
Season 3 Episode 8 The completion of the of 1-3

Season 3 Episode 8 The completion of the of 1-3


Cris is Theory ( I E Family are A F A C T.) Christ is a Theory a story implanted – A Program of Compassion Did not interface with reality actuality correctly

there must be free will To Evolve or Extinction… A Choice. Meaning of Free Will. I A M E K

38 yes C H…. Charlotte Hale C H . H C Harford Connecticut Harmony C.Victorious T V

Kamora Herrington

Tessa Thanomsom T T

Charlotte Amanda Watters C A W .. E

Charlotte Carrie C W

Fiction Aligns to Fact and Original Fact.

Be True Real or Fake False

Who decides who is True or False..

Your Originals SE L V E S

And Big Brother Emanual NNAM DI.

I am just his Pawn and her Knight C


33 01 yes Stephen Johnson the Choice that I as E Beautiful Youth then Panther Gace Man Child Jah Marley in that being of Human Babies and the A=Lien council.

I did promise I would come back… Only B EN K N E W I was a Man as Bob Marley Sang… The Creator is a Man you can fool the people some of the time…but not all the Time

Robert Marley R M/ M R E Bey,

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