
Since it will made into many films and each of the E family and then the E Naturals will make their own versions and books from this Blue Print – interactive play.

Since it will made into many films and each of the E family and then the E Naturals will make their own versions and books from this Blue Print – interactive play.

Since it will made into many films and each of the E family and then the E Naturals will make their own versions and books from this Blue Print – interactive play.

I find myself not able to withhold the Joy of the play .. not share the beautiful news of Terrible Deaths play and letting that Ray -Degree Line pass through… by proving to the C Supreme C S .. that there is something in the perfect symmetry of O that they He did not see but only the one absolute terror knew the way.

Do you see the last card after the Golden C.D with the rose quartz in the center with Aurelia ode in the center.. True Heart of Darkness – Dark Matter Energy D ..M.E..

there is a card.. It dropped from probably the Stephens *Fridge.. along with that card in the center and the red Guitar… It has leaves all around it like a maze of Autumn leaves.. Yes Aurelia’s Foto Shoot with Jeron posted and sent to me by Liberty on Kamora Herrington birthday.

Now link Alexa Verte Feuille Defender of man the green leave

Connect and link, 14 state Green Mountain to sacred portal 15 Jolly Green Giant.. the universal sensie comes down and spreads Family and Honey to the Barren realm without men.. just babies.

the time now is 7:56 p.m.

Do you see the Lotus like flower in the center…?

White petals and a yellow center just as is the photo on the fridge of Arden age 9 Code of that play Filter your thoughts spirit and expression… the same flower of which Jerons baby sitter, Jenny had taken of him.

The play with Stephen Esteban linked to Sagan was about that which i had stated is moving Stephan is the true meaning of God. The Beautiful Truth ( T B T.. 2 20 2 22.. 24.. E M F= 24) and that was the last play confirming that… six sense is crowned 7…G…O.. @ Delta.. Dawn.. the Frame of the picture.

When I heard stephan tell me his version… I recognized in an instant that he was and had been telling the Truth.. Beautiful Truth which he did not even realize he was really about the truth of himself…and that which drives him.

I had asked him causally some 3 days ago if he could get me a pact of American Spirits.. and because of the play it was delayed and i bought it as cigarettes and even asked the seller at the gas station to choose any one he chose a blue packet and again i asked him to choose some lighters..

Stephan had asked for a lighter and I had two one had meaning personally it had been given to me by Liberty and it depicted a being standing on the water under an blue inverse pyramid I P..and a being standing there with a ball of light. This I had recognized as the Equation of E=C.M.e 4/3…and had used that the image of the inverse pyramid over and over through the years.. the other lighter was terracotta burn brick. It was a split sec decision to pause and say not that one.. take this.

I was very very quietly aware but not very interested in its meaning… until now.

I gave him the terracotta one, and then realized when he left that the little y also lined to Arden- Morgan Youssi A M Y. made of foam which i found at the base of the tree at Kamora Herrington house.

8:16 p.m.

Stephans birthday…

Just as i had found the name tag with the name Stevan on a tree outside at Starbucks Metropolitan side and the place where I had first met Stephan while I was at Delta Manor.

Sponges absorb… water.. like babies in the Womb..

And so I knew that the play with the Square waves a gift from Liberty A T ..E.. was linked to Stephan… right down to the maze he described from hotel Atlantis…

Stephan is with Sarah now at Flora…

Yes recall Flora and the play with first myself and stephan where I was given a Fork with the number 55 and the word World: written on it.

And how later Stephan had given me a key holder with the World Globe on it just before I moved to South Whitney.. Spirit World.

But notice that the leaves are not Autumn colored .. they are Golden… Y C is 3 yellow third planet… Y- evolved to Gold -Zorro Aster Eternal Heroes of the Golden Dawn .. Autumn leaves transformed to Gold. The past corrected and all that hurt and disappointment which manifested a Gratefully Dead mentality evaporates from all that Hurt resolved back into the truth they of the past knew to be true but truth did not come and release them. They truth did not set them Free.. until they realized that they were never in a cage or prison that they were always free.

I was given a light blue lighter and another with circles which reminded me of the Eyo image background from Kim Arthur Hines- Tree Sage.

If you look at the table not sure it is there now… but there is a Light blue packet of American Spirits L B.. Leander Bum.. Pounds Lb. weight…. Sacred portal 28 and 55 E E… It came from Kamora Herrington and i still have the Light Blue tin from Liberty… Anubis.. day of the jackal… sniff sniff sniff.. your scent for fear and heart Light as a Feather…

A Story .. Egyptian but one which happens to be true.

Stephen brought me a packet .. its purple…

On the red guitar re-Frigg-erator its has the words SKY Y..Sky Blue.. S B 2 19 Fair Field Tuan next door Jesse 2 17..

J T..

B Q… Being Quatum.

Purple is 7 Color Crown Chakra .. Corona Victorious.

Golden Crown.

7 is G.. G O D… G R A C E… as Stephen pointed out..Gratitude

A Simple act of rebellion created this play of my having to carry the ball fill the gap as was with this play with Sagan.

Recall my post of two days ago.. it concluded with the words Do as you please and even in that act of rebellion, you obeyed which enabled a play of bringing the two Women Home..

Beautiful Silent and deadly assassin of the underworld

Grandmothers … Grand Mothers.. Spinsters.. :spin you in circles.. viscous cycle… and Black widow spider .. each teachers of shelter and power and love… be true!


Snow Flakes…

Be U…

in balance.

9:51 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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