
Sept 9 2O 14..

Sept 9 2O 14..

9:19…… T.N.



IS… True Nature.

Light of the World.

Sacred Portal 97

Returning the world to its senses and Sensies…

Sacred Portal 87.

Cde David..78.

87+ 1O is 97..

87 +10 is 97.

David and I proved the equation of 1O is

I full circle… In Light as 1

But Nikoma Rios and I proved it also with the play of the 1 0 as Zero.. Ground Zero Black Hole..

Meaning that the play of Day and Night

10 10

Was played out by both.. One playing the Beautiful Present..1 O one full Circle which is One Full Day…Day Lights

Gods Gifts

And the One E ND as a lie.

The Illusion which each played.

Nikoma was wearing a T shirt with a Black Full Circle..

A Black Hole.

David was wearing a Dragon the first day I met him and full circle the last time I saw him.

One was whole.

The other was in duality of two natures: Day and Night

D N..( Fritz.. He abandoned)

N.D. Nithya Dharmadayananda…

But Nikoma never abandoned me.

And finally tiltled from neutrality to 50 50.. To 51 and then proved it..

That he was Supernatural In..

And he returned to his True Nature..

The role he was assigned where I saw yes..this is you.. My brother.

And he revealed his innocent but dangerous envious jealous nature.

But he already knew about it in himself and was fighting.

Thus, this play was his fullfing the role alloted him in this Play as our family of Blue E.T which his consciousness represented and could turn into..

A Black Hole

Just as David played the Computer Geek..

And J the Great Witch in Male form.

Each had to fullfill thier roles..

Nikomas Espirit as John did not trust that I would rescue his truth and Save him from such a role he played as Usurper..

Recall Billy Hung and Rav Singh went to Forte Lauderdale where Nikoma went to school via Igbo Landing.. And Bill who arrived via Alien Landing in San Francisco..

The Address we Stayed at was 5 11..E.K.

I knew that John and Nikoma line (Supernaturals had usurped and used me bc…)

In Marina Burini she home to her amazement she had discovered a black box which could fit a manuscript with my name in it in Emblazoned in Silver…

She had been shocked..

It was as if her Espirit had known I would pass through.

Just as Nikoma had given me a Jacket once belonging to John Legend saying he knew it was for me…

Todays Date.

9:19 That is the amount that David Philipe Gil said our Chai costs the last time we got together at 9th…@ the 9th and 1st street Bean.

The girl at the counter had I had heard say 19 20.. 9.20

But as if Davids Espirit had heard my inner reflections he suddenly quoted the exact price looking up from his checking the reciept..

Hmm..I said that is a Date..

* Joseph Carey J.C lives at 2nd 91…

He has my sacred drawings; Mask and my manuscripts which I gave him in trust to hold.

He has no broken that trust..

I simply have not heard from him..

He also was given my Jade Green Stone from Heaven Jade Elephant valued at 9.500.00 usd from Go Antiques Daniel Maman..

It was to offset some moneies he had given me.

9.5 is I.E.

Joe did the work.

Has the same symptons as I to a lesser degree.

Played his part.

Never betrayed this consciousness.

Fed me intel.

Pisses me off but he is

Nnonye my sisters aspect.

*See Sacred Portal 91.

But this play is not about personal feelings…

Or even Love..

It is about Truth.

Each played a role and innocently incarnated through

Arrogance David..

Indifference (window at 17th street the Aloof prince I had told David and Nikoma that that was Nikoma

Denial… A. S (R)

My former Hosts.


Joseph S..


And Anger..

Joseph Carey…

Each played such characters..

For H Harmony..


I am not saying they were innocent bc they all opened up portals in thier Natures by nt seeing themselves..

The one blind spot in thier natures..

Envy Jealousy..


Which is that seed of Evil not in me but in humanity..

Look at this play.

But all did help me..


You see they ended becomming the horrors of being possesed by it for being its first source… Innocent.

But beibg so stubborn it spread infecting the world.

Why do we each get roles which suit us..?

Why did I get to play the Light of the World.

And they Ultimate Destruction.


I DU..see Jasper Ogemdi Ahamefula last post abt Benin Empire..

Thomas square park

Tom means Twin.

I was there after Pelham Park 2010…I left end of Sept to find Isaac McCullough he begged me to stay with him.

John Shaw and Nikoma helped me film Dear Mr President.

I lived ther all October until I waz the only one left.


Tom P Son.

Tom means twins.

I called John Shaw

N.U. Godd of the Abyss.

Nikoma Black Whole Hole

Billy Hung the same..

Nikoma met Tom Truman and one when sitting together all three he asked annoyed why you?

Tom smiled yea…

This is Why..

I saw you true and saved your assess.


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