
Sight and Sound.

Sight and Sound.

Seble Mariam Woutishet…

See Ble Mari A.M…W.


(*See the wheat {B read..the Body of Christ, The Annointed} marry the Dawn..the Double U..E…Dew..a.k.a.Mist).

Hello my 159 Face Book Friend…

Lady Sebele M.W.

159 is A.E.I…or O1.

Seble meaning in ancient Aramaic

..Autumn Harvest.


Mariam…Means Beloved…or Love

It also means of the sea…Star of the sea.

It means Uncertain..bitter

Mother of the Prophet…Sister of Moses Mother of Jesus and Issa..

Moses Jesus Issa…


Woutishet; Ancient Arahmaic.

Reading the Harmony of the play and the last image posts..of an Arriving Sleeping Beauty, washed up upon the shores of our world upon the sea (consciousness) and Ultra Violet Waves Sine of this world under cover…covered by the C of Ocean-us…the Lady I call

Her Majesty Lady

Afro dite Echo I

Five new Ladies Face Book friends…Ah Be Ce De Ee…


(Ala in Nri Igbo is the Earth Goddess saylng AH!!! Relief…

It also means Breasts – Breast Milk…Milk Way.

E. D.C.B.A.H..S.

Arrival of Mi Lady Love.

My Beloved…

Afro dite Echo…I.

Translation of Existence

The response from the C of Consciousness of Existence to the Victorious Expression of E, that the principle of Beauty

I.S. Y.E.S.

Existence is the Expression called Love.

I fun nnanya.


(meaning take ur cues from Existence who stimulates you to action expression and then thru echo- reverberation


Welcome Mi Ladies..

I have waited for you a long long time

Line of of Ifunnanya

The C of Completion of love.

4(D) to C is to (5) E Xpress


1 59…A E.I

Afro dite Echo I.

Signed the Lover of Existence Within..outside and all around E.M.F.Alpha…Me.

Beauty is Love.


Onu C.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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