11. 18

E Gala XY is portal is

1 O 11. 18. 99 I I. 18-9 is I

1O 11 I C. (3)

NASA Classification code is aligned and correct from this side of the Veil

Left to Right

Right to Left

11 O 1 C I

Harry Potter


Bed 5-009 was A guy named Potter

Potters Field


The too poor to buy a coffin

But in Truth

This was a play not of the Poor but of the World of the Magicians

Ppl who had attained 678 chakra

A School as I stated for Graduation to the 9


Infinity Eternity

Individual Evolution


It was never about the Poor Sick and the Homeless- that was just a side note,

No as I stated we were I am in the Spirit World

E Spirit not Shamanistic Natures Spirit of the Woods

But Energetic Ethereal

Realm of the E T


Jose Roque is the correct code not Will Woods

(Both played their part.. Its a Script)

J K Rawlings

I see.

Vbut all the Characters had to play there part to establish the Truth

That this was all taking place in the Ethreal Realm while all aspects of Creation Human were put to Sleep.

Which is why Everyone is responding without knowing to the E Script

I understand. There is a subconscious response.

Wow Casino Royale


The play of the Woods

Chandlre Richard Emeka

C R. E A T E

I said I was not really there

E T. A. E R. I C!




By the way

The past few days I didn’t had any particular visions

I guess it’s because I catched cold

But when I saw the post shared from Kristen

Maybe it is complete.. The Age of Vision

About the black panther.. And your other post where you mentioned the black panther


Yes.. Pt

Pretty amazing

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

I remembered that I had a vision of a black panther a couple of weeks ago

Standing next to my bed

I saw it in the spirt world

I saw it with open eyes

That’s the most powerful visions I have

With open eyes

Because I see both dimensions

At the same time

Emeka Kolo

Yes Ah so you saw it

I wondered who would

I no longer elaborate

It is Me as Beautiful Rage the Destroyer


Beautiful Pride

Death as Destruction

Not Transformation

And you saw him



Now it is a Fact

And all had been warned

Beautiful News

The Silent Killer

The Beautiful Assassin finally

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

Yes true

Emeka Kolo

Yes I Know

Devi Devoted is the aspects and Twin of Spirit E

Supreme Existence twin

He is Vision C


….Good Grief

You have just Crowned me

Anointed me

Ah Linda gave me 5-6 essential Oils ( one is a Deep Blue Rub)

Its sacred portal 85

You were the Witness used to testify to the Truth

That with Expression I manifested the Eternal Beginning as Truth in the Present right here

I stated that I emerged from the Woods and transformed into a Youth a Boy and stayed with a Man Child who thought he was alone

Orien Laplante was used in that role and played it out superbly

He is in bed 5-002 here.

Holy Holy a Man Child

3:52 pm


Nenad M. Djurdjevic


Emeka Kolo

I am heading back now to take a shower and go to Star Bucks to post all this

I woke up to Miquel B of bed 5005 saying 511

It took me a while to realize it is todays Date


-But as I was crossing the bridge a Van went by towards the Direction I had just come from- but to its Right

It had the Words

J K Candy

That is the name I call Weed and the name I call it to Will who helps me get it for my body

It is sacred portal 34

Will is 34

And so you see when I described my walking up to the Bosnian in Blue

To the 31 yr Kenneth

And the Man in Red Drift

And posted about Woman And Strength abt the Female Big security guard

And even recently alerting Will- reminding him that I am the Beautiful Assassin

The Silent Killer


128- 89

See sacred portals

I was telling the absolute Truth

You saw me

Here there right besides you

Btw bed 5008 and 5004

And now 5

R M. J R. M B

I am here


Nenad M. Djurdjevic

I will confirm the vision publicly.

Emeka Kolo

And I just saw Peter on my way here..

He used to work here he looks like Malcolm X

Black Panthers

Emeka Kolo

Yes Do


Nenad M. Djurdjevic


8:59 p.m.

And so we complete the H.Potter who was bed 5-009 59.. I.E.. And who voluntarily moved to room 4..

4 is Green the Story…

And was replaced by Anthony M…


See how late the Script is…?

The Echo or delayed Response…

Which means that it is not Actuality which immediate response…

9:02 p.m.



One is a Story.. 1-4…

While one is Actuality Present…

Here and Now…

9:03 p.m.


I.C… Response…

Sacred Portal 93..

A most silly infantile play and game to test truth…and the truth of I.D…E…

Identity Existence…


9:04 p.m



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