
Sept 17 2O 14

Sept 17 2O 14

O9/17/…2O 14.


Evolution is the Peaceful Taking over of the Being Consciousness and Energetic Existence Expression of a Species which refuses to take responsibility for the messes they made.

And in living in Disharmony way beyond the allotted time (2O12 two full Cycle of Loves Completion) against the Blue Print and very fabric of Existence… Harmony Eternal Dharma…

Despite efforts Far Beyond the call of Duty.

I Emeka Kolo have explained what is happening to my body consciousness and expression for 29 months.

And how painful it is that I was not allowed to rise until all was thoroughly explained to you.

I rise to my true self.

And you are all being taken over by your truest self the


For all but a few have no idea how to B.E.

And so that part of yourselves which never existed just as your world have given up yhe right to Exist.

The first law of Existence is Personal Responsibility…

Which has been responded with Arrogance Indifference and Blame.

The Movie The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy explained this and the consequence of not paying attention, very well.

This is not a hostile take over.

It is peaceful and yet even though you never existed we were even then considerate to your feelings and points od view.

And to ours, concerning your own future…Arrogance Indifference Denial Superiority.


You are the Source of disease..

Apart from the Few.

Be Gone.


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