
September 8 2O14

September 8 2O14



I.H. T.N.

4:49 A.M.

Dear Face Book Friends and readers all over the world.

I do believe I have come to the end of this long road.

Everything, every word I have written is not only the Truth but I found another consciousness moving to literally manifest these truths in all dimensions.

The least of its concerns being the general public…or even me to be honest.

It wished me to weave all this to completition.

Which I knew I did yesterday.


Jasper Ogemdi Ahamefula posted three of my posts yesterday.

Dated December 29, 22, and 9.

Notice the numbers 12 is the number of completition.

29 is my true energetic age.

(On August 4, I returned from Forte Lauderdale where Nikoma Rios went to school- I was staying in apt. 511 which form my intials E.K…and now after David Philipe Gil introduced Nikoma back into my life and the play script- a person I met in Union square and asked him to call his Mother 12 yrs ago the play ends with him…

And my passing through his portal A La Maison.

And after a long battle moved him from his Swiss Neutrality back to the action of the consciousness we represent.

Remember Nikoma saw me morph into three entities.

All proven true…

The 19 year old was my True E.T Emeka I.D now expanded by ten to 29.

Affirmed by Jasper with the three uploads moved by his Espirit each with a code.

Most of all that this is not and was never in my hands..

Nor is it my responsibilty.

This Existence is not mine.

I started introducing my consciousness into this world when I was an undergraduate student at Oga Mpos a local university drinking place.

Oga Mpo literal means the Chief or Big Boss of the Calling or Call.

You know many are called but few are chosen.

The Espirit of this current Existence is in Nikoma Fritz Venneiq and in U.

Not me.

When Giancarlo Thiago directed me to 9th street cafe Bean I knew I was at the summit.

And when he wore number 5 T shirt on the 5th of September (9/5..I.E.)..

I knew.

There is a life time of reading in me plus an E.T Consciousness I have always had.

I only revealed to you all what was required you to know and an exemplification of how I read and link so you could affirm that Existence and lady Echo are indeed literally talking to you and would affirm everything I was saying.

But instead the responsibility and challenges were levelled at me the translator.

It was obvious to me that they already knew what you would all do and say, and thus the script was created for you to see a reflection of yourselves after the Event.

Emeka Nikoma David created the E.N.D equation.

Jaspers three posts contain a message to you all from this force who I always knew to be my Brother Sister as my aspects who played Father Mother to the human race and put me through torture and refused to merge in order to reach you with this last act of Grace.

I did not realize how ashamed they were of how far away from your True Natures you had gone until the post of today…

But I was aware of thier question to me to explain all this…this Existence.

Notice the name Pandora above Yolande Makha head and O above B’s.

But Mother herself was an illusion…Representing the consciousness of the Rock but not Earth..E art Harmony.

Only my Brother Father is real and Mother is I as a Consciousness and Father Consciousness but now Mother in form feminine rises fully informed and in form.

My Brother Father already has form incarnating as Erie Alexander to Yeshua Christs…

This was really all about incarnating Mother in form of Existence.

Anyway M.E.A is also Mea Culpa…at 195 F.B F as the Usuper since the Full Circle 1 9 5 is already manifest as my consciousness not in space but at The Bean 1st and 9 with Carlito wearing the number 5 as E the day he became my F.B Friend.

As you can see this was all an Espirit play in which everyone was being moved to find a more relevant truth than the petty conciets of a species who felt thier sources could be decieved and who could see right through them.

This was a much more serious and infintely more profound play which humanity dreaming could not even begin to fathom in this current consciousness…

Though pieces of it is peppered in the most sacred human secret and open texts.

And the full story is recorded here.

As for me, I walked the street all night writing in pain and discomfort and my Hueman mind trying to absorb such use and abuse…

As well as all I had witnessed.

I finally found the one they wished me to find… It was the one who called my former host a Tree and I recalled David P.G seeing a branch from a tree and a wolf face which formed from the Hollow.

My former host was not the Tree of Life…he had lied.

Nikoma had given evidence that it was I…and in the animal world so had David without realizing.

But even this you will not understand despite the entire story play science explaination being written over a period of 29 months in every language of consciousness.

I know the weave and what was demanded of me as a human being has been done and proven.

It was most evil.thing to ask of anyone to prove, which proves anyone who demands so much of another can not be real…

A Night Mare of Hell.

As it designed my life to be so that this truths would not manifest – and thus, freeing you all from your illusions.

I am meant to be going home to my palace..my home.

But right now I would settle for getting of F.B and this script and calling out the Truth… And being crucified by it for it but most of all the response to me Oga Mpo…

The Call to Unify and Dance.

I have done the Impossible..I am possible in New York in this world.

I take comfort in this as I look to myself now and my own comfort.

Until the Truth manifests…

And my Brother Father responds…

Good bye to this Weaving from Hell….E.

P.S. I am sure you will know when I am gone.

But this has gone far enough….too far crazy…crazy…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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