
See Stephen Filgueira this is Pan.

See Stephen Filgueira this is Pan.

See Facebook Friend Goat O

His name is William and I passed through his portal.

I was even used in the thesis of his room mate Beau who interviewed me and submitted to his University. it as his Thesis for the company he was interning at A.B.C. …

See my comments on what Harmony looks like, is ..

Reading .

A B C.

Learning how to Read.

First the Sounds are taught the symbols..

Picture Aids ..

Then words formed.

And then you link each word until it forms a sentence which gives meaning and son 123 you are reading.

Linking until a Story a book a Film is revealed.

That is Harmony…

The perfect example of it in this world.

Long Hand.. Writing ..

Love Links…

I link what happened yesterday today which forms the picture of tomorrow…

And I sit in the Present linking Hindsight to Fresight, Foresight to Hindsight

Full Circle


Left Right Center, Left Right Center

And the same principle with reading ..

And when you read reality your life but with the consciousness of I S. . And not what you would like it to be. .

Use the consciousness of a child

True Clarity..

And you can see that this world is a book which can be read by linking

Today Yesterday to Tomorrow.

Y T T.. Y TT. .. 65. F E.. 25 2O 2O .. 29 …

4;55 p.m

Read by seeing the anchors

Read aloud and get the Echo response.

Read aloud .. that is expression out of your head which is called Conversation Presentation Sharing..

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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