
Sacred Portal 93. – I.C… – I w

Sacred Portal 93.


I wish to remind you that that Trahison N. Sumler, the Room mate who arrived at the end of the Script of 2016.. Anamla Qayin…(Death Moji) “D.M….I.C…T.P…/K…115 A.G.E”
Whose code I first translated as “Trahison N Sumler… “Sum Leur Trahison Selfishness “Narcissists”- Which has been playing out for the last 4 months here in Delta Manor…
Recall he arrived just before the New Year, and then someone died in Kerwyn Vincent room.. 5C 22… *Kerwyn has left Delta Manor- before me just as I knew it”… He arrived as Beauty and then Transformed to how purity turns into absolute Evil by seeing only its point of view…”
I had given him the Book Angels and Demons and watched him move to that play….
Recall that Robb had spoken about Bernini…?

Anyway, there is so much to the Spirit Realm play of Magic Mind etc…
But I wish to note the share of this again for the future.. and for those present…

Recall Traishon and the post of Teo Miguel Bouça and the post of Traihson…..
The one in my room was born 1993… 93..I.C.

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