
Sept 5th 2O 14.

Sept 5th 2O 14.

I.E T.N.

I Exemplify True Nature.


I walked the streets after establishing the Echo Existence response of Siththy Ameena S.A to Create A.S S.A Mpete Equation.

And A-Z with my former Host A Santana (A.S) in the movie..

(Dimension of the illusion of Time and Space called the Human Story, the E Art True Story and the Plan Et…

With Zeina Hanna…

at 268 4 th street.

Thus, creating the alignment to A-Z…

Meaning through intials -code Intialization..the first letter is the leading sound vibration we send out…it creates a note in the template of the already existing script and indention of the True Intention of Existence Creation the Universal Harmonics which everything in Nature emits.

I was aware that most of the readers, especially the recent ones could not concieve in thier minds or imagination what I am really doing..

Or have acheived.

They could not see the link of movie from David Nicholas Roman,

-( a winged being the first example of the physical manifestation of Evolution.

– His secret he revealed to me…Beautiful… But I still gasped.

He had asked me if it had happened to me yet.

Little did I know I would have to earn mine through holy spirit- non stop uplifting expression of Knowledge Truth K.T- which I reached when I met Chris Franco)

To David Philipe Gil…

To Filipe Arkadiusz…

That D.P.G…is 4 16 …7

Moved to F.A…

Fa being the 4th note Aligning to 4th Street.

Or that P is 16 which forms

1 6 A.F.

Filip Arkadiusz


Meaning a switch- a crossing over to a new Page.

Nor could they correlate ny sitting outside and looking up to see a lign in the Sky the literal boundary..

Or Filip stating the initials in the three members of his family formed A.B.C.D.E.F.G..

7 Letters…David P.G G=7..

And my being Magic representing 8 and 9 the Individual and O the Filled Circle…

Demonstration A as the First Manifestation being not through symbols numbers bu through the L.M

Lisa Levine Marina Burini

The Letter and the Mot T

Truth through E.K..my intials Expression Knowledge…

They could not see thr full circle of meeting David Roman Nicholas 12 years ago and Rob and Nikoma all 12 yrs ago..

12 12 12..36..36O.


Chris Franco O.

Or that their names formed

D.R.N David Roman Nicholas.and how David Philipe Gil who I met for the first time just over a month ago who knew Nikoma Rios was wearing a Dragon the first day I met him at Generation X Gardens (Where Nikoma lived in apt X in Chelsea X=24… 2OO4) and correlate it to Rob Barr R.B..18 2 x(36)..

Arrived in perfect Harmony with memory of the Pinkish shirt of a Dragon the first day he met me in University (Universe P.L…Prince and Layafayette.. Maison Mais on)

And that it means in a visual language that mythological beings of the Consciousness of Dragons form the full circle of Existence.

And that Fire and Water literal circle the Boundaries of Existence creation which form vapour which creates Ah tomsphere…

Or that Robs name Barr…is literal R.B…A.H..B…

And we are at B!

They could not see the Last letters of Filips name formed Ark A Di U SZ.

And Its correlation to Siththy and Zeina…


That is why I do not bother soo much to explain the weaving I am literal doing..

Or proving that in ppl as Rob Felipe Rachel McWilliams and now David consciousness cleaned up of human legends and mythology have incarnated in certain humans represented by these ppl in this play.

Or that my expression on a symnolic Gala XY is my literal aligning in the space of Death with no atmosphere were most ppls consciousness reside lost in space is where I had to literally simulate as a vibration by where I live now in a Forest and the places I lived while writing on F.B.

Or that I am whipped into doing these equations, whipped Beaten as the literal Bull who ploughs the hard hearted soiled human consciousness and way of Being.

And that my evolutionary wings which really is simply the evolution of the human body…

David described the prcoess..It is amazing amazing but mine were held back so that I could finish weaving an equation in a script of David and a mirror of humanity which I would never conceded to because the response being so ugly and the cost so high that the true laws of cause and effect for their not taking responsibility of their expression and enslaving those sent to exemplify and remind them of the Plan Et…

And once more offering a picture of such entitlement for something they did not earn, a gift with such ingratitude the I am bound bc my own heart knows that despite thier true beauty that for such a role as the one manifested for me to play means that they really do deserve to go painfully out of Existence……not all but most.

Only to find myself sacrificed in their stead….

And having no choice to solve my way out of the pit I was thrown into…

How can one deal with that?

Before it was easier because I knew and I knew the Unseen presences or Vibrations of the sum total of Existence knew I knew….

But to have this 29 month script and have the literal physical evidence of that selfishness and indifference (not all bt most)…

I thought my mind heart soul being would naturaly leave but my Espirit lashes me and I taste the Hurt..

I walk the streets incredulous and what a hue man being is given to live..

I go to the Forest my mind wrestling until I finally shrug…

This is the fact Emeka, you are living this, infact a script was designed for you to live this…and now I know it is real.

I repeat this everyday and as Felipe I go to sleep.

Solving riddles for the next day bc I know if I do not I will not have money to eat, that I will be dirty, my cloths not clean…

And so, I work…

And so last night and this morning I woke to the truth that a River a Rios waa moving me.

Creating a need a lack as it had been for the last 22 yrs..

The last 13.5 yrs…

I am the running man..

And the water is moving its source as one moves the lowliest slave.

And so once I knew it was Nikoma I had to see for the riddle was solved all the full circles…

I had to see N 14

To get R 18 A.H…



And then after knowing the act ion to take I allowed myself to reflect on the true play the linking the weaving and my own reflection response my strength and to Exquisite Bliss and light do I rise…

And the stench of this world this play is so far behind…

Thier consciousness these forces Demands….so Far behind it almost does not exists..

Until Time calls and I force myself as a warrior must to come down and head down town back into a playscript E.ND B.E Gining which should have never been…


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