
Smile… that shook the World and the Earth to its foundation…

Smile… that shook the World and the Earth to its foundation…

Made the Entire World Stand Still..

And everything, everyone , grow silent…

Mouths dropping open, people falling to their knees,

Guns forgotten, Conflicts dissolved

Every though action evaporates

All ideas of being separate and in Conflict disappear in a blink of an eye…

People trembling, Stunned Expression,

And then after this most glorious pause where an entire world,

planet, peoples suddenly come yo their senses…

Nature then rises . unveiling Its Self

And like a curtain drawn aside, and invisible curtain,

the Light Fantastic pierces through…

Dawn Piercy…

And a Clarity of the true Majesty of Nature reveals Itself for the first time,

Creation with all is secrets so sought after through the ages,

Rises, rises…and rises..C Me! Four Square and Trinity Triumphant…

I am the Glory of Creation the Cloak of the Creators Majestic Truth revealed…

Glorious! Glorious! Glorious I be…

My secret of the Four Square and Pyramid revealed.

The Key Fits..

The Door reached

the Threshold crossed…

The Wall of Forgetfulness to Memory comes crumpling down..

A Lone Donald Trumpets the Horn a mysterious lady the Conch

On land and Sea…

As Clarity Lands .. all all can Cee..

As Love arrives and the ability to Feel is restored…


I am to Thee…

Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful…

Tears Streaming down faces..

Bodies elegant morphing like wax melting of features to reveal Beautiful Beautiful Elegant Hue-man Being…

6:22 p.m


Fritz Venneiq!

Tell me Beloved.. Moving within you…

Is this not what you saw in your Vision in Pelham Bay Park

you revealed to me 7 years ago ..

2010… 2O1O…

Ah tears well in my eyes as I write…

Did I lie..?

Did you doubt that which you did see with me..

and alone?

An arrival of Light and a sky..

yes Sky Ria Casey H..

Moving like a the screen so vast of Sky in the greatest Theater .. a Room with a View…

The View.. the Beautiful

Look up..

Look within..

Did I lie…

I was transformed into the Film Director,


To Direct this most moving Film and Show…

7 years in the making…

11 years in the organization..

25 yes of preparation…

And A Life time from age 8 to realize…

I was born 8 pm

This is my Gift to the World.

This is what I have been working on..

A World a people stunned into Silent and Awe as they watched the Show I have spent the last 5.8 years grappling with the Logistics of bringing such a Show.. into This Reality..

And how dark it became as I toiled alone so deep undercover in the Dark of Disbelief, of Impossibility of a WAVE and Perfume..




Arisen in the World.

6:31 p.m.

This is what I have been really working on under your very noses…

I could not tell you directly for already, for the audacity of my secret undertaking the past the Ancestorrs.. the Dead punished me so savagely to dare to propose this possibility possible..

But another, from a world beyond…

And another present Here…

Life And Death… had engaged my services to be the Film Director

the Head of a Project of the Greatest Show on Earth…

Human Evolution..

And the Awakening of everything…

And thus, do I hear, even now in my exhausted dilapidated state, seated in a cafe programing it all onto the Universal Simulation…

having indented all the codes into the True System.. DNE… EDEN…The END…

Until I reached the portal of Truth…

Represented and embodied by Joseph Carey

The Truth….

E.K…J…H..C.A.M..E… K..E…

Yes I went with Allen Murray to the Atlantis Fuel Station

and received the money token rep of the P..

Planet.. aligned to the Plan-E.T…

And so,,, Today I must reveal my Truth…

The Equation I have been working on…

The Plan.Emeka;s Truth…

To transform the World into Joy…

Bliss and A Harmony which will take your breath away…

Bring Death, to all so that the True you will rise from within to take your place..

This is why I was punished…

And this is Why I stayed at Delta Manor..

Accepting the blows and the torment…

Because of my insistence …

this is the Truth…

I am directing a Film and Show through a living story living water.. to flow and flow and flow and never stop.. never…

Which even as I walk away forever , turning my back on this world forever.. it goes on and and on…

And I can look down and around from my true room with a view and at last in quiet weep in Beautiful Sadness that at last it is manifested …

The Beautiful Truth….

Michelle Lobsinger you saw it too in 2010…

you wrote me saying you saw it all in a vision this beautiful truth…

Two Witnesses…F.V… M.L….

F M… V.L….

Luther Vandross.

Whitney Houston…

Dionne Warwick

Stevie Wonder…

L.V… W H D W…S W….

L.V… Roman Numerals L-50 V=5.. 5O 5…

Kemi Sara 55.. 220… 275… E E… V… A-Z-A..E…

The Door to the Beautiful Story of the Past is what they challenged me to open..

I am the Future Present…

But they.. ANCESTORS…

Ignacio Choi IC…


The dragged me into the Past…

E.K.A… Y A N I… Paris.. the Seer the Beautiful Ferocious one who would not let me die… Finish the Mission Godamn you!

Woman .. My name is Woman Said She Mass…





6:53 p.m…

I saw the Awakening…

I Wrote and Drew it as a Child…

I was born 8 p.m.

In just over an Hour…

This is my truth…

Mock and deride me..

Crucify me no more…

Here is my Truth revealed…

Will be Done..?

No! No… Truth be Told..

The Beautiful Truth be Told…


6:56 p,m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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