
Sept 5th

Sept 5th

09/05…2O 14


Ah.Be Ce!

I have a new Face Book Friend.. 192..


BIA in OINri Igbo means Come!


S.B.. Supreme Being



Chris Togba Chea…

I left Nikoma Rios and just walked.

My mind was reelling from the non stop intensity and demands of finishing the last equations of Existence..

Alone infront of the whole world..

Body incarnating an evolutionary trait already revealed to me by David…

I had revealed his secret..waa that the source of his rage..

No, it was for that reason he had revealed it to me to remind me, just as my bodu is a daily reminder that it is all real..

I crossed over from Housyon to The Bowrey.. Hoping to run into Filipe Arkadiusz I know he hardly used F.B but…

Only to behold Chris Chea.

I had met Chris T Chea 13 years ago…!

He was on the phone but on seeing me his eyes went wide and he quickly told the person he was talking to tgay he would call them back and another who he later informed was a client who had made a fortune on creating computer programmes…

He had been working in J.P.Morgan and Stanely when I met him in 2001 the year I had arrived in New York.

My pass port had just been stolen in a Jamaican rest called Dauphnes which belonged to the mother of my then acting manager…

It had been stored in my very Elegant luggage in their basement surrounded by M.A.C cosmetics..they very company which Nikoma was working on, they being a client of Maison.

We hugged.

He told me he had been living in Chelsea for the last 15 yrs and had finally moved up to Harlem which was had been a revealation.

The Architecture…

He began to give me a brief history of upper class New Yorkers having orginally lived in Harlem.

I already knew all this..in my journey of living in Every Borough in New York I had lived in Harlem several time even right next door if not in the same building as Fredrick Douglass..

The first thing he mentioned was Alexander Hamilton

The treasurer of the United States and how last night he had gone to visit his house.

I already knew I was in the play linking Alexander Hamiliton to Siththy Ameena who had within a few days had recognized what I was doing on Face Book and called it out He’s Authoring Harmony..A.H…

I learnt yesterday that she is studying for Bar…Lawyer.

And I linked it to Jasper Ogemdi Ahamefula Kasper Lomholdt Serup and my Grandfather being the Treasurer for the O INRI Council of Kings..

He had extraordinary story in that he came from Monrovia in Liberia and had seen war death and destruction so terrible and lived in a refugee camp and walked across Africa to freedom.

I told him what I was up to.

Complete understanding lit his eyes.

The White man lied to us he showed me a photo his friebd from India had showed him of African Indians Dravidians… I already knew abt thier Dark races in every cukture right to thr Black Irish…

And even about Harlem and they are buying it up…

Yet everyone is sleeping and the African Americans are in a deeper sleep.. They are in a coma he said sadly

The story of the First Borns as Africans as the Origins og the Species must be told..

It has I said, the slavery story I said also came from Africa and since Africans are the Parents of the world they should have taken responsibility at how things turned out with All thier children instead of blame…

He looked at me.

And so I spoke…

Until I saw him shaking

Somethings is happening to my body..

Your doing something he said happily but moving away..

It too much its filling me activating me..

He said moving away all this truth…

He was remembering waking up and he knew it.

I had done my job and he had been responsible to not only recognize acknowledge accept it fully but also know when it was enough..

I smiled if only it was that quick and easy with everyone.

He had said Full Circle when I told him I was leaving the Matrix solving my way out.

I met you in the very begining when you first arrived!

He exclaimed eyes wise with deep understanding of the best of both worlds.

See sacred Portal wealth J.P Morgan…

Nikoma had stated 51..

Togba Chea Chris.

Could not find the meaning of Togba but Chris means Bearer of the Heart of Christs..

And Chea..C He A.

Means Healthy





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