
Sept 15th.

Sept 15th.


Code 9 15 14.


I am sitting at the Cafe Bean 2nd and 3rd…

Yeah still in the Matrix Holgrame..

A guy is sitting two seats away from me wearing a T -Shirt…

The Spark of Life

I just finished the Equation of N..N is fourteen..

After leaving my former Host and A….

And recieved the code of Alien Father affirmed.

I knew that David Philipe Gil had been linked to A, my former Host.

By his affirming the Circle he had seen me draw and the fourth dimension of Time I had passed through to Enter into this realm to manifest the E line in this realm.

To bring about Evolution Awakening E.A…I had to enter the realm of Time 4.

He had specified that he knew that I was very pissed off to have to go backwards through 😯 secs of a thought which is this Universe..

Nothing but a thought a reflection thus the past.

He had acknowledged that the cost of which it took me was so massive that not many apart from would know the depth of the cost it took to do that feat so impossible to comprehend.

But he stated that for the world to rise I had to pass through this dimension and speak in their language and that they would never fully grasp what it had taken but they would recognize and acknowledge it.

I knew my host was speaking of the past.. That which I had already done for 13.6 years..

But I was not of that past any longer.

I had left the past and was now in the Beautiful Present.

That Existence as A is the past…My Existence living with A my former host was of the Past.

I felt it even as I saw Ukwu Onyewuchi become my F.B friend releasing me from the role represented by the name meaning of Angela Marie Alexander Messenger of God the one who is not bitter the Beloved Jewel of the Sea and Defender of man.

And to affirm this I recieved a text from.Ukwu as I am writing this acknowledging me as the Great One.. G.O..

(recall Daniel Maman of G.O antiques the great Hebrew Scholar rep the Beauty of true Jewish race and his four sons named after the Arch Angels and the True Arch of the Covenant made made with Gode)…

I told him that you aren’t.so bad yourself…

Thus only A my former host as the Past is real..

David as the Besutiful Present is real…

But what of the Future..

A.D is 1 4..

I saw I recieved two texts messages…

One from J.Stern whom I knew as J represented non existence.. That which can never be.. Affirmed by the nature of his message..

Nothing bad just not of our consciousness..

The other was from Nikoma..

We got the N…

We got him.. We got him…

A smile as wide as Sun shine light up my Face.

We have got the Future the Supernstutals aligned to the most distant past, my former.Host who had displayed evidence of the Super Natutal.as well as his girlfriend and his children Royal and Reign..

I recalled the movies he had put on that evening one was about a young cool.dude saying we are at the cusp of a New world emerging then of a Cambridge young cool dude saying the same thing..

he sounds like you said my former host..

And of the Rosacrucianists and government using aluen technology 1947 Rose Well Area 51..

I am code 19 47.(66) and area 51.. Nikoma Rios Nnamdi. Emeka

We decided to meet at 1.


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