
Sacred Portal 87…

Sacred Portal 87…

See Isabelle Ilic.. Fey…

The Two Mothers behind one with an Afro and the other with Straight hair… They are One…C I… I D… I I C D .. E….

Dawn Piercy Cecilia Wiebers… Link…

See the Two Children… J K.. They are One…

Robert Jace… R J/ J R…

Emeka Nnamdi/Boom Boom…

And the Fairy.. Fair E… Tooth Fair… T F..Truth=Facts…

Solid which vibrate bringing and communicating that it has a Life Force..

Wave Length Consciousness W C… Double V V C…

E M Field.. Picked up in the Radar…

*C major is a major scale based on C, with the pitches C, D, E, F, G, A, and B. C major is one of the most common key signatures used in western music. Its key .

B C… Oh yes..


2 3…

3 2…

A B,..= C… K…

Code Robert gave just he left… he came up with the code C.K..

C= 3..11… 3 3… Dopplegangers…

8:08 p.m.

88.. E M E KA… K O L O…

16.. P…

33 6… Fact..

33 3 3… 12… L..ife…

9… is not a Number it is I…

1-8.. C’est Toute.. Then 9 O… I O.. Inside Outside…

A H…

THUS… C D E…. F E G A B C .K.E…

8:10 p.m.



8:11 p.m..

8= 88

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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